![Trump at White House Correspondents Dinner being picked on by Barack Obama and Seth Meyers -- and perhaps deciding then and there to run for President.](http://www.orangejuiceblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Trump-at-White-House-Correspondents-Dinner.jpg)
Trump at White House Correspondents Dinner being picked on by Barack Obama and Seth Meyers — and perhaps deciding right then and there to run for President. That’ll show ’em!
Vulgar, unabashed, cynical, cruel, despicable, foul mouthed, revolting, horrid, course, crass, pathetic, nauseating, rabid, nasty, self-serving, obnoxious and of course repulsive and yucky – are all words best to describe Donald J. Trump, the current Republican Presidential Candidate, Real Estate Mogul and Billionaire, Host of the Apprentice on television for several years, Four time Bankruptcy filer 1991-2009, Married three times to Ivana (15 years), Marla Maples (six years) and now Melania since 2005. There does seem to be a commitment problem based on that track record. But then, having owned the Miss Universe, Miss America and Miss Teen USA beauty contests, Donnie has had lots of opportunities for choices in women. How he missed buying: Miss Hawaiian Tropic….is beyond us!
The so-called Trump Phenomena “has startled the American Press”. The Press/Media seems frozen with fear – of the loathing habits of Donald J. Trump who like the mythical Medusa – can kill with a single look. Trump answers questions with vague broad brushed generalities with little or no substance and zero details. Trump stands on outrageous convention, thinking that he must live life on Facebook or Twitter in order to exist. Back, two Presidential contests ago, folks were talking about the political attacks of personal destruction! Trump has taken that strategy to new heights. In the words of the Highlander – “There can only be ONE!” The 16 other candidates in the Republican race for Presidential Nomination were seemingly made of weaker, not sterner stuff. As this contest winds down, it has become quite apparent that Ted Cruz and John Kasich…..will not make it to the big show in July as the Candidate Most Likely. Donald J. Trump was born in the year of the Fire Dog. Rabid is a good word for his actions and attitudes when someone tries to take away his food bowl. Trump is worth about $4 Billion dollars – they say! But then, anything over the $9 million he borrowed from his daddy to get started in the Real Estate Business (along with Daddy’s Lawyers, Contacts and Business Partners) is still a whole bunch of money. However, we can hardly begrudge anyone, least of all Trump for just creating a successful life. As the Italians might say: “That’za nice!”
We can say however, that character does matter in life. Trump has been accused many time of wrong doing, illegal behavior, backing out on deals, breaking his word and failing to follow through with projects with Municipalities, other Real Estate Partnerships and a variety of other endeavors. When Trump is caught with his pants down on anything – he just doubles down, bends over and lets it fly. This type of conduct is neither civilized, nor something you might want the younger generations to emulate. Leadership they say is by example. Willing cooperation is what makes leadership effective and without “willing cooperation” you find dictatorships, banal behavior and most importantly a “Failed State”. We can look around the continents of Africa and in many parts of Asia and find one “Failed State” after another due to “Failed Leadership”. If Donald Trump’s current Campaign Manager is any example of those he plans to surround himself with as President of the United States – perhaps we will all need to dig up the ghost of H.R. Haldeman and get ready for Nixon II.
Trump wrote “Art of the Deal” way back in November of 1987. It appears he may be writing a new book called “Art of the Bully” in November of 2016. Donnie likes to buffalo people into corners. Trump wants to embarrass his opponents. Trump wants “the audience” to listen intently to his seemingly endless platitudes. When “the audience” stops listening, he claims he is being treated unfairly. When “the audience” responds….he doubles down from one outrageous remark to another. We don’t want to give away the entire text or give everyone a free look into the galleys – which might indeed upset “the great man or great ego” as the case may be. One thing is sure, it is still amazing to know that Hillary Clinton is a year and half younger than Donald J. Trump. The Donald does has impressive teeth, which anyone might expect from someone with billions of dollars. Very white. Obviously so. Probably doesn’t drink too much juice or have any occasional cigars. The red/orange skin is a bit of an issue, and his overweight non athletic look will be something the Global Community will have to get used to, especially after seeing Obama for eight years. The hair? What can you say….unique perhaps? At any rate, The Donald doesn’t have much problem with any of it, he seems duely happy in his own skin. Does “The Donald” have any other serious character flaws? The constant Bait and Switch, Broken Promises, Unsettled Loyalties, A Great Businessman without the sterner qualities of Ethical and Upright composure..perhaps? Will he in fact incite a riot at the Republican Convention, before it is all over? But then, we all shall have to wait and be patient and see what the Donald morrow brings!
Whatever happens in November of 2016, we can say without question that Donald J. Trump does not have the answer to World Peace, Non-GMO Crops, Another War on Terrorism, Immigration Reform, Mandatory Drug Testing for all New Firearm Purchases or Transfers, US ACA/Medicare Healthcare fixes, Increasing Social Security payments, Reducing the Costs of Prescription Drugs, Banking Reform or Mega Job Growth for America. These concepts will require, dumping a whole bunch of currently elected Congress folks on the take from Big Agra, Big Pharma, the Chemical Industry and hundreds of other Special Interest money people. Unless of course, Donald J. Trump is going to take money out of his pocket and fund “Public Funding” for all political races in the country? Maybe, Trump needs to open up that fat checkbook and help the “Little people” running for School Boards, Sewer Districts or Political Central Committees. As Mom always said: “Trump? It just doesn’t quite have a ring to it, does it!” Donnie J – stop that rudeness and see how you do!
At the end of the day….this is going to be just another Ta-Rump Roast! Go Hillary – Make Bernie your VP and we will take you with your moles, warts and failings all. At least we know what we will be getting. The United States does not need “The Joker” – in charge!
*Donald J. Trump will be appearing in Costa Mesa tonight. If you have either Bernie 2016 or Hillary T-shirts…you might want to stand outside and and just scream “Ta-Rump
Ta-Rump….Ta-Rump”…unless of course you have Trump Approved Press Credentials.
