Weekend Open Thread: “When the Kleptos Caved!”




Anaheim Insider Vern here.  I wasn’t able to be at the January 12 Anaheim council meeting where Jordan Brandman, Lucille Kring, and Kris Murray suddenly and without explanation backed off their obstructionism regarding “The People’s Map” for district elections and the sequencing of which district got to vote first.  (Some observers suspect that their change of heart, dictated by emergency phone texts to them on the dais, was motivated by pro-democracy forces’ credible threat to stage a huge protest outside of the NAMM convention.)  But I did see the meeting online, and was inspired to write this historical ditty about it, enjoy!

Were you there when the Kleptos caved? Were you there when the Kleptos caved?
Chuchua, Mirvette, and Doug Pettibone were there when the Kleptos caved!
Were you there when the Kleptos caved? When the People’s Map rose from the grave?
Becerra and Güera and Marisol were there when the Kleptos caved!

Lucille was the first to drop.
She said “For Christ’s sake just make this stop!”
As she flipped her vote I heard Jordan squeal:
“You picked a fine time to leave me Lucille!”

Then Kris questioned Dr. Moreno.
After that she couldn’t very well say no.
As she discoursed on her change of heart,
She sounded like Ada Briceño!

Were you there when the Kleptos caved? Were you there when the Kleptos caved?
Dark Maniels, Cynthia and Bengochea were there when the Kleptos caved!
Were you there when the Kleptos caved? When Democracy got saved?
Both Victorias and both Donaldsons were there when the Kleptos caved!

Jordan was the last to crack.
Seeing no-one else had his back,
When his house of cards came tumbling down,
He behaved like a Democrat!

Were you there when the Kleptos caved? When the People’s Map rose from the grave?
Yesenia, LeTourneau, Greg Diamond, and too many more to mention were there when the Kleptos caved!
Were you there when the Kleptos caved? When Democracy got saved?
From the Hills to Beach Boulevard they clapped and cheered when the People made the Kleptos cave,
When the People made the Kleptos cave!
Sí se puede, Anaheim!


This is your Weekend Open Thread – discuss this or that or that other thing, with all the decorum and dignity you can muster.

About Vern Nelson

Greatest pianist/composer in Orange County, and official political troubadour of Anaheim and most other OC towns. Regularly makes solo performances, sometimes with his savage-jazz band The Vern Nelson Problem. Reach at vernpnelson@gmail.com, or 714-235-VERN.