Jeff Lalloway’s Epic Meltdown




Recently I posted that Jeff Lalloway‘s temperament made him unsuitable for the OC Republican 68th District Central Committee.  Jeff posted two dozen comments to illustrate my point.

Lake Forest Speaks

Lake Forest Speaks

Jeff has been on the right on many important issues. He served alongside Christina Shea on the Great Park Audit Committee.   He successfully fought to recover funds from shoddy city contractors.  I vote for Jeff.

Jeff’s fiscal vigilance extends beyond Irvine.  He rightly points out:

Mayor Tait and I have consistently tried to kill the Anaheim Streetcar. Perhaps one of the greatest wastes of public funds I have ever seen.

Right On, Jeff! Keep up the fight!

Jeff has earned the right to be called a “fiscal conservative.”  But this isn’t about Jeff’s record. It’s about Jeff’s suitability to coordinate Orange County Republicans and help smooth our internal frictions and problems.

When I wrote:

Jeff’s controlling personality [creates] frictions within the Irvine Republican community … If Jeff had had a report card for his first term in office, the “works and plays well with others” line would have been marked “needs improvement.” …. The Central Committee will work more smoothly if we all encourage Jeff to spend more time with his wonderful family. … Please withhold your vote from Jeff Lalloway

a blogstorm erupted in our comment section.

Councilwoman Christina Shea dropped by. Two Shea supporters (Allan Bartlett and Lt Par) joined the fray, while three other commenters (WK, Joy, and Irvine Resident) also took Jeff to task.  Many commenters supported Jeff’s efforts to stop the Anaheim streetcar, but

No one defended Jeff’s character.

Jeff did defend himself with his inimical style.  He called Allan Bartlett a “hypocrite.”  He called his fellow council member “corrupt” twenty-one times.  He went after Lt Par and Irvine Resident. Fun stuff! But what did Jeff’s oeuvre say about his temperament?

The well-informed Rick Nielsen said it best:

I remember if you criticized the Almighty Saint of Master Planned Communities, Larry Agran, during his decades long reign of error, Chemical Lewinsky [Dan Chmielewski] would throw a temper tantrum of epic proportions….His meltdowns are just as epic as what I am seeing here from Lalloway.

About Tyler in Irvine

Twenty Year Irvine Resident. Native Texan and proud Longhorn. Pro-Choice Ron Paul supporter. "Do I contradict myself? ... then I contradict myself, I am large, I contain multitudes." - Walt Whitman