Trump has amassed a total 10.1 million primary votes in the aftermath of the east coast sweep. Trump currently has 200,000 more votes NOW than Romney got during the entire primary cycle in 2012. The GOP historical record for primary votes is 10.8 million. Trump will easily surpass that number. The polls show that nearly half of the California Republicans support him. His detractors hate him because he tells the raw truth. And nothing makes a human being madder than the truth. If there’s no truth to it they just laugh it off. But keep the vitriol coming. When you figure that his competition is crooked Hillary (unless she gets indicted) a rational person is left with no choice at all.
It’s going to be a great night in Costa Mesa! This is like the Beatles showing up to perform at the Pacific Amphitheater. Standing room only!
Get used to saying “President Trump” – the man who the establishment can’t buy off!
You make me sad, Z. Very sad.
Trump isn’t liked not because he tells the truth. He tells ugly people what they want to hear, irrespective of the actual truth.
In other words, he appeals to the worst in all of us.
Well if there is one thing we can say about Trump, he is bringing the nation together, because I agree with the Winships…now someone explain THAT…right up until we get to the end and they cheer for Hillary. Uh. No. However, I am VERY interested in who her running mate might be, as this may be our only chance for decent leadership after the Indictment puts her VP in the Oval Office. Choose carefully, Hil…
On the other hand, I don’t have an alternative to offer, when the GOP contenders lined up on stage at the beginning of this side show, there was not ONE person up there that made me say, “Well thank God XX is running, everything will be OK.”
That the American people prefer a guy who is “misquoted and misunderstood” mocking handicapped reporters, attributing the credible and reasonable interview questions of a seasoned media professional to her menstrual cycle, or fantasizing on camera about another professional woman on her knees, and ginning up hate based solely on religion and ethnicity as a baseline, it is not an indictment of Trump or the voters mindlessly following him, it is an indictment of the BOTH PARTIES’ leadership that for DECADES promised us CHANGE and REFORM and then bellied up to the Lobbyist Bar for sushi, free drinks, hookers, and cash. Americans are backing this spiteful kindergartener in a foreign made suit because no decent human being with a civil tongue has offered to lead AND oppose the power of corporate robber barons bleeding us dry. Yes the cactus leaves scars on voters’ hands, but it was the only flotation device in reach when the plane went down in the ocean, so folks will cling to it.
What is the answer? I may write in the name of Theodore Roosevelt in an attempt to resurrect the Bull Moose party, and then hide in a sensory deprivation chamber for the first few days after the election until I can take in the reality of which temporary tenant of Pennsylvania Avenue is going to damage my nation’s credibility with the neighbors for 4 years. In the end, God is on the throne no matter who is in the White House, and frankly the system of governance we have is so out of control and beyond reform we can only hope for a time machine that brings our Founding Fathers back to run through the streets of Washington with blunderbusses and buckshot. Seriously, I have NO CLUE where the exit strategy lies, and keep hoping Ashton Kutcher pops up and says we’ve all been “punked”, here’s the real Presidential contenders they’ve been holding off stage in a very nice Green Room plying them with drinks for a few months, and the actual campaign starts now. Right? This IS how it works, right?
Had a quick chat with a friend of mine on how TR would handle Trump.
1) Boxing Match
2) Send him to Panama to build the canal
3) Trust Bust Trump’s company
I vote for all three.
The cactus leaves scars on us but it was the only flotation device…
How can anybody not love the Cynth-monster?
*Ziggy, likes to use the numbers game. Well, we can show you over 80 countries in the world that “the leader” gets 98% of the vote. Hardly Democratic Republican Forms of government. Mussolini got some pretty impressive re-election numbers after going to war with the English in the Sahara along with Rommel. Dictator’s love to count how
many votes they get. Cinny is quite right…….you can only yell SOB in a crowded room
then scream Fire…..so many times before people catch on to your tactics. Hillary will be taking Bernie as her VP, win by a slim margin…. and the world will remain calm.
Oh come on. Enough of the conspiracy theories. If the GOP establishment could manipulate the primary vote to that extent Jeb Bush would already be the presumptive nominee.
I was at Trump’s address tonight. He gave an hour presentation with no teleprompter. Very information and very entertaining. He’s a very bright man.
Too bad the event was marred by violent anti-Trump protesters. They were slashing and burning car tires. Smashing police car windows. Aggressively confronting Trump supporters minding their own business. Blocking Trump supporter traffic leaving the Amphitheater parking lot. Just your general thugs and hooligans. 300 cops had to be called in from the greater OC surrounding area to quell the disturbances.
But I suppose the Trump haters will blame Trump for the violent behavior of the anti-Trump thugs. They never take any responsibility.
*As Judy Garland once said: “That’s Entertainment!” No one said he wasn’t
a bright man. He certainly knows how to tool other Republican candidates
around, that is for certain. Violence will not defeat Trump – common sense
and intelligence will.
He has the best words.
Like tool.
Tool is a good word.
“She named the tools.”
Then Mrs. Davis sang to me, a song of great expectations.
“Maude is waiting for you,” Mrs. Davis sang to me, “Maude is waiting for you in all her seriousness and splendor, under her gilded onion dome, in that city which I cannot name at this time, Maude waits. Maude is what you lack, the profoundest of your lacks. Your every yearn since the first yearn has been a yearn for Maude, only you did not know it until I, your dear friend, pointed it out. She is going to heal your scrappy and generally unsatisfactory life with the balm of her Maudeness, luckiest of dogs, she waits only for you. Let me give you just one instance of Maude’s inhuman sagacity. Maude named the tools. It was Maude who thought of calling a rattail file a rattail file. It was Maude who christened the needle-nose pliers. Maude named the rasp. Think of it. What else could a rasp be but a rasp? Maude in her wisdom went right to the point, and called it rasp. It was Maude who named the maul. Similarly the sledge, the wedge, the ball-peen hammer, the adz, the shim, the hone, the strop. The handsaw, the hacksaw, the bucksaw, and the fretsaw were named by Maude, peering into each saw and intuiting at once its specialness. The scratch awl, the scuffle hoe, the prick punch and the countersink–I could go on and on. The tools came to Maude, tool by tool in a long respectful line, she gave them their names. The vise. The gimlet. The cold chisel. The reamer, the router, the gouge. The plumb bob. How could she have thought up the rough justice of these wonderful cognomens? Looking languidly at a pair of tin snips, and then deciding to call them tin snips–what a burst of glory! And I haven’t even cited the bush hook, the grass snath, or the plumber’s snake, or the C-clamp, or the nippers or the scythe. What a tall achievement, naming the tools! And this is just one of Maude’s contributions to our worldly estate, there are others. What delights will come crowding,” Mrs. Davis sang to me, “delight upon delight, when the epithalamium is ground out by the hundred organ grinders who are Maude’s constant attendants, on that good-quality day of her own choosing, which you have desperately desired all your lean life, only you weren’t aware of it until I, your dear friend, pointed it out. And Maude is young but not too young,” Mrs. Davis sang to me, “she is not too old either, she is just right and she is waiting for you with her tawny limbs and horse sense, when you receive Maude’s nod your future and your past will begin.”
