Fight the Arbitrary Caprice of Government Whims! Stop the biggest unfunded mandate in history! End Daylight Savings Time!
The Sacramento Bee reports how Kansen Chu (D-San Jose) has raised the rallying cry for freedom: abolish daylight savings time! Assembly Bill 2496 would end our the semi-annual ritual of changing clocks, keeping California on the same time all year and getting rid of the most dangerous day of the year. Adopted nationwide, abolishing daylight savings time could save billions.
Finally — an issue to unite ALL Californians!
Whoever invented DST did not have small children.
I am all for eliminating this needless construction of space time!
wasnt it ben franklin?
Became permanent in 1942 – my understanding is Woodrow Wilson signed it into law, although Ben Franklin did write about doing it to “save candles”
F— candles. Sorry Ben.
I agree. Get rid of it. The inconveniences outweigh the benefits. I hope it passes. I guess the original idea was that the more daylight into the evening hours the longer you’d shop at the stores and fuel the economy. Surprised Bush didn’t force us to turn our clocks ahead by 2 or 3 hours in 2008-09. I guess he was too busy handing out our taxdollars to his banker friends to think about time.
Ignorance is what has kept daylight saving time (dst) the law of the land. I think it could be said that the majority of the people (Calif) believe that it will get dark at 5 p.m. if not for DST. People have no understanding that: It’s going to get light out anyways.
It seems to me that there needs to be a big educational campaign to get Assembly bill 2496 to pass. Maybe a slogan like: It’s going to get light out anyways, could be circulated. DST creates Dark Mornings and you have to turn on lights, heat etc. DST is only for recreation after work. Morning people unite! (Russia switched to Standard time in 2014; wish California could lead the way on leaving time on standard time.)
DST origin is from WWI and WWII and was called War Time. They didn’t want people to waste daylight hours in their houses, they wanted people to work as many daylight hours as possible to build the war planes, etc.
How can I support AB 2496? I hate DST. What can I do???
I’ve been wondering the same thing.. Lettuce end daylight savings time!!
According to the http://assembly.ca.gov/legislativeprocess page, looks like voicing your opinion to your assembly member and legislator looks like it…
– Mike
Hooray for Daylight Savibgs Time, my favorite time of the year. Love the extra daylight towards the end of the day (after work, not when going to work). Wish those in my corner will channel way to defeat the bill. I, for one, will never vote for Kansen Chu if his name comes up on any statewide ballot for his “got nothing better to do” proposal.
Bless you, Assemblyman Chu. It’s about time! There is no way to save daylight. No matter what the clock says there are just so many hours in the day. We do not need daylight until 9:00 pm.
From the LA Times: “Sleep deprivation can increase inflammation, which is associated with heart attacks. Also, our cells have their own clocks and expect certain things to happen at certain times. Unfortunately, when we set our clocks ahead an hour, the cells don’t know they’re supposed to jump their clocks ahead too. They gradually adjust, but until they do, they can be caught off guard and react poorly to stresses they might ordinarily cope with just fine.”
Also, our pets suffer from the constant time changes. Let’s be smart and set our clocks and never change the time again!
Please do do away with Daylight savings.
It is so difficult for the body to adjust to the different schedule in the spring – having to get up that hour earlier. I whole-heartedly support your bill to do away with the daylight savings program. AZ doesn’t have it and they are our neighbor so it makes a lot of sense. Maybe even some other states would follow our example……
Thank you,