It’s not just Irvine City Council members that don’t want to be on a committee with Jeff Lalloway. Folks in Lake Forest are running an active campaign to keep Jeff off the OC Republican 68th District Central Committee.
Reclaiming Irvine from Larry Agran began with Jeff Lalloway’s 2010 election to the Irvine City Council, when Jeff comfortably beat Lynn Schott by 2,599 votes. Jeff started out strongly. During the Occupy Orange County debate Jeff said from the council dais (roughly)
I disagree with almost everything you say, but you have convinced me this is political speech. You can sleep on my front lawn
and voted to let Greg Diamond and friends camp out at Irvine City Hall for a month – the principled conservative thing to do.
But Jeff’s controlling personality quickly created frictions within the Irvine Republican community. He tried to control the flow campaign finance dollars. He was uncollegial about committee assignments. His constituent services were subpar. If Jeff had had report card for his first term in office, the “works and plays well with others” line would have been marked “needs improvement.”
Jeff’s difficulties were made clear in the 2014 election, when Jeff had massive outside support. Dave Gilliard‘s campaign finance laundering vehicle, the California HOA, flooded Irvine mailboxes with mailers. Additionally, somebody I haven’t tracked down sent a deeply mis-leading but YU-UUGE mailer shaped like a police badge suggesting Jeff had a public safety endorsement that he in fact did not have. Lynn Schott mostly got the crumbs from this outside money, but built her grassroots campaign around her Home Schooling advocacy.
When Irvine voters got their say, Jeff not only lost to Lynn, Jeff came within 210 votes of losing to Agran ally Meslissa Fox.
Despite this clear message, Jeff continued to burn bridges. In a completely inexplicable episode, Jeff supported Santa Ana kleptocrat Miguel Pulido for AQMD, a move so bizarre that even the hacks at OC Political lit into him. Jeff’s adventures in honking-off state-wide Republicans could fill another entire post. (and may yet).
But don’t take my word for it: Here’s is Allan Bartlett‘s public stance on Jeff:
Please do NOT vote for Jeff Lalloway in this district. The party does not need control freak dictators in any power positions. You could vote against him based purely on his horrible temperament alone….
So I have to agree with that anonymous Lake Forest sign and disagree with the OJBlog Politboro’s agitprop:
Please withhold your vote from Jeff Lalloway
The Central Committee will work more smoothly if we all encourage Jeff to spend more time with his wonderful family and his true constituents: Jon Fleischmann and Five Point Communities
Excuse me, but did Allan Bartlett just come out against Donald Trump?
For the record, I didn’t camp out there — although the first night we stayed on the sidewalk all night (except for me, who was off writing a screed against the Irvine Police’s then position) I did stumble about four feet onto the lawn and pass out for a while, covered with a blanket by someone I didn’t know who is now a friend.
So you’re a Choi guy? One thing that I do like about Lalloway is that he ain’t.
Given that I publicly opposed Steven’s personal vanity project (a 200 million dollar library at the Great Park), including running a public contest to name his proposed White Elephant (winning entry: “The Great Choi-Brary”), I don’t think I quality as much a of “Choi” guy.
I don’t care about being on the “winning team.” I already have a team: the Texas Longhorns. I care about what’s best for Irvine. Heck, sometimes I agree with Beth Krom No one on the council is always right — or always wrong. No one.
Apparently before this thread blossomed to make Irvine’s Republican fault-lines crystal clear, Greg assumed those fault lines were between Jeff and Steven.
But I also don’t think we should assume anyone is an anyone-guy.
A question is not an assumption.
1. Greg, what makes you conclude that Tyler is a “Choi guy?”
2. Hasn’t Lalloway been a good vote on the Veterans’ Cemetery? Or am I confused?
3. Although I’ve opposed Pulido on a lot of things, I miss him on the SCAQMD. He really did care about the environment and air quality, which is supposed to be that board’s responsibility. His rightwing “pro-business” replacement from Lake Forest has created a majority of foxes guarding the henhouse. So Jeff was right on that too.
4. He was a good anti-klepto vote on the OCTA, opposing the Disney Streetcar along with Tait and Moorlach. (Although kind of wishy-washy on toll lanes.)
But hey, I guess this is about Republicans getting to pick who’s on their Central Committee, so I’ve got no say. Since Travis is part of our team, I’ll go and put a note of his concerns on our Central Committee post.
Trump and Hillary both are control freaks. It’s a bad trait in a lot of politicians.
I think your point #3 is a stretch, Vern.
I voted against my own “friends’ in Irvine when they originally tried to kill the Veteran’s Cemetery. Shea originally even voted against it. Those same people–led by Christian Shea–are trying to kill it now.
Mayor Tait and I have consistently tried to kill the Anaheim Streetcar. Perhaps one of the greatest wastes of public funds I have ever seen.
Word, bro.
Sounds like some people just don’t like your personality.
I can’t tell Republicans how to vote on their Central Committee.
No. Shea and her friends don’t like me. That includes the people who want to kill the Veteran’s Cemetery. That’s all.
Shea is corrupt–lining her pockets with lobbyist money on the backs of Irvine voters. See the Voice of OC article. She’s under investigation by the FPPC.
I have refused to get in the dirt with these people, but I have had enough.