There was a pause, or pall.
“Is that true,” I asked, “that song?”
“It is a metaphor,” said Mrs. Davis, “it has metaphorical truth.”
“And the end of the mechanical age,” I said, “is that a metaphor?”
“The end of the mechanical age,” said Mrs. Davis, “is in my judgment an actuality straining to become a metaphor. One must wish it luck, I suppose. One must cheer it on. Intellectual rigor demands that we give these damned metaphors every chance, even if they are inimical to personal well-being and comfort. We have a duty to understand everything, whether we like it or not–a duty I would scant if I could.” At that moment the water jumped into the boat and sank us…
That has enriched our lives. Thanks.
Very few protesters inside the Amphitheater last night. All the violent thugs were outside in the streets smashing car windows, committing acts of arson on car tires, slashing tires, vandalizing, blocking traffic, assaulting Trump supporters, damaging police cars, etc… This will only fuel more support for Donald Trump. Whoever is leading these thugs is a total idiot. I watched the videos of the disturbances this morning. As we left the Amphitheater everyone was saying the wall should have been built 25 years ago. More evidence of that last night.
No wonder Donald Trump has gained so much popularity. People are so fed up with illegal behavior not only being ignored – but being promoted in America. Total double standards. The Trump phenomenon is the nation pushing back against the dirty establishment that has promoted this chaos.
A group of “protesters” gatheted at Del Taco on Bristol beforehand, they were young, loud and didn’t seem to know or care much about politics, Donald Trump, rather just wanted to “f#%& that s÷_t up”.
Not too good for those opposed to Trump.
This is precisely why people should have greater freedoms under the Second Amendment, to include easier access to CCW’s.
Look, if people are afraid to attend political rallies in America out of fear of becoming victims to violent thugs because they support this or that candidate – we are no longer a civilized society.
People should have the right to protect themselves while participating in the political process. If we have to fear for our lives or our safety while gathering at a political rally it has become a nation run by savages.
Thugs do not play by the rules. Innocent people who merely wanted to attend a political rally last night were assaulted, terrorized or had their vehicles vandalized (some while they were inside!). Good civically engaged law-abiding folks need a form of self-protection from thuggery. And, as we saw last night, it’s naive to believe that the police will protect us when all hell breaks loose.
*Ziggy, and this is the very reason why…there should be only one gun law…..and throw the rest out….the one they need:
Mandatory Drug Testing for all New Firearm Purchases and Transfers. NCAA Athletes, Professional Athletes, ICC Truck Drives, US Air Crews, Commercial Bus Drivers and School Bus Drivers….. Either you are a Law Abiding Citizen or a drug abuser. You can be one or the other…..just not both. Trump would never pass a Drug Test…you can bet your sweet bippie on that.
*If an NCAA track star has to be drug tested….so should every Firearm Purchaser or Transferee.
And what gives you the impression that Trump is a user of illegal controlled substances? Or is that just your imagination in overdrive?
I would much rather have a marijuana smoker carrying a loaded firearm than someone with enough alcohol in his system to blow a .08. That’s a fact. But since drinkers are allowed to carry why discriminate against a marijuana smoker? Because the gov tells us it’s bad for you? Btw, I’m neither.
But innocent civic-minded people attending a political rally should have a way to protect themselves from violent predators other than a cell phone with a 911 dial. When seconds count the police are only 5 minutes away. Last night was a perfect example.
There’s a video over at Drudgereport.com that shows a young couple in a car (the young man had a Trump tee-shirt on) after the rally who were being terrorized by about 50 thugs who surrounded their car and were urinating and spray painting grafitti on it. Imagine how you would feel in a situation like that? Had the young female driver panicked and hit the gas there would have been about a dozen dead thugs in the street.
Good law-abiding citizens need a means of protection against such violent predators. A firearm is a great equalizer.
*Trump sleeps less than three hours a night. Not because he is doing Mary Jane…..just saying. On top of that, when a mental patient stops taking their psychotropic drugs because they are either too expensive or they run out and start taking something else…..their is already probable cause and they cease to be Law Abiding Citizens. If you haven’t noticed, DUI and Drunk in Public are punishable offenses and on the firearms questionnaire it asks if you addicted to any substance. People lie all the time…..ask Barry Bonds or Mark McGuire or a raft of others. Drug Testing won’t get everybody…just most of the worst and dumbest offenders.
Trump looks pretty healthy to me. Stimulate users are generally thin and gaunt and moody. Trump has lots of meat on him. And his mood appears stable during his public appearances. He doesn’t fit the profile doesn’t fit for a stimulant user. I have no idea how much Trump sleeps. And neither do you. Trump spends lots of time in the air. I’m sure he has a nice comfy bed aboard his private jet. And I’ve never seen him giving press interviews at 1am. Chances are he’s sleeping.
I think it’s unfair to claim that anyone takes drugs based upon speculation of how much he or she sleeps. That’s just my opinion.
“And his mood appears stable during his public appearances”
What’s the ‘wow’ about?
If you’ve seen Donald Trump once you’ve seen him a million times.
Trump’s not subject to mood swings. He’s passionate. High energy. Articulate. Entertaining. Discerning. Direct. Honest.
People who take mood elevators are often subject to mood swings.
There is no evidence of that based on Trump’s public appearances. He’s steady as a rock.
“Trump’s not subject to mood swings”
Double wow.
Trump haters will use any means as a conduit for their hate.
Even if they have to make it up out of thin air.
