The ineffable Deborah Pauly, one of the three leading Republican candidates for the 68th Assembly District (Anaheim Hills, Irvine, Orange, Villa Park, Tustin, Lake Forest) raises the alarum:
Greetings friends,
I want you to make you aware of information and links to verifying on-line documents that a committee has just been established to attack me in the final hours of the campaign. SEE IMPORTANT INFORMATION BELOW!
This information has been provided to me electronically under the nomenclature “TRUTH FREEDOM.” I have no idea who that is, but the links he or she provided check out.
- Establishing an “Independent Expenditure” (IE) Committee allows the donors to spend as much as they want without the usual $4,200 donation limitation that more reputable forms of campaigning dictate; and
- It’s fine for Harry Sidhu to attack his political adversaries, but not to do so undercover. He gets to appear not to be attached to the attack ads because the IE Committee is listed as the source. This man has been chastised by many, many people over the years for his filthy campaign techniques. However, if you connect the dots, Sidhu is heavily involved because the two IE donors are personal friends and they have already donated to his Assembly Campaign.
See the information that was sent to me. FORWARD THIS FAR AND WIDE, so that Harry’s slimy campaign tactics can be exposed before they hit the streets.
THIS is what Deb got mysteriously sent to her:
Harry Sidhu’s Friends Started a committee just to Attack YOU!
Hello Deb, there is an Independent Expenditure with $40,000 in it from two of Harry’s best friends and donors. I pulled the state forms, and it got even weirder. Convicted money launderer Tony Strickland (right, see comment below) is an officer. The committee’s purpose is to Oppose Deborah Pauly. The $8,000 + is all going to yard signs and placement.
I anticipate there will be some mail – So weird.
Harry’s friends put $15,000 and $25,000 respectively. Here’s the link to that.
They filed paperwork yesterday to spend $8,000 + Opposing Deb Pauly for Assembly.
Both have donated to Harry’s Assembly account. The first is: OWNER/DEEPAK KRISHAN, CPA, INC. He is a friend of Harry’s, here he is emceeing an event for Harry.

Krishan not actually in this photo but he was emcee. Above – Ed Royce and wife, Sidhu and wife, the Indian ambassador to the US, and the US Ass. Sec. of State for South Asia.
The other is:
ALMEX USA, INC BUENA PARK, CA 90620 25000 2016-05-19 2016-05-19
Film maker Vandana Tilak is CEO of ALMEX USA Inc.
Here’s the CEO of ALMEX USA judging an Indian beauty contest with Harry:
Weird stuff but you can expect to get hit soon. Perhaps you will want to shed some light on it?
I wish you the best…..
From a political friend.
Deborah concludes:
You can help me by:
1) forwarding this information to everyone in Orange County
2) making a donation to my campaign.
Mail personal or business checks made payable to:
Deborah Pauly for Assembly 2016
P.O. Box 6373
Orange CA 92863
OR donate on-line at: http://www.deborahpaulyforassembly.com
3) praying.
We must be very close to winning this race, based on Sidhu’s recent push-polling, OR he would not be preparing to attack me. We can win this, but I need your help to do so. I have just a few last final campaign expenditures. Please, help me meet our frugal budget. They are preparing to spend $40,000 in attacks. I have only spent about $35,000 the entire campaign. We have not used one penny of your good money to attack others who live, work and play in our Assembly District…in our community.
Sunshine is a great disinfectant. Help me shine light on the truth.
Deborah Pauly
candidate, California State Assembly, 68th District
Elected Member, Central Committee, Republican Party of Orange County
714.394.8400 Twitter: @YnotDebPauly
Meanwhile – and THIS is pretty shameless – the OTHER top Republican candidate for the seat, Irvine Mayor Steven Choi, sent out a mailer yesterday ONLY TO REGISTERED DEMOCRATS, to boast about how HE, Republican candidate Steven Choi, actually has “DEMOCRATIC VALUES.” Does he really think Republican voters won’t hear about that, and won’t care? Courtesy of Paul Lucas, here’s a scan of the front and back of that mailer.
Happy Memorial Day Weekend, and may the best candidate win!
made a late small addition to the above article – adding “recently convicted money launderer Tony Strickland.” I don’t want that to fall through the cracks.
Tony Strickland, former Ventura Republican lawmaker, state controller candidate, and an officer in the “attack Deborah Pauly” committee, is currently facing an $80,000 FPPC fine (wow, they NEVER fine anyone that much!) for:
1. helping to conceal the identities of three donors to his state controller campaign,
2. arranging for individuals to give money to political party committees,
3. having these committees collect a fee, and forward the money to his campaign.
This is the guy who’s helping Harry Sidhu slime Deborah Pauly, and the article is from THIS MONTH: http://www.sacbee.com/news/politics-government/capitol-alert/article76570997.html#storylink=cpy