Well Jeff Lalloway spins tails like fairies in storybooks
The reason I am being investigated is Jeff Lalloway instigated the whole process by going to the press for them to pull public records while working with Dan Chemenski who filed the complaint with the FPPC as a political ploy because he wants to defeat me in November I had only asked sone questions of staff which my city attorney says was legal This of course is on the heels of Jeff going to my Company in 2010 meeting with my boss trying to take my consulting job away from me.. This is the kind of guy we are dealing with …and telling my boss he was the new sheriff in town My boss was so troubled by his suggestions and thank goodness I retained my position. He didn’t go alone by the way so we have the proof and it was also confirmed by others and just like this FPPC investigation inside folks told me how this adventure unfolded. But of course, no one needed to tell me . Now let’s turn to Jeff and ask about the Great Park audit and what is going on with the multi multi millions of claims? We need to waive privilege to share the facts about this travesty but I bet Jeff will never do that and spin more tails I am ready to share what has gone on Of course he bully’s othets I don’t let him treat me like that any more but I have records to the City Manager and City Attorney about him bullying me bringing me to tears He humiliated our wonderful legal Represebtatuve for the Grest Park audit in a public meeting he attackied and insulted our State Party chair and OC chair in the press as we all know when he tried to defend his support of Miguel Pulido for AQMD. He spins a tale now but we all know and the press stories confirm his support for Miquel and against the Republican Dwigjht Thompson is very clear
And our Veterans wow this is another spin around of Jeff’s I support the veterans cemetery I support the land exchange as well which is a much better deal and I hosted a year long Veterans housing task force which Jeff attended as a committee member but he only cane to one meeting and never came again but called our staff and got mad that they didn’t promote his name more when we brought forward the findings in a public meeting But he really isn’t worth wasting my day to describe these few of many issues which I and others have had to deal with on a daily basis with Mr Lalloway
That is a total lie, Jeff Lalloway. You are actually killing the vet cemetery by against the vet’s wish to have a land swap. The new site would have allowed vet to start construction earlier. Now you killed it, and with millions of clean up cost required for the current site, you literally killed the project all together. You betrayed the vets and Irvine residents just to serve your own selfish political interests!
No, that’s not true. The City isn’t responsible for the cleanup costs.
Quit twisting the facts Jeff Lalloway! I do not agree Shea’s proposal for the landswap is killing the Veteran’s Cemetery when it’s supported by the veterans, residents and 5P, Don’t insult our intelegence! It’s pretty obvious who is a corrupt fact-twisting bully, who doesn’t care about the veterans!
The Great Anaheim Trolley to nowhere. Good job, Jeff. Kill that albatross.
I’m trying. With the help of my good friend Mayor Tait.
Really are you spinning tails, Jeffrey? Like fairies even? Olive Oyl says so.
You can blame me all you want, Corrupt Christina, but I wasn’t the one collecting $100,000 from an Irvine business to lobby city staff–staff in which you have authority over.
And let me say it once again: Shea voted against the Veteran’s Cemetery and is trying to kill it now.
Jeff, here you are once again being stingy with the truth. What Christina Shea and Steven Choi wanted to do with the Veterans Cemetery was not to kill but rather relocate it to another location in the Park. That relocation would have accelerated it’s construction while satisfying complaints from nearby residents. Incidentally,I couldn’t help notice the Veterans supported relocation as well. Too bad you don’t worry more about what goes on in Irvine instead of Anaheim’s streetcar problem. Bottom line, save your “Bully Boy” tactics for the court room where you can get away with them.
Steven Choi did not second Corrupt Christina’s motion to try to kill the Veteran’s Cemetery. She was all alone in her misguided attempt to kill the cemetery.
Jeff, as part of OCVMP, I disagree with you that the motion that Shea made is trying to kill the Veteran’s Cemetery. If it were, the veterans would (pretty obviously) not support it. Your view depends on an assumption that only one track can be pursued. While the process for approval of the initial site proceeds, an effort to try to get the government to swap the land to the “strawberry fields” site — with Five Points paying for any additional costs of reports and approval of that site, etc. — seems perfectly reasonable.
Had Five Point offered this land — on the former military airfield, although not part of the Great Park proper — at the outset, I think that there would have been universal approval of it. I don’t know why they didn’t think outside the box like this earlier, and the blame falls on them. I don’t think that there’s much question but that the strawberry fields site is better in pretty much all respects, including moving things along more rapidly and surely.
However, Five Point would surely get more benefit from a swap — the ability to build that many more expensive houses — than the cemetery and its proponents would get. There are two ways one can look at that. One is to say that Five Point’s gaining disproportionately from such a swap is unfair. The other is to say that what matters is solely what the veterans, and other cemetery advocates, get out of the swap. I think that the latter is more appropriate.
It’s funny for me, as one who continually gets accused of being anti-business, to be on this side of the argument, but — while I will probably be irritated by much of what Five Point will do with their extra profit (if a swap does take place), I don’t think it’s my place (or yours) to try to ensure that Five Point makes less money than they could, so long as the benefit to others increases.
Some people — I don’t think you — want to deny Five Point a political victory. That’s not my motivation, nor do I think it should drive one’s views. I have no illusions that in supporting a swap Shea is doing anything but doing Five Point’s bidding, as she’s been inclined to do all along, but I’m trying to get beyond that: whether she profits politically from any such deal is secondary. What matters is what’s good for the veterans and their loved ones. (Well, I’d also say that what matters is what’s good for Irvine in having a great public attraction right up at the intersection of the 5 and 405, rather than tucked away off of the freeway, burnishes the reputations of both the city and the veterans.)