None of them publicly condemn the actions of the lowlife who waged a violent war on our political freedoms in Costa Mesa on Thursday night. Conveniently they ignore that.
Imagine of Trump supporters engaged in such violence? The photos would saturate the blog sites.
But if Trump haters do it no one says a word.
The behavior speaks for itself.
We dumpf haters will condemn the dumpf protester when you condemn or even acknowledge ( you always go so strangely silent when it comes to responding to those uncomfortable truths) any of dumpfs disturbing statements, lies or behaviors.
It’s drumpf, friend.
“Imagine of Trump supporters engaged in such violence? ”
They do, you nut. Regularly.
Just last week a woman electrified a taser in Anaheim and threatened a man with it. Not only is that trashy violence, it’s a crime. She should have gone to jail. She’s a loud mouth obnoxious Trump supporter, whose actions you’ve ignored.
Look Z, I don’t have a problem with your posts. You regularly make factual claims that simply don’t align with reality, which is fine. That’s not hurting anyone.
But seriously, willful ignorance? Aren’t you better than that?
More empty responses that I have come to expect here.
Disagreement on a candidate’s position is one thing. That’s an ingredient of democracy. But refusing to condemn outright widespread violent behavior by a thousand people or more meant to terrorize innocent citizens who wish to participate in the political process is inexcusable. All sides of the equation should come together and shame such behavior. As a matter of fact, IMO those who remain silent and refuse to condemn the violent acts meant to suppress democracy aren’t much better than the ones who actually engage in it.
I watched the video of the taser incident in Anaheim. A full grown man accosted the Trump supporter in the Trump crowd. She didn’t accost him. He accosted her. She told him to leave her alone. But he persisted. And it was after the anti-Trump pea-brained cretin assaulted the 8 and 11 year old girls in the face w/pepper spray. So people were understandably on edge. The woman merely activated the taser’s clicking sound to scare the intruder away. She didn’t actually taser him. What she did was not a crime – it was self-defense. A taser gun is an excellent equalizer for a women faced with a belligerent and intrusive male twice her size. I support women who take proactive measures to defend themselves against belligerent and harassing males twice their size.
That was NOT self defense. That’s absurd. She brandished a weapon and committed assault. Period. That’s California law.
That you refuse to recognize that while lecturing others on their refusal to condemn violence is EXACTLY the kind of willful ignorance I’m talking about.
Finally, your sorry definition of self defense actually excuses the idiot who pepper sprayed those kids. Some Trump jackass committed battery with a bullhorn and he retaliated.
That’s not self defense. That’s an absurd overreaction and he should be in jail on multiple charges, including battery.
C’mon, Ryan. Laws are so, uh, status quo.
I know. Damn establishment.
But come on! Two completely different standards for self defense regarding events five minutes apart?
Willful. Ignorance.
It was all on video. I saw it with my own eyes. The anti-Trump cretin crossed over the line and entered into the Trump camp. Then he began abusively and aggressively arguing with the much smaller woman. The male was the aggressor. He was completely out of line. The 2 groups were supposed to be separate. He crossed into Trump territory. The woman just defended herself against his unwelcomed advances. Three cheers for her!!! There’s nothing worse than a big bully male entering into a woman’s space and trying to use his size to intimidate her. I always encourage women to carry an equalizer with them for self-defense.
Again, you completely bastardized the definition of self defense. Moreover, you’ve selectively applied your terrible definition to support your own prejudice.
You do what you like. You aren’t hurting anyone. I’m just surprised you don’t feel you’re better than this.
I know it’s “supposed” to be drumpf, but I think dumpf is so much more descriptive and appropriate, don’t you?
Look, you and I can disagree on the definition of ‘self-defense’. But my eyes don’t lie. What I saw was a small woman defending herself against an aggressive male who entered into her space and verbally berated her. That’s what I saw. A rattlenake always shakes it’s rattlers as a fair warning. That woman told him to back off, and she had every right to protect own safety. Now, if you continue I will hunt down the video and post it here, if I can find it. Women are generally the smaller and physically weaker gender. And they have a right to protect themselves with an equalizer regardless of what you males on this board may say.
Actually, we can’t. There’s a legal requirement for the use of force. She was not in danger of immenant bodily harm.
Brandishing a weapon is a crime. Period. She wasn’t threatened with harm and threatened another. You’re ignoring the law because of your prejudice.
That’s wrong. You should and can do better.
You and I must have seen 2 separate videos. In the one I saw the woman certainly had the right to defend her person, particularly after the one bully male cretin had earlier pepper sprayed 2 small children in the face. There was a heightened sensitivity for good reason. But there was no report of her arrest. Why? Because she didn’t commit a crime! She was in Trump crowd and the intruder crossed over the line and approached her. Not the other way around. No doubt she felt that her safety was in peril. Apparently the police felt likewise since there was no arrest. This is not Year 1900. Women have the right to defend themselves. I recommend for all women to take a self-defense class and purchase some sort of equalizer just in case. America is a dangerous place. Women need to be able to ward off aggressive intruders and attackers.
I was amazed at the number of women in the crowd at the Costa Mesa Trump rally. I’d say half the crowd was female. Actually quite a few hispanics too. I guess we can’t believe everything we read in the paper. 🙂
Really? What threat was made?
Oh. Right. None. The guy was guilty of being an asshole.
That’s not an excuse to assault someone.
Well, she must have felt threatened. And afterwards I don’t think she fled the scene like the coward anti-Trump male protester who pepper sprayed the 2 little girls in the face. She was fully identifiable on the video. The cops could have arrested her if she broke the law. But they didn’t. Did they?
Tell you what. If and when the cops arrest the young woman for whatever you let me know. Then we can continue this discussion. Until that time, I side with the inherent right for women to defend themselves. Women have the right to stand their ground when they feel threatened. You apparently think otherwise. That’s your right. We just disagree.
“I feel threatened” is not a reasonable construction for self defense, and certainly not any more or any less applicable to the idiot who pulled out a weapon in response to a bullhorn.
Furthermore, labeling this as a womans’ right issue is inherently anti-feminist. Women have a right to commit assault on the sole basis of how they feel? Are you freaking kidding me? You feel that dismissive of women that you won’t hold their behavior to an objective standard?
