The passing, or transition as somebody put it, of Prince brought memories of the Boom Boom Room. The people dancing at the funky synthesised music at this nightclub got louder and wilder whenever a Prince tune was played. The crowd became almost militant, shouting while dancing, and their exuberant gayness swept the few straight souls joining them in solidarity, just in the dancing, mind you.
This explosive outpouring of emotions is explained here by this person:
“If you were a kid growing up in the ’80s—maybe let’s say you’re gay too—this is what you first learned about sex: It will kill you. You don’t have sex yet; you don’t even really know what it is, but you know that it is lethal. That somehow it leads to the men with the skeletal bodies and the blotchy marks on their skin that you see on the television, the men who don’t look at the camera and are alone….But then, one day on the radio, a song blows those doors open….On one side of your childhood, there is Reagan and AIDS and nuclear war and the yelling Christians. And on the other side, there is Prince.”
Another person’s experience:
“…I didn’t want anyone seeing me dancing in such a queeny fashion to these songs, and I didn’t want anyone looking at me in general. I was a biracial child, often criticized for not being black enough, and I was going to grow up to be gay – though I didn’t know this yet, or even the language to question being straight. I didn’t want to be stared at in my confusion, or to be reminded of how I had no idea what was happening to my pubescent body…
…In recent years, long after I figured I was gay, I started buying Prince on vinyl: five albums have gotten me through writing this: 1999, Parade, Controversy, For You, and Around the World in a Day. Prince was so ahead of me in my own understanding of what it means to be black in this country, to have a sexuality and gender expression at odds with the white men who try to tell everyone else how to behave – and to embrace what is amorphous, not easily categorized, beautiful, and yet unknown.”
The Boom Boom Room closed as the booming real estate market in Laguna Beach took over. The people who danced there, surviving the reluctance to acknowledge their humanity, are thankful to Prince and many others who accepted them.
Well, it was bound to happen sooner or later. Today I espied this campaign sign.
Ouch. The Red on blue hurts my eyes. But it is attention getting!
I talked to a few Fullerton residents this week who received the robocall. They’re now voting for Newman.
(Really. True story.)
*”Time to party like its 1999!” “In my little red corvette!:” – Good grief, Scalia and now
Prince?……organized crime is alive and well. Percasette…..Percidan….remember that
stuff? One tab and you were comatose. You couldn’t go to the bathroom for a week.
Doesn’t sound right folks! We opt for the John Hinkley solution. Or maybe the Bob
Dylan motorcycle “accident:”. Calling Malcolm X….Calling Malcolm X……on the psychic
hotline: Your call dude! Either that or call Rush Limbaugh …..off the radio and find out
the truth.
Had to go see this hilarious stuff again … Eddie Murphy’s brother telling one of his “true Hollywood stories” featuring Prince, as told to and dramatized by Dave Chappelle, who plays Prince.
*The Autopsy of Prince may take six to eight weeks. How long was the autopsy of
Scalia….again? Just asking.
*Today they said that Prince was incinerated……but they still won’t release the
autopsy results for weeks.
*This has been an amazing week-end. Prince has dominated the Press along with all the usual “Stupid Talking Heads”. Nicole Wallace? What is she doing on Meet the Press, she is plenty offensive enough on Morning Joe!
Donald Trump Jr. – Doctor Squeeky……on State of the Union? Not exactly the next Peter Jennings….eh? What is he doing on State of Union again? Jake Tapper is so amazingly boring! The whole Sunday Morning Shows are starting to be so tiring, we are ready to go back to C-Span. Fox & Friends? Really? Ridiculous! George Steph….and the whole ABC Canard Group? Really? Face the Nation?
Not so much facing much there either. Are we getting just so jaded by the continual “hyper-hype”? The Four Babes on every channel? The ridiculous smiling with their
mouths full of teeth, laughing “about what”? Our country has some serious immigration problems…..and the only answer they have come up with is the Donald
Trump – “Deport 11 Million!” All the Trump apologizers……Trump is ” not same old thing”. Says who? Nameless, faceless, talking head pundits? OK, we have to turn
off State of Union …it has finally made us turn to C-Span and the hearing on Fetal Tissue Research!