I don’t see what’s wrong with a “plus-sum” resolution to this conflict. You may raise cogent logistical and political objections to it, but I’d hope to see more effort put in to seeing whether they can be overcome. Given Five Point’s resources behind a swap, I suspect that it can be pursued in a way that simply does not endanger creation of a cemetery.
I’m unable to reply directly to your post. So here’s why it kills or massively slows the project. First, I would suggest you go to the video of the council session where Beth, Lynn and I explain it in depth.
Briefly, this is a state cemetery and the state has appropriated $500,000 to study the current site. There must be another bill and the entire process of studying the new site has to start all over again.
Now, Quirk-Silva did the hard work of getting a bill through Sacto and a new bill, without her role on the Vet Committee, will take at least a few years–if ever.
Brown said he didn’t want to appropriate the money originally for the project. That’s a problem if the governor MAY not even sign a new bill. And you must have a new bill.
So, first question is how to get a bill (almost impossible) and then the entire process, which has already taken 2 years, has to start all over again. You’re looking at the entire project taking at least another 3-5 years from where we are now–and that’s if, and that’s a big if, we ever get a bill.
And we have spoken to CalVet. They are not happy with this entire controversy surrounding the project. That will cause the federal government to look at the project as suspect, based upon the current community split. It needs state and federal approvals.
There’s other reasons, but those are the biggies. We had bipartisan agreement on the project and the site and when does that ever happen? Now, we have splits and mass confusion. That’s no way to move this project forward.
As I said at the time and in the press, if the current site doesn’t work, the new site can always be our Plan B. But to change course now will cause years of delay and create havoc in the government approval process.
Christina’s Shea’s motion was supported by 5P, vast majority of the veterans and residents. Christina was NOT alone! Did 50+ speakers spoke for nothing? Did you even listen or care what the veterans and residents want? Obviously not!
Enough is enough.
I have no idea who Tyler is, but I can tell you that the folks behind the signs are the same people who want to recall the city council for our votes to keep the Veteran’s Cemetery at the Great Park–Gang Chen and his cronies. And Tyler fails to note that these signs illegal because they fail to disclose the committee (or lack of committee) that paid for them.
Understand, there are folks who want to kill the Cemetery and they are really mad because I have been the one consistent vote to put it in the Great Park and keep it going.
If you want to buy in on the Shea-bots who say I’m “mean” then go ahead. I’m trying to work, raise a family and put in way too much time trying to help my community.
Allan Bartlett is the biggest hypocrite of all time. The self-proclaimed libertarian supports Shea because she appointed him to the Finance Commission. Specifically, Bartlett supports Shea who:
1. After yelling for years about how corrupt Beth Krom is, nominated Krom to be Vice-Chairman of the Great Park
2. Refused to support Mayor Choi and I when we tried to get the budget under control. Namely, continues to give over $1 million to the Irvine Barclay Theatre after we tried to put an end to this giveaway of public money to an outside entity because her “grandaughter dances there.”
3. Voted and advocated for the biggest union salary and benefit increase in Irvine history. She’s always been a friend of the public sector unions.
These are hardly principled Republican positions.
And with regard to the AQMD vote, I have made it clear that I needed to talk to Dwight before I committed the vote of the City of Irvine. Do do otherwise would be a deriliction of my duties as a public officeholder. In short, outside interests shouldn’t instruct elected officials how to vote.
You can disagree with my votes or positions, but this other stuff is just silly.
That’s the biggest load of crap ever Jeff. Christina led the effort to pay down the unfunded pension liabilities by strategically using our Asset Management Plan(AMP). She led the effort to have all the Great Park finances audited and thereby exposing all the Agran corruption that we all knew was going on. I have so much much more to say, but I think I will save it for another day when Jeff meltdowns again.
BTW Vern since you are defending Jeff, I’ll let you know that it was Jeff’s brilliant idea to bring the Gerb(aka Matthew Cunningham) into a city discussion of the the Barclay Theater budget. As if he was some kind a credible gov waste mediator.
Hypocrite Bartlett!!!! You’re just like every other politician you claim to be corrupt. You are protecting the person who appointed you to the Finance Commission. It’s all about your personal position.
You fail to address one issue about Shea and how they come into absolute conflict with your “libertarian” positions. Because you know they are true. You are a fraud.
She led the council to do an Audit. Absolutely.
But it was Gary Burton, the head of the Finance Department, his idea to pay down the unfunded liability. Face it, Corrupt Christina still doesn’t have a clue what we voted on.
You have no clue what goes on. Just what Corrupt Christina tells you.
Jerbal – say it ain’t so, Jeff! Someone who sees through the streetcar should see RIGHT through Jerbal.
Oh it is so. I have the emails Vern. It’s really great fodder.
Just for you Vern.
That was weird. So Matt just appeared on an e-mail chain between you and Jeff, as though Jeff had a scary Cunningham doll in his pocket for such occasions. I wonder how much Matt charged for that service, or if he was just happy to do it because you have humiliated him so many times. I’m sure Matt doesn’t give a damn about Irvine and the Barclay.
Really surreal. I mean, being lectured by Cunningham on fiscal conservatism must have been like (fill in blank.)
I believe what was happening, and Jeff can correct the record if he wishes, was Jeff had retained a consultant named Jeff Flint(former Pringle staffer turned consultant) and Matt was getting sloppy seconds from this arrangement. Jeff probably brought him in as some kind of authority on small government matters. You can’t make this stuff up.