You’re just sad. You’re beyond willful ignorance at this point. Now you’re just making up things to fill the gaping holes in your worldview.
Anyway, Trump sucks.
Baloney. Cops take defensive action all the time if they feel threatened or are in fear for their safety. If cops can do it so can women. Women are the physically weaker gender. By the time a man grabs them it’s too late. So they need to act in advance of an actual physical altercation.
I watched the video of the woman with the taser. She didn’t assault anyone. You should retract that statement. She merely activated the taser to scare the intruder away. And she had every RIGHT to do so. Let this sink in: The anti-Trump intruder crossed the line and approached the Trump crowd in a hostile manner putting the woman in a defensive mode. This happened shortly after the anti-trump coward thug who sprayed little girls in the face with pepper spray then fled the scene. If the coward thug did nothing wrong why did he run off? Why didn’t he wait for the police to show up to clear himself? huh?
So the woman with the taser had a perfect right to be on high alert. She didn’t accost the anti-Trump protester. He accosted her. Go look at the darn video. She was in total defensive mode.
It’s sad that you have such a bitter attitude about the right for women to physically protect themselves from uninvited and hostile advances by aggressive males.
Once again, the woman with the taser did not run off and flee the scene like the creep who pepper sprayed the little girls. The police could have arrested her. But they didn’t. She committed no crime.
You are on the losing end of this argument, pal. Give it up.
And Trump rocks! He’s the only candidate who tells the truth. And the anti-Trump whiners continue to persecute him for it. But America is waking up. Trump’s numbers go higher and higher. If he wins Indiana on Tuesday the GOP primary is over. Both Lyin’ Ted and Kasich are toast! Then on to CROOKED HILLARY! Boy, will that ever be fun to watch. Trump will turn her into dogmeat.
I’m on the losing end of this argument?
This isn’t an argument, Z. It’s a string of opportunities for you to depart objective facts from reality or to simply make new shit up. That’s not an argument; it’s a fantasy.
I’m not at all surprised that I’m losing your fantasy. As sad as you are, there would truely be no hope for you if you allowed someone else to dictate the terms of your own dream.
But, then again, you are voting for Trump. I guess that’s the same thing.
We’re done here, Z. Dream on.
*Ziggy, ever heard of Tammany Hall? How about the Pendergast Machine in St. Louis, Missouri supporting Truman? What about Warren G. Harding? How about the dirty trick that Tom Dewey used? Better yet, what about Cook County in Illinois, or Detroit or the many Bouroughs of New York City. How about falling Chads? How about a system that didn’t even allow election of US Senators until 1913. In 1912, only 29 states even allowed people to vote in a Primary for possible candidates to the Senate. The Governor of each State usually had final say. Women didn’t vote until 1919 and the passage of the 19th Amendment. Sufferage? Ever heard of it?
Dirty system……my oh my how your vision of U.S. History seems to have lots of holes in it.
“Pendergast Machine in St. Louis,”
Kansas City.
*Did we every apologize for that undersight? Sorry DZ..right you are..of
*”Get him out….yeah, don’t beat him up on TV….go home to Mommy!” “Get ’em out of here!” “These are Bernie Sanders professional protesters!” “Look at their signs…those
are printed professional signs!”
Yep, “Mr. Stable” or FROM the stable and a real horses – – -…they call him in the Board Room. Always the voice of reason and kindness, Always, someone you want to take your 15 year old teenage daughter – to interview for the next beauty contest. “He’s a wonderful lady and our apologies too her!” – JIm Healy said that. Or something like that. How about Trumps entrance up in Burlingame, SF yesterday? “Orville Faubus must have left the building…again!” Look at that security detail….impressive. By the way, the numbers have come down from 31,000 in “the OC” to about 12,000….still impressive T-Shirt sales. Not as good as Bernie’s however.
Are we agreeing with RC again? Brutal…the devil must have made us do it!
“Orval” Faubus.
*In the words of Mort Sahl: The most famous Orval Faubus quote:
“OH daddy, I just found the most beautiful man….and we are going out Saturday night…””What’s the boy’s name darlin daughter?” “Harry Belafonte!” “Oh, an Italian boy!”
Really? Trump is not subject to “mood swings?” You know, you may be right. It’s more of a split personality thing that offers entirely different answers from the same guy during the campaign. Colbert nailed him with his own video, tell me what part of this is “made up?”
The anti-Trumps absolutely have the Trump-o-lytes (sorry Ryan) beat for illegal and abusive behavior. they are also complete morons when it comes to PR, because their behavior is NOT going to change the minds of those headed into the Trump rallies, (Well gee, thank you for making me a more informed citizen by sharing with me this new viewpoint, my good man. I was attending this rally in support of Trump, because I had issues with illegal immigration, and because my golf foursome was called off and I had a free afternoon. That darned cardiologist again. But now that you have screamed profanity in the face of my 13 year old, I guess I can see your point, sir. I will go home and rethink my life, perhaps track down my gardener and offer him a new truck as his seems to not be aging well. Oh, and you have a nice day.) …and for those watching at home their behavior drives home the Trump message that gee, maybe seeing this punk standing on a burning vehicle waving the flag of another nation and screaming profanity in the name of “opposing hate,” makes me think Trump may have something there, when he says other nations are not sending their best and brightest. Certainly that young man in the Guy Fawkes mask with “Fuk Trump” misspelled on cardboard he fished out of the trash at his bus stop is not Nikola Tesla seeking the opportunity to develop his potential on American shores.
I once wondered if Trump was blowing his fortune to pay movie extras to pack those rallies, now I wonder if he is paying the protesters out front, because they are doing his job for him. And when someone yells into the TV camera that they are here illegally but we must respect their “rights” to protest “as Americans,” under the Constitution, I start doing this little twitch thing that scares my husband to death. “Yeah, nobody’s illegal, man. I’m undocumented. But you all treating me like a 2nd class citizen or somethin’.” twitch. twitch. They are an insult to the hard working immigrants I do know, including my ex husband who gave me my beautiful international babies, and a to-the-bone-marrow appreciation for my country that I did not have before.
