Jeff Lalloway unloved in Irvine and beyond




It’s not just Irvine City Council members that don’t want to be on a committee with Jeff Lalloway. Folks in Lake Forest are running an active campaign to keep Jeff off the OC Republican 68th District Central Committee.

Lake Forest Speaks

Lake Forest Speaks

Reclaiming Irvine from Larry Agran began with Jeff Lalloway’s 2010 election to the Irvine City Council, when Jeff comfortably beat Lynn Schott by 2,599 votes. Jeff started out strongly. During the Occupy Orange County debate Jeff said from the council dais (roughly)

I disagree with almost everything you say, but you have convinced me this is political speech. You can sleep on my front lawn

and voted to let Greg Diamond and friends camp out at Irvine City Hall for a month – the principled conservative thing to do.

But Jeff’s controlling personality quickly created frictions within the Irvine Republican community. He tried to control the flow campaign finance dollars.  He was uncollegial about committee assignments. His constituent services were subpar. If Jeff had had report card for his first term in office, the “works and plays well with others” line would have been marked “needs improvement.”

Jeff’s difficulties were made clear in the 2014 election, when Jeff had massive outside support.  Dave Gilliard‘s campaign finance laundering vehicle, the California HOA, flooded Irvine mailboxes with mailers. Additionally, somebody I haven’t tracked down sent a deeply mis-leading but YU-UUGE mailer shaped like a police badge suggesting Jeff had a public safety endorsement that he in fact did not have.  Lynn Schott mostly got the crumbs from this outside money, but built her grassroots campaign around her Home Schooling advocacy.

When Irvine voters got their say, Jeff not only lost to Lynn, Jeff came within 210 votes of losing to Agran ally Meslissa Fox.

Despite this clear message, Jeff continued to burn bridges.  In a completely inexplicable episode, Jeff supported Santa Ana kleptocrat Miguel Pulido for AQMD, a move so bizarre that even the hacks at OC Political lit into him.  Jeff’s adventures in honking-off state-wide Republicans could fill another entire post. (and may yet).

But don’t take my word for it:  Here’s is Allan Bartlett‘s public stance on Jeff:

Please do NOT vote for Jeff Lalloway in this district. The party does not need control freak dictators in any power positions. You could vote against him based purely on his horrible temperament alone….

So I have to agree with that anonymous Lake Forest sign and disagree with the OJBlog Politboro’s agitprop:

Please withhold your vote from Jeff Lalloway

The Central Committee will work more smoothly if we all encourage Jeff to spend more time with his wonderful family and his true constituents:  Jon Fleischmann and Five Point Communities

lalloway not

About Tyler in Irvine

Twenty Year Irvine Resident. Native Texan and proud Longhorn. Pro-Choice Ron Paul supporter. "Do I contradict myself? ... then I contradict myself, I am large, I contain multitudes." - Walt Whitman