I remember Flint. The hitman for Prop 8, the guy who helped make it illegal for our gay friends to marry for several miserable years.
I’m glad they put lead in his water.
“Shoveling” money into the Barclay?
Hmm. So how come we in Anaheim have never heard The Jerb utter a single word of criticism against the subsidy that “Muzeo” gets from the City, year after wretched year?
Is it because this is one of Pringle’s little hobbies?
“being lectured by Cunningham on fiscal conservatism must have been like (fill in blank.)”
Being lectured by Jerry Sandusky on child safety issues?
This association with a guy who outs child sex abuse victims sheds new light on Jeff Lalloway. Unfortunately, we have to wait until 2018 to get rid of him here in Irvine.
From what it looks like to me, Christina Shea comes out looking good in this. Although I did not agree with her stance on Measure N in 1989 as part of the Irvine Values Coalition, she hasn’t done anything harmful to the LGBT community in recent years.
DZ, Re your Muzeo question,
Note the quote credit title in the large black rectangle up top. BTW, any picks for this week’s Powerball ? LOL.
Corrupt, no Jeff, I am not corrupt.. I don’t make $100 k a year for Kia and I am not a lobbyist …..if I were… as you know, we have a lobbying ordinance in the City, which I must comply with…you are out for me and I don’t understand why, except a year ago, I opposed your positions on cameras at the Great Park, and you went ballistic…so if I were a lobbyist, and our attorneys have opined I am not, despite, your continual attempts to clarify me as a lobbyist, I don’t know quite what to make of your emotional melt down.
You wanted my job, you went to my boss to take my job, and now, you are trying to destroy my work effort, by working with Dan C to file complaints with the FPPC to harm me, who does this to a colleague or a fellow Republican as an elected member to Central Committee and the State Party? I have been around a long time, I am stable and the community likes me. I am honest, and I am sorry you have it out for me and no matter what you throw at me and no matter how much you work with the dems to come after me, which you are doing, I won;t be pushed around by you. And Jeff, I am a Christian woman, raising my granddaughter, I work hard and I pray and believe and my prayer is you become a better man…that is my hope.
I pray that the voters of the city see through your lies, victimhood and general nonsense to elect official who will have integrity and not line their pockets off the citizens of our city.
And please stop trying to kill the Veteran’s Cemetery. You voted against it once. no more.
You don’t deserve any votes, Jeff L! Two years ago you tricked Asian communities to vote for you, claiming you will listen to the community’s concern. We voted for you, now we know what a big mistake we made. You did NOTHING for the community! The only thing you did is attacking other council member who is trying to help the community and the vets. You are the biggest liar in Irvine!
That reminds me Christina, does your God still want you to be anti-gay, or has he issued new instructions on that to fit the 21st Century?
I presume you are referencing Councilmember Shea’s involvement in Measure N in 1989. Measure N was an initiative removing LGBT protections against discrimination.
“If you give minority status to behavior-based life styles, you open up a Pandora’s box–to smokers, drinkers, neo-Nazis if you will.” – Christina Shea
Care to respond, Councilmember Shea?
Jeff, your logic is about as solid as a mashed potato sandwich. I have supported Christina Shea for twenty years and she has never appointed me to anything. At the same time nor has she used influence to cut me any favors when I worked for the City of Irvine. In fact, there have been a number of issues on which we disagreed. One that quickly comes to mind is Team Irvine supporting you when you first ran for Council. The Team didn’t listen to my analysis of your personality defects including the “Bully Boy” syndrome. They now acknowledge I was right. Next time around, when you run for reelection I will be supporting Melissa Fox over you and anybody else over your BFF Lynn Schott. Your efforts to keep Christina Shea from running for Council in 2016 by smearing her and trying to eliminate her livelihood, merely reflect the kind of low life politician you really are. I look forward to when you are just a bad memory in Irvine.
Does he even know who you are? You have that pseudonym, after all….
P.S. Is it your understanding that mashed potato sandwiches are not solid? Do you think that they are liquid, gaseous, or plasma?
Everybody knows who Lieutentant Pat Rodgers is … if he stopped frequenting the Liberal OC Dan would feel it in his hits.
Or, as Jose S likes to call him, Liptard.
Pat Rodgers: Irvine’s version of Deputy Dawg.
You are the one who wrote the City Council an email about how you wanted to be appointed by the City to be the Chief of Police. You actually lobbied the Council to be Police Chief. It’s true. What a joke.
You told us how our current Chief, a great chief, was not able to perform the job. That’s who you are.
OK, so you do know who this is. Funny anecdote there.
I think all these people know each other … except, somehow, Jeff doesn’t know Tyler which is surprising.
I had not anticipated that our decision to endorse Lalloway for OCGOP Central Committee, if that’s what prompted this post, would have this kind of blowback.
Jeff, we can retract the endorsement, if you think it would help! It was a bipartisan decision, based largely on your strength on the streetcar issue.
Yeah except Greg didn’t actually sleep there. He was more a “commuter” occupist.
He already admitted that, Pine, in the first comment above.
Were you there? I don’t remember you.
You’re correct. I’ve never said otherwise. I was the “Civic Liaison,” handling legal negotiations with the host cities and facilitating various projects. Given that I am (co)-head of now six-person household way up in Brea, I thought that that was my best contribution. Seems to have worked out, in most people’s opinion. Those who think that being onsite was the be-all and end-all may disagree about that — but you would not have been there without my work and I was happy to serve.