You want pathway to citizenship? You listen to a tale of living as a Christian in Ceausescu’s Romania, and waiting 20 years for your paperwork to grind its way slowly through the system while your first two babies die for lack of medical care you are denied for your faith, and the government sends you into the brick making machines caked with asbestos to clean them out, putting you on a double shift on Sunday to make sure you don’t get to your underground bible study. My former father in law didn’t develop cancer, his wife did after years of washing the brick dust out of his clothes. So I get how desperate someone can be to get to America. And I get that some wait their turn in line and are slapped in the face by the entitlement crowd who think because they made it across the desert or squeezed into the trunk with 4 others they have some bizarre right not only to remain but to act like assholes if we object to those who abuse our hospitality. (Damn, she IS a Republican.)
Is it fair to compare Trump’s WORDS with the actions of those thugs on the street smashing up your car as you try to exit a lawful event, because they don’t like your American flag bumper sticker? Nope. But then again, those young punks with bandanas over their faces are not asking to be the leader of the free world. Trump wants us to give him the “football” and trust him to not flip-flop on hating our allies for the 10 minutes it takes him to remember, oh no, no we LOVE those guys, really, you would not BELIEVE how much I love those guys, you just watch, I will show you how much we love those guys, nobody ever loved those guys more than us… oops did those missiles launch already? Oh well, fuck ’em. They made lousy brunch on my last state visit anyway.
FWIW, I don’t support any of those violent counterprotesters (taking your word for it; the only video I’ve seen is of someone rolling donuts in their Miata into a crowd of protesters, and that was a Trump guy) for elected office.
But I can certainly understand why they are (1) royally pissed and (2) disinclined to believe in the “normal” political process. Maybe Hillary should have Dolores Huerta give them a stern talking-to; that’d work.
By the way, the people I knew were going there were not undocumented; just banging-wooden-spoons-on-pans sorts of protesters. The people engaged in violence were, I suspect, from out-of-town — and spoiling for a fight with the Big Hyena. We had this same problem with Occupy — but we in OC managed to keep our protests non-violent and we were richly rewarded with next-to-no media coverage. So these protesters are not wrong about how to get noticed.
I agree, though, that these sorts of conflicts help Trump, which is one reason that Cruz has not much of a prayer in our state’s primary. Trump can bellow impressively where Cruz can only whine like a failing transmission. No contest there, in a closed Republican primary!
*Dr. D., as usual, your brilliance overwhelms us. “Surrogates”? Of course. Hillary and Bernie need not attack Trump. Nay says the Mentor Dr. D. We need a variety of Speakers at the Democratic Convention getting up and speaking directly to Donald J. Trump. They need to be Dreamers, they need to be just regular legal immigrants, they need to be American Servicemen and Women. They need to be the heart and soul of American telling Donald J. Trump how his attitudes and positions will and are affecting their families. You strike the right cord Dr. D……brilliant.
Thank you if thanks are appropriate. (P.S.: It’s “strike the right chord,” as in music.)
OMG. You say the only video you saw was the idiot turning donuts in a crowded area? And what gives you the impression he/she was a Trump supporter? Are you joking? Look at the fools in the street cheering him on. Did they look like your typical Trump supporters? Please.
So you didn’t see the police unit with the back window smashed out, graffiti painted on it and some clown jumping on top of the roof? It was on TV, in the newspapers – Was he a Trump supporter too? 🙂
Innocent people leaving the Amphitheater after Trump’s address were terrorized by these thugs. What about them? Shouldn’t they have the right to participate in the democratic political process without being terrorized and in fear for their safety?
The Trump supporters don’t believe in the “normal political process”. But they abide by the law and work within the system to change it. They don’t terrorize people who support a different candidate and belief system or take to the streets and cause incredible damage to society or use violence to disrupt the democratic process. Only uncivilized savages do that.
The terror and violence in Costa Mesa will push Trump’s GOP numbers in California (and elsewhere) right off the charts. Look for 55%-60%. Hopefully it gives him a win Indiana – and that way Trump can wind down the primary effort and give his full attention to Crooked Hillary.
Crooked Hillary has so many holes and so much dirty baggage that Trump will make her the laughing stock of America. I can’t wait for those 2 to face off. The entertainment will be second to none.
Donald J. Trump tells the truth. That’s the reason a certain segment of America hates him with a passion.
*Yeah, here is the Trump Truth: “I know the answer and I will fix “it”…but I don’t want to telegraph “it” to the other side – so I can’t tell you right now!”
Can’t beat that kind of logic!
He does use the best words though.
“Donald J. Trump tells the truth.”
That is the dumpf supporter crazy in a nutshell.
The man is one of the biggest lier’s ever. He lies like he breathes and yet, the delusional dumpf supporters think he’s telling them the “truth”.
Reality check: just because someone is rude and insulting to other people does NOT make them a truth teller.
Most of What Donald Trump Says is B.S., Fact-Checking Website Says
PolitiFact checked 77 Trump statements and found that 76 percent of them were Mostly False, False or Pants on Fire.
In other words, for every four statements Donald Trump makes, only one of them is true, according to the site.
“Clearly a lot of voters still care about the truth,” Norman Ornstein, a scholar at the conservative American Enterprise Institute, told PolitiFact. “What we don’t know at this point is what share that is.”
“Just because someone is rude and insulting doesn’t make them a truth teller.”
That’s for sure, you remind me of several things there – for one, how outraged I felt when Dick Cheney, war profiteer par excellence, told Senator Leahy to “go fuck himself” and several dumbass pundits referred to that as Cheney’s “Harry Truman moment” because Harry used to cuss on the floor. As I told anyone who would listen, Harry’s whole trip that rocketed him to the Presidency was RAILING AGAINST war profiteers. “I don’t give ’em hell, I tell the truth and they THINK it’s hell.”
I’m also reminded of how many of us used to think John McCain was some sort of truthteller just because he’d often be rude and abrasive. When he was running against Obama I had to dig up this great quote from King Lear (which is a little cluttered due to the fact that the character who says it is a total psycho asshole and the person he’s saying it about is as honorable of a dude as you could find, but it’s still a great observation on this topic at hand…)
“This is some fellow
Who, having been prais’d for bluntness, doth affect
A saucy roughness, and constrains the garb
Quite from his nature. He cannot flatter, he!
An honest mind and plain–he must speak truth!
