Weekend Open Thread: Stop Developers’ Coup at the Coastal Commission! (And Deteriorata.)





This week, the Orange Juice Blog is going to ask you a favor – if you value California’s beautiful coastline and want to continue to protect it from endless profiteering development, please sign these two petitions demanding our Coastal Commission not fire their fine Executive Director Charles Lester.

A statewide controversy by now, articles and editorials identify this as an attempted coup by Governor Brown’s four pro-development appointees on the commission, against a leader who takes seriously his charge to enforce our Coastal Act.  If you have thought of our Governor Moonbeam as someone who might place protection of our environment over temporary union construction jobs, you have been sorely mistaken, as borne out by his Coastal Commission appointments and his silence throughout this controversy.

This is especially important to Orange County, as we have thought of the Coastal Commission as our last major line of defense against two horrific, environmentally disastrous proposals:  the Poseidon desalination boondoggle planned in Huntington Beach, which will come before the Commission again in May (with their expected whining that they can’t use the environmentally preferable subsurface intakes without eating unacceptably into their profits) and the high-density “urban village” planned by Shell and Exxon-Mobil on Newport’s Banning Ranch – also to come back to the Commission this spring.

Offered the chance to resign quietly or defend his record, Dr. Lester (whose record of allowing development is actually quite moderate and reasonable) has opted for a Feb. 10-12 showdown in Morro Bay.  He fully intends to continue in the tradition of his predecessor, Coastal  Act co-author Peter Douglas, who famously said “The coast is never saved.  It’s always being saved.”

You can send a short email in support of Dr. Lester to:  StatusOfExecutiveDirector@coastal.ca.gov.  If you think you may be able to attend the Morro Bay hearing, write us for more info.

lester surveying

This is your weekend open thread, so do that thing where you talk about this or whatever within the bounds of whatever it is that Greg always says and stuff.  If you feel “decency and decorum” slipping from your grasp, take three deep breaths and don’t hit publish till you feel serenity.  By all means, be yourself, but still resist the narcissistic siren song of finding your every stray brain dropping fascinating and assuming that your persona is per se lovable and endearing.  Still and all, we want to hear from you – don’t be a stranger!  Neither a borrower nor a lender be.  Go placidly amid the noise and waste…


About Vern Nelson

Greatest pianist/composer in Orange County, and official political troubadour of Anaheim and most other OC towns. Regularly makes solo performances, sometimes with his savage-jazz band The Vern Nelson Problem. Reach at vernpnelson@gmail.com, or 714-235-VERN.