We got rid of one dictator in Irvine(Larry Agran) and another one took his place. To make a long story short. When Irvine Republicans regained a majority on the council 2012, Jeff thought he was going to be making and dictating all the important decisions of governing. It turned out that Mayor Choi and Councilwoman Shea are pretty independent thinkers and it all started to go bad almost from the get go. When Jeff wouldn’t get his way, he tried to intimidate and bully people into submission. That’s what the last three and half years have essentially has been. When he wasn’t bullying and intimidating people, they were able to do some good things.
That makes no sense. Bully people? Sounds like some phrase people use when they have no argument.
How could one council member, who is apparently in the minority in his positions, bully 2 other council members?
I go to council and my other Boards, like OCTA, and vote. That’s it.
You, on the other hand, are just another Corrupt Christina apologist, covering for her bad votes and corrupt schemes.
You too will go down with the ship.
Enlighten us oh two faced one……How did you vote on the City of Irvine Employees Contracts? How many meetings have you had a temper tantrum and stormed out of? Was that you or your evil twin who stood in the audience of a Council meeting on break and ranted about how you were going to destroy Christina Shea’s political career. If you were Pinocchio, your nose would be ten feet long.
Oh you gonna “ruin me” like you threatened Steven. Haha.
No, you do a good job of ruining yourself.
How do you live with yourself defending a corrupt politician who has been around for 25 years?
Your Ron Paul buddies are going to see through your nonsense and realize that you’re just like every other person who leeches off government.
For your incomplete information, Choi and I voted to together on virtually every issue in 2013. He complained about her constantly and still does.
Shea voted with Agran and Krom over and over again that year. items such as the budget, city attorney and other huge issues. It wasn’t until a meeting late in 2013 where Agran wanted her to vote with him to kill the Portola High School that she finally started to vote with Steven and me.
Again Jeff, you are a damn control freak. As soon as you heard Councilwoman Shea wanted to appoint me to the Finance Commission right after the election, you were on the phone with her telling her not to do it and threatening her. Who freakkin does that except extremely narcissistic people like you. You were upset because I upset your good friend John Campbell by helping to deny him the party endorsement because of his TARP vote.
Again, you have no idea what you are talking about.
Corrupt Christina told me that she warned you about your inflammatory Facebook and blog posts about elected officials she had to serve with on local Boards. She told me that she told you to cut it out or she would have you replaced.
Guess you didn’t know about that. Huh?
This is fun! I’ll be right back with a keg.
I’m tired of these people writing things about me and Irvine that just are not true. I’m sure this is entertaining.
Perhaps it is entertaining for you “Oh two faced One” but it is not the least bit funny for the rest of us. Enjoy your fifteen minutes of fame because Karma is looking over your shoulder and will be visiting you in 2018. You and Larry Agran can get together for coffee and swap sea stories about your past days on the Irvine City Council.
The voters of Irvine have rejected you and elected me twice. Face it, you were rejected by the voters as being a losing, fringe candidate. They are wise people.
Your threats mean little to me. And I’m the bully?
Are you ever going to address the fact that Corrupt Christina’s positions are so contrary with your “good and small government Ron Paul” positions? Hypocrite.
Let me answer for you. No. Because there is no answer.
Hey, same team boys. Same team.
Said the North OC Reep who has no idea what’s happening.
We are actually not on the same team. He’s on Team Shea and her corruption.
I don’t care what letters you have after your name, if you’re corrupt, then you’re not on my team.
And Shea-Bartlett have been bad mouthing me on Facebook and blogs for weeks. I didn’t want to get in the muck with them. I have no choice.
Fair enough!
Sparingly on the truth again Jeff. It was you who started the entire conflict when you tried force the other Council members to bend to your will. Clearly, you didn’t know Christina Shea because she bends to no one’s demands. After all those years of abuse by Larry Agran, she is immune to your rank amateur antics. Face it, Christina Shea and Steven Choi are the two most popular Council Members and you and the traitor Lynn Schott are not.
“I don’t care what letters you have after your name, if you’re corrupt, then you’re not on my team.” – Jeff Lalloway, Irvine Councilmember
Team Shea. Team Lalloway. What is this? “Twilight”? “Captain America: Civil War”? The Justice League of America?
Allan Bartlett is right. This is beyond comical.
I’m back. You-all still want beer?
As long as I can get a bottle of some good Kentucky bourbon or sour mash whiskey with it.
Tell us about your experiences on the state party board Jeff right after you got elected.
Of course. Don’t answer and deflect.
Isn’t that what they call Alinsky tactics?
Corrupt Christina advocated for the largest public employee giveaway in Irvine history and you ask me about me.
If there’s any doubts, the Irvine Police Union has already endorsed her.
The Police Association will endorse anyone but you “Mr. Two Face.” They have seen your true side and that is to turn Irvine into the disaster area your BFF’s The Three Stooges have done in Costa Mesa. You can also count on the Cops to endorse and actively support your opponent, should you be foolish enough to run for Mayor in 2016. In this City, the Police still have more credibility with citizens than do two bit politicians.
Being disliked by a Police union sounds good to me.
Tell us Jeff about the time you ran out of closed session and up the stairs in the chamber to yell at a few our allies after you didn’t get your way on firing the city attorney. I’d love to hear how professional that was.