An they will take it, so; if not, he’s plain.
These kind of knaves I know which in this plainness
Harbour more craft and more corrupter ends
Than twenty silly-ducking observants
That stretch their duties nicely.”
(King Lear, Act II Scene II)
I’m really glad that we have you here. It’s like an early warning system.
The crowd was of protesters. So far as I can tell, then were not cheering. It’s unlikely that the guys intimidating the crowd by almost hitting them with a car version of a bucking bronco were on their side.
I agree that this helps Trump, though — and that Hillary is not well-equipped to counter it.
I just love how you people just make s$&*% up out of thin air and expect other people to believe it.
And when someone questions it you run off.
. . .
*First one to call it…they say. When Trump calls Cruz a LIAR…you know he lies.
When Trump say Hillary is Crooked……he is crooked. When Trump calls people stupid….HE is stupid. This is called HIgh School.
“And when someone questions it you run off.”
No, they’re just awed into submission by your encyclopedic knowledge of central banks and monetary policy.
Trump’s leading Lyin’ Ted in the Indiana polls by 15 according to NBC/WSJ – 49/34.
Trump’s leading Lyin’ Ted in the Cali polls by 34 according to SurveyUSA – 54/20. Btw, that’s a 26 point increase from only a month ago. Special thanks to Kris Murray and Costa Mesa!
Lyin’ Ted is over and out. 17 gone and Trump’s the last one standing. 1237 is a wrap. No chance of a contested GOP convention. Now the GOP can’t heist it from him.
It seemed like yesterday when the Trump haters said that Donald would get washed out either before the Iowa primary – or right afterwards.
Donald’s right. It’s not a race. It’s a movement.
“It’s a movement.”
Ryan? Ryan…
So is an explosion.
I thought maybe you would go scatological, “movement”-wise.
That would have been better. My Laconics must be exhausted.
“Donald’s right”
Yeah, that dumpf:
“Donald Trump on Tuesday alleged that Ted Cruz’s father was with John F. Kennedy’s assassin shortly before he murdered the president, parroting a National Enquirer story claiming that Rafael Cruz was pictured with Lee Harvey Oswald handing out pro-Fidel Castro pamphlets in New Orleans in 1963.”
Read more: http://www.politico.com/blogs/2016-gop-primary-live-updates-and-results/2016/05/trump-ted-cruz-father-222730#ixzz47bjSES21
Wow, that’s quite a truth bomb.
*Yep, just like the thought that a Mannlicher-Carcano Italian Carbine was a Sniper Rifle because it had a scope and sold for $12 dollars in Mechanics Illustrated. Yep, and that Jack Ruby was not a shill for the Chicago Mafia…and that LBJ, J. Edgar and others didn’t hire the top Mafia hit men to build an exact copy of Daley Plaza in Chihauhua, Mexico and practice the kill shots over three weeks. And just like the fact that both Senator Fred Thompson and Hillary Clinton were the key staffers on the Warren Commission. And Senator Arlen Spector came up with the Single Bullet Theory….and Donald Trump knew all of them. Donald Trump gave money for “Fair Play for Cuba” who printed up the leaflets..
well – maybe not that….but then – we should check into it…Ya think?
I don’t generally like to jump in when everyone’s against one guy, but … movement? I had a movement like that not many hours ago.
Would you consider it a Dumpf?
I guess Cruz’ dad had an identical twin that we don’t know about. What a coincidence that a Rafael B. Cruz look-a-like who just happened to be a pro-Castro activist in his younger years was depicted in a photo passing out literature and standing next to Oswald only weeks before Oswalk assassinated JFK.
Apparently experts in forensic photography think it’s Cruz’ dad. I looked at comparative photos. Looks like the same guy to me. But it’s a very easy conclusion for the experts in the field. It’s done all the time in our justice system. It’s called photographic evidence.
Trump is not tying Rafael to the assassination. He only commented on the discovery of the apparent association between Rafael and Lee Harvey Oswald. The mainstream media is reporting on the story. Trump is just commenting on what’s in the news. Has anyone provided compelling evidence that the man in the photo could NOT be Rafael B. Cruz? Then cough it up!
If a camera caught Trump’s dad in a photo with Hitler – do you think Cruz would talk about it? 🙂
With all of the ridiculous non sense available to you to discuss, this is what you pick?
In other news, Trump’s great grandfather immigrated to America and forgot a comma in his application, thereby illegalizing his entire progeny.
Good grief. Is it December yet?
I wasn’t the one who introduced the Cruz-Oswald subject matter. I wouldn’t have even brought it up. I only offered a few facts to add a little sunlight (disinfectant) to what was already posted. So go bitch at your buddy anonster.
You want a real story? What about Seymour Hersh (one of America’s only living authentic investigative reporters) exposing SoS Hillary as being involved in smuggling sarin gas (WMD) from Libya to the Syrian rebels (terrorists) to conduct a sarin gas attack – then trying to blame it on Assad to justify an invasion and a forced regime change (just like in Iraq – just like in Libya)?
The dems are making a HUGE mistake by nominating Hillary. So many skeletons. Trump will tear her to shreds. This will be the most entertaining POTUS election season ever. I can’t wait to watch Hillary’s coughing fits.
The DOJ would be doing the dems a favor by indicting Hillary. Seriously. I’m not joking!
Alright. Sarin Gas.
” What about Seymour Hersh (one of America’s only living authentic investigative reporters) exposing SoS Hillary as being involved in smuggling sarin gas (WMD) from Libya to the Syrian rebels ”
Seymour Hersh said no such thing, right-wing rags on the other hand have been saying that, hmmm I wonder where you get your information?
Such a sharp and discerning mind you have there Z.
Like dumpf, if you read it on the internet, a tweet or a tabloid, well by golly, it’s just gotta be true!.
“Apparently experts in forensic photography think it’s Cruz’ dad.”
And the only person that the National Enquirer (who “broke” the original story…yes, THAT National Enquirer) could get to go on the record was Mitch Goldstone, CEO of ScanMyPhotos.com. If you can find evidence that Mr. Goldstone is an “expert” in forensic photography, I’d love to see it!
