The LA Times has the story.
Susan Mercer, the long-time president of the Santa Ana Educators’ Association (teachers’ union) who may or may not have been contemplating running for the board, filed a Freedom of Information request for “all emails that [board member Bob] Hammond and board member Ken Williams exchanged with department staff from July 1, 2012, to Jan. 31, 2016″
Amidst the heated discussion of the best donuts in Orange County [*] and Kansas’ odds of going to the Final Four [**] was this gem:
Hammond wrote to a Department of Education employee in April 2014: “I hope you don’t mind, but I plan on asking you about your sexual orientation publicly during our next board meeting.”
and this clarification
In another email obtained through the records request, this one from last June, Hammond ended a message to Williams with “PS – The Supreme Court ruled (5-4) that Sodomites can now be married!”
Hammond’s helpfully explained “that he was merely stating a fact.”
The board will next vote on Board member David Boyd’s proposal
should OCBE retain outside legal counsel to investigate whether the actions of a trustee have placed OCDE in legal jeopardy and, if so, what steps can the Board to take to avoid similar problems in the future.
The board next meets at 10 am, Wednesday, May 11 at 200 Kalmus Drive in Costa Mesa if you’d like to drop by and express an opinion.
[*] I made that up. Everyone knows that Janny’s is the best.
[**] I made that up, too. Kansas was way too “mainstream” of a pick for these gentleman.
Biblically, the sin of the Sodomites is not what Hammond thinks it is. In fact, it’s something of which he himself is guilty.
He must go.
Wait till Jeff LeTourneau gets his hands on this fucker!
Willaims and Hammond must go. You will have your chance on June 7th oust them.