Corrupt Christina voted with Agran and Krom, and opposed to Mayor Choi and I, to keep Agran’s hand-picked city attorney. I didn’t “yell” at anyone. I certainly let people know how disappointed I was in Corrupt Christina for keeping Agran’s puppet in such an important position.
Do you think it was a good idea for Corrupt Christina to advocate for Irvine to give away $200,000 of taxpayer funds to UCI for their solar decathlon entry?
I’ll tell you, when there was a move to fire Sean as he should have been, I and many others told Christina what a mistake that was at the time to keep him. I still feel that way, but you changed your mind and gave him a new $400k contract. That’s real fiscally responsible of you.
With all of this bickering and posturing, I understand why Irvine is becoming a more insufferable place to live. An unfinished “Great Park”, a city that falls asleep after 9:00pm with nothing open and no decent locally owned taquerias (Tacos and Co. don’t count) or locally owned places to eat, traffic FUBARs on Culver Dr,, Red Hill Dr., and Jamboree. Hey look, open land. Let’s build another strip mall and gentrify the place with another Starbucks and so called “farm to table” chi chi boutique eateries.
With this verbal battle royale going on, I’m waiting for Dan Chemical Lewinsky to weigh in and spew his expertise about all things Irvine.
Chemical Lewinsky. We’ll have to remember that one.
“Dan Chemical Lewinsky”
You, Sir, are a genius.
However Lil’ Clumski will not appear on this board, even to tell Anaheim Mexican-Americans how good they have it under Jordan Brandman’s benevolent hand (string to PringleCorp never mentioned).
“Chemical Lewinsky”…..coffee is all over my computer screen now. Thank you for that.
I remember if you criticized the Almighty Saint of Master Planned Communities, Larry Agran, during his decades long reign of error, Chemical Lewinsky would throw a temper tantrum of epic proportions. He would take that criticism so personally he would stalk his opponents online or park outside of their homes.
His meltdowns are just as epic as what I am seeing here from Lalloway.
Oh, little has changed.
I can see that. The holier than thou attitude coming from Irvine’s version of Deputy Dawg speaks volumes. He must have issues with businesses that serve authentic tacos.
Rick, it it is “tacos” you desire, move to Santa Ana. Those of us who live in Irvine like it the way it has been professionally developed over forty years. From the increase in housing prices, there are many others moving in who have the same opinion.
Strange thing, some folks are moving from Irvine to Fullerton. To find a new job, believe it or not.
Sounds like a segue…
Irvine has locally-owned restaurants. My personal favorite is Lucca. There are many others.
What you have to understand is that there are two Irvines: the two hundred thousand of us who live here, and the almost three hundred thousand of us who drive into Irvine every day to work here.
You read that right: more people drive into Irvine for employment every day than live in Irvine.
It’s that “commuter” Irvine you are describing: choking traffic along the key arterials at rush hour, chain restaurants, and endless office buildings. These people are also, in their own way, my fellow Irvine citizens. But if you only see “their” Irvine, you are missing much of Irvine.
I would argue what you are missing are the best bits of Irvine.
BTW, if you want good tacos in Irvine, don’t bother looking for taquerias — the Irvine Corp hiked their leases to the stratosphere long ago. Follow the food trucks, which are here regularly.
Whoever said local politics is boring sure are kidding themselves should grab a chair and popcorn.
Great viewing ? From the safety of elsewhere. Front-row exciting ? Like salmonella.
Since Santa Ana, Anaheim, and Irvine are the “Big 3” we often see interconnectivity between them, AKA incestuous behavior creating the “Deliverance” baby of government that makes it as hard to separate the communities as it is to separate cousins in a back wood ‘holler. So forgive this Anaheim girl for watching the deeds of Irvine and Santa Ana that end up impacting us up in the cheap seats of Anaheim. Actually from Anaheim to Irvine becomes nosebleed section, but we have binoculars and a big score board and we do our best. (Please note I do not interfere with the deeds of Irvine, unlike an Irvine arrogant internet assclown who likes to slum it and show Anaheim how they want things done.)
A) Last night someone way smarter than me pointed out that Irvine has managed to pump up a General Fund nearly equal to that of Anaheim (and without the “advantage” of the “economic engine”) while serving less than 2/3 of our population. Add that Irvine did NOT invite Arte Moreno to come get free stuff when you had the chance, and I am impressed. However, your efforts to catch Anaheim in the loony tunes at City Hall department are amateur level, at best. To attain that bat-shit-crazy award, we really need to send you Kris Murray to show you how it is done. For a little extra we will throw Jordan Brandman in the box too. Where shall we send them?
B) Anyone who claims Pulido cares about the environment has spent too much time in the oxygen starved environment created by the Pulido era AQMD.
How long did Pulido (and current AQMD Board still) protect Disney’s exemption for ANY STUDY AT ALL documenting the health and safety of the nightly rain of heavy metals and black powder dropping on Anaheim’s back yards, dog dishes, vegetable gardens, and kids play space? Now we are up to twice a night during peak crowds. Pulido on AQMD was classic fox/henhouse scenario. Period. Gee, we could probably discuss that problem you are having with the District, Mr. Developer, perhaps we could catch time for a word during my upcoming fund raiser, I would be happy to break away from the adoring crowds to offer you my ear, and my pockets.