Of the un-named “experts” that weighed in for the story, “…some concluded it is technically impossible to definitively validate the man’s identity with the low resolution quality of the 52-year-old image…”
That you are so willing to buy into such a thinly “reported” story tells us all we need to know about your so-called “objectivity.”
“The mainstream media is reporting on the story. ”
The MSM is reporting on dumpf’s accusations, not the story itself.
Dumpf is citing one National Enquirer story and then is stupid enough to accuse Cruz’s father based on that flimsy evidence.
This kind of tin-foil hat, ridiculous shit should automatically disqualify a candidate, unless of course your candidate is a reality show clown.
dumpf’s full quote:
“It’s disgraceful that his father can go out and do that. And just – so many people are angry about it. And the Evangelicals are angry about it the way he does that. There’s a whole thing,” he said. “You know, his father was with Lee Harvey Oswald prior to Oswald’s being, you know, shot.”
Trump continued: “What is this, right prior to his being shot, and nobody even brings it up. They don’t even talk about that. That was reported and nobody talks about it. But I think it’s horrible. I think it’s absolutely horrible that a man can go and do that. What he’s saying there.”
“Trump is just commenting on what’s in the news. Has anyone provided compelling evidence that the man in the photo could NOT be Rafael B. Cruz? Then cough it up!”
That’s a little more than commenting, it’s a big, fat accusation. This is just like smearing Obama on his citizenship based on nothing but RACIST innuendo.
It’s shocking what low standards dumpf and his supporters have.
Dumpf read it in a tabloid, ergo it must be true.
Do you know the background and history of Rafael B. Cruz? Go educate yourself. Afterwards you could probably make the connection of why he might get caught on camera with Lee Harvey Oswald. Duh?
The fact of the matter is that there is no real proof that Rafael B. Cruz was involved with Lee Harvey Oswald.
It should alarm you that your candidate for POTUS would make such a serious allegation on such weak information.
There really is no way to defend dumpf on this, it is thoughtless, reckless, childish and inexcusable in a candidate for the most powerful position on the planet.
The camera doesn’t lie.
But Ted does.
It’s the 10th round and Lyin’ Ted is on the ropes with gashing cuts above both eyes that are nearly swollen shut. Lyin’ Ted is throwing wild hooks and uppercuts that are missing by a mile.
News of the knockout punch should come early evening pacific time.
Then the Trump haters who predicted The Donald to go down in the early rounds can go scratch their beards and drown their sorrows.
Your best option going forward would be to start a crusade to prevent Hillary’s nomination.
Sanders failed to give Hillary a road test. In no way is she ready for the likes of Donald Trump. Grab the popcorn. You’re in for a real treat.
“News of the knockout punch should come early evening pacific time.”
Well no one ever said you could fix stupid.
“CNN host Jake Tapper on Tuesday absolutely skewered GOP frontrunner Donald Trump’s suggestion that his rival’s father was somehow connected to Lee Harvey Oswald, the man who assassinated President John F. Kennedy.” …
…”I can’t believe I have to say the following, but there is no corroborated evidence that Ted Cruz’s father ever met Lee Harvey Oswald or for that matter any other presidential assassin,” Tapper said. “We in the media don’t talk about it because there’s no evidence of it.”
Tapper pointed out that Cruz’s father, Rafael, had denounced the Castro regime before the photograph was taken because his sister had been beaten by regime forces.
“So any suggestion that Cruz’s father played a role in the Kennedy assassination is ridiculous and frankly, shameful,” Tapper said. “Now that’s not an anti-Trump position or a pro-Cruz position. It’s a pro-truth position.”
“The camera doesn’t lie” is all the evidence a partisan needs.
So typical.
I guess in dumpf-world there’s no such thing as mistaken identity.
Even in dumpf’s very own NY city:
Anyone’s memory go back to the late 80s, the Central Park Jogger, the “wilding?” Drumpf was the loudest in demanding the execution of these innocent black kids who turned out NOT TO HAVE HAD ANYTHING TO DO WITH THE CRIME.
So Jake the Tapper is your go-to person to distinguish right from wrong? 🙂
Who gives a hoot what Jake says? Why would his opinion be any more or less credible than my barber’s?
Rafael B. Cruz had a history of being a pro-Castro advocate activist. Castro was an avowed communist, btw, in case you were unaware.
And why do you folks retreat when the Hillary topic comes up?
You love to hate Trump. We know that.
But let’s talk Hillary. She’s covered in dirt and would make great conversation. Why give her a pass? Because she has a (D) after her name? 🙂
I didn’t retreat when you lied about Seymour Hersh accusing Hillary of smuggling sarin gas.
Why do you get to lie and make false accusations?
Oh I get it, your a dumpf supporter. Truth and integrity hold no meaning for you.
“Why give her a pass?”
Why give Trump a pass?
Stop acting like your shit don’t stink! News break: you’re not “above it all.”
CNN host Wolf Blitzer said to Trump on Wednesday that he wanted him to clarify his previous claim.
“You don’t really believe that Ted Cruz’s father had anything to do with the assassination of President Kennedy,” Blitzer said to Trump.
“No I don’t,” Trump replied. “Of course I don’t think that.”
Never mind.
You couldn’t make this shit up if you tried. Unfuckin’ believable.
Hey, at least his ilk didn’t just kick you out of your party.
Yeah, it must be pretty shocking, but I think we’re all pretty shocked … and disturbed …and disgusted …and appalled …and frightened.
Kinda like Michelle Bachmann… some lady in a crowd told her that vaccines cause autism, so it became a serious cause.
Trump has also jumped into that particular train of stupidity.
+++++++++++++++++++++++++BREAKING NEWS++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ooops….that would the 45th POTUS.
Bring on Hillary!!! 🙂
Do the Dems have a “presumptive nominee” yet?
“I don’t know what I’m going to do. I might vote for Hillary,” said Jason Winters, 40, a machinist from Crawfordsville, Indiana. “She’s a criminal. She’s a murderer. But she’s better than an authoritarian dictator.”
Several Cruz supporters said they would vote in the fall for down-ballot candidates in races for the House and U.S. Senate, but would not vote for a candidate for president if their only choices were Trump or Clinton.”
*Time out….time out…we need time to take a Drumpf…..OH, much better….but it was only gas…!