C) Lalloway has been a consistent vote against the streetcar, and with the issue returning to Committee in early June, I trust he will continue to oppose that boondoggle, as the right thing to do no matter who has made political alliances. I trust ALL of OCTA’s Board will recognize that staff’s move to pull the ARC under the OCTA umbrella and cherry pick the info already paid (overpaid) for also creates significant liability to OCTA for the contents of the studies paid for, but carefully curated for select info before being presented to OCTA decision makers. Someone has to read all of it and see if you really want to take ownership of that.
D) Filing a complaint with FPPC comes with the territory, it sucks but anyone working as a filter between business and government while being elected to same government needs to factor that as part of the deal. Meeting with one’s employer to bitch about the workforce is below the belt. Sending anonymous packages documenting blog posts to an employer is also below the belt. Both sides have lost the setting on their moral compasses. Time to dial it back.
E) Nobody ever DID explain why shifting the Vet’s cemetery to a better location that resolved the Chinese opposition issue, and was supported by the Vets, was not supported. I have no dog in that fight, i want to support the Vets no matter what they do, but pushing forward with something that should have been fixed a long time ago just because it is already in the pipeline didn’t make sense to me, and I hope someone can explain it. From my (admitted long distance) view, it seems like leaving it next to 5 Points makes it easier to kill the project. But I welcome someone explaining the nuance of that.
F) Vern, thanks for the keg but I am holding out for bottles of Ryan’s Hefeweizen. However, if Ryan brings the brown bottles, I will offer some homemade pretzels, as long as the principals here will continue the show. We haven’t had activity like this since Vern accused Gerbil of working for strippers.
I’ve got a keg of a nice honey blonde I just made. That work?
BTW, Besides our self-idolizing “Economic Engine”, might it be noted they also lack the cash flow, reserves, etc., of a City-Owned Utility.
Another recent article I chanced across might offer some explanation of the comparative situations of Irvine vs Anaheim, but WITHOUT ABSOLVING Anaheim’s “Financial Planners” of the obligation for an answer.-
That’s probably a LOT of infrastructure assessments in the bank, possibly providing the wherewithal for pension pre funding, but NOT to obscure any comparisons with the “power output” and “exhaust” from Anaheim’s spending choices from ITS “Economic Engine”. (As well as the onslaught of multi-story, high density in the Plutonium Triangle and elsewhere )
This is part of the email chain Bartlett posted earlier.
From Christina Shea:
“We don’t need to cut this funding to balance our budget. We have a 10 million dollar carryover at the end of this year and are fully funding our reserves I asked the City Manager to be sure this year we use no reserves to balance the budget and so that is what we have, a lean but balanced budget
“I additionally, just recently proposed a “pension liability reduction strategic plan” to address our unfunded liability problem No one has ever brought this up as a directive to staff to begin to address this serious fiscal concern
“I brought forward this idea over several months ago.
“And at our recent budget workshop, I stated I didn’t want our public safety department bringing in any more laterals for hiring and only hire new recruits so we can start to lower this liability.
“That is being addressed presently.
“The strategic plan for pension reduction, will be coming forward soon for our Council’s review and adoption. No one else brought this idea forward, I did.
“I appreciate your thoughtful review of our plans for Irvine but it is best not to go to one source For information, as apparently all the facts are being brought forward to you.”
HOLY MOLEY! Nobody around here is addressing pension reform!! I am so impressed. Just 2 meetings ago our Anaheim brain trust voted once again to offer a jacked-up rate for new Police hires, claiming we need to do it to hire good cops.
You know what would make us a desirable city to work in? Having enough cops on the street to provide them with back up when they call. I suspect that might be more appealing than a fat pension they cant use if they got shot for not having anyone to watch their backs because we were paying cops to NOT work.
Or being one of the few cities with a sustainable plan to actually pay the pensions, that might draw the best and brightest. How about offering silent 2nd mortgages to encourage cops to live in the city, that might be helpful AND pull down crime rates.
But there will be no thinking outside the box in Anaheim. That seems to be reserved for Irvine where we accuse them of being beige and bland, but it turns out leadership at least has some imagination, even if the architecture doesn’t. Wow. Well done. Did Ms. Shea get the votes?
Of course we got the votes. It was 5-0. Jeff said in an earlier comment that paying down the unfunded pension liability was not Christina’s idea. That is another one of his lies. “Lying Lalloway”. It was Christina who got the ball rolling to see if this was feasible and then our Admin Services Head Gary Burton figured out the nuts and bolts of how the city would pay for it. The program is working brilliantly and it was all because of Christina’s leadership. Jeff likes to grandstand on little issues like “he doesn’t take a pension” and “let’s cut Barclay Theater funding” and then if someone doesn’t go along with his plan, he absolutely meltdowns.
BTW Cynthia, the city got recognized by Governing Magazine for being one of the few cities to tackle this issue head on. Jeff is pissed because this wasn’t his idea and he didn’t get credit for it. That’s just how he rolls.
Lying Jeff (Lalloway),
You are a big liar:
1. How can you throw the veterans and Irvine residents under the bus at the 4/12 City Council meeting, refuse to give the veterans what they want, and claim you are for the veterans? Most of the veterans want the landswap because the 2nd site is much better than the original site.
2. You are a lawyer, and supposed to know the law, why are you posting incorrect info here to mislead the public? There is NEVER a requirement of noting the committee name on street signs, and any campaign that cost less than $1,000 does not even need to be reported to FPCC. Either you are so stupid and does not know the laws while claiming to be a lawyer, or you intentionally post incorrect information to mislead the public.
3. You claim to be Republican, but you acts like a mole inside the Republican party for Agran. Anyone has any doubt about this just need to search online and see 4/12/16 city council meeting video on line at the city’s website, and you can see how Lying Jeff (Lalloway) is kissing up to Agran:
That was so disgusting. Well, if you want to be a Democrat, then register as a Democrat, why did you register as a Republican but act like a Democrat?
4. We can borrow the idea from Trump, and call Jeff Lalloway the “Lying Jeff” until he stops lying, which I doubt he will.
I know who this is, but I won’t out him. Needless to say, he’s a big fan of the Shea-FivePoint cemetery swap.
1. The veterans are split over this issue. There is no consensus. There used to be before this swap offer. Now they are split. So, to claim the vets are behind this is silly. There are some vets who believe that other members of the Vet Committee have been bought off for their last minute support of the swap.
2. How do you know that less than $1000 was spent? Signs are expensive. There are way more than $1000 worth of signs in the district. So clearly you have knowledge of participated in the sign campaign–violating state law.
3. Agran is right with his support for this issue. I don’t support him, I support this issue and will work with anyone who wants to see a Veteran’s Cemetery in the Great Park. On the other hand, no one has done more to defeat Agran than me. Others, like you and other fake Republicans, have worked with him both financially and strategically for years.
4. Corrupt Christina is against the veteran’s cemetery. Please don’t let her kill it. Realize, all of this has started AFTER my vote to reaffirm Irvine’s commitment for the Cemetery.
Lying Jeff,
You are lying again:
1. The veterans were notified by e-mails, Face Book posts and otehr means about the landswap, and an overwhelming majority of the veterans support the landswap. You voted against their will and throw them under the bus, and you are now going around telling people that you support veterans? What a joke!
2. By voting “No” along with Krom on the landswap motion, you are actually killing the cemetery all together. When the final estimate of the cleaning cost for the original cemetery site comes back, we’ll see how you sit on the eggs that you laid. The cost can be millions of dollars. Where is the money for cleaning up? You vote made it impossible to build a veterans’ cemetery, and actually killed it.
3. You stated the signs are illegal in previous post, and yet in this post, you just admitted you do NOT know the cost of the sign. You just slapped yourself on your face. Keep posting, and people will know what kind of a jerk you are.
4. People know you well enough already know you, Lying Jeff (Lalloway), are not a Republican nor a Democrat, you have no integrity, no principles, you are just out for yourself.
5. You claim that you support the veterans just trying to get votes and political gain for yourself. You are hijacking this issue for your own gains. Any normal persons can see the new site is way better than the old one in every way.
6. You are NOT the one that is doing the work for the cemetery, the veterans are. The veterans want the new site, just give it to them. How hard it is for people to understand that?
7. Another lie that Lying Jeff told in 2014: People saw you, Lying Jeff, dancing and shouting “no cemetery” at the Great Park trying to get votes from the residents, and now you are posting here saying that you support the cemetery?
8. Lying Jeff, who are you? What kind of monster you are? How low can you go and stab everyone for your own gains?
This anonymous poster is Anthony Kuo, member of the Planning Commission and candidate for city council. Obviously, he pretends that he knows all the details about the things going on. If this is who you are, why should Irvine residents even consider voting for you?
Keep guessing, and you can list all the people that do not like you here. That will show people how unpopular you are.
And they say my screen name is just a “cheap trick”
I’m trying to stay mostly out of the substance here — not my party, after all — but I do feel the need to set the record straight: Lalloway DID support the cemetery in 2014. I didn’t count him as a “yes” vote until he made it, despite that he had said that he would support it but stayed quiet during the debate, but he was good on his word. He was also the swing vote; I don’t think that Shea or Choi would have voted for it had he not cast his third vote to make a majority “aye” vote. It was in doubt until that moment, after which the other two Republicans caved.
On point 2: the cleaning costs are not going to be borne by the city, but by the federal government. I expect that Lalloway knows that.
Lalloway and I disagree on the current “land trade” proposal, but I give him credit where it is due: without him, no Veterans Cemetery at all.
On point 8: Cookie Monster?
You have no idea HOW it happened. Corrupt Christina had nothing to do with it other than take the Director of Finance’s idea and bring it forward.
You are a hypocrite. She is a long time friend of the unions in Irvine. She advocated for and supported the biggest union giveaway in Irvine history. And you claim that you’re a libertarian? Please.
I’m tired of you and Corrupt Christina taking shots at me in social media and blogs. This is my opening shot at fighting back.
Jeff and Christina
I am ashamed of you both. Either grow up or resign.
I wonder to what degree the behavior of Donald Trump and his opponents opens up some sort of door for the folks lower down in his Party to unloose their inner child.
Shea and her friends have been pounding me on blogs and FB for weeks after my vote. Shea and Bartlett attached this post to their FB pages, commenting about how I should be defeated for the Central Committee race. I did not respond for weeks, not wanting to get in the muck with these people.
Now, I finally say something in response to a blog post on this blog about me. And I should resign? Do you suggest I just sit back and let her friends say untrue things about e and not point out her record?
They say a picture is worth a thousand words. This video of Jeff Lalloway pretty much says it all. Yes, Jeff, do us a favor and resign.
This request will be treated the same way I treated your request to be appointed as Police Chief of Irvine. Ignored.