Pandering or not, Kris Murray took a Bold Stand Against Bigotry and Racism.




The criticism leveled at Kris Murray for her anti-Trump resolution last week does not adequately recognize the extraordinarily hateful rhetoric of the candidate, since if he’s elected this rhetoric will become, to a degree, what America stands for.

His words can’t be dismissed as just words, especially when he haslittle arabia attracted a substantial following and he is in the verge of becoming the  GOP nominee. The weigh of his words are not the same as somebody calling others pendejo. Even one of the Koch brothers calls Trump’s Muslim registry plan ‘reminiscent of Nazi Germany’. Hitler started with speeches, words.

As much as Trump portrays his campaign as “anti status quo/anti-establishment”, his demagoguery comes across crushing on issues such as opposing minimum wage increases or union organizing, like in his Vegas hotel.

His campaign, as Larry Wilmore sarcastically said it, is inspiring …mass violence… The near-riot occurrences during his campaign appearances in California are a response to his hateful and racist tone. I’m not condoning any violence in any event, political or not. The Mexican-related youth that participated in those acts of violence should rethink how to react to the prospect of having their parents deported, their families broken apart, of being called rapists and criminals.

060325_immigration_vlrg_12p_grid-4x2Taxpayer’s monies should not have to be wasted in theses melees, raucous events paying for the police, horses, police cars destroyed, for keeping the peace among opposing groups. After all, democracy is only through the ballot box, speaking at the council meetings …demonstrations, no, not even if the KKK clowns come to town, or if the Trumpistas are promising to deport at least eleven millions of people. I don’t mean this. Democracy is not an austere, lifeless, a perfect orderly arrangement. It is a dynamic system, we have conflicts, we address them and move forward, and the costs associated are worthwhile. Better than living in a police state.

It is an irony that Murray, the councilperson most linked to the policies that have perpetuated the status against our poor communities, (as Cynthia points out in her recent post) was the one to propose the resolution against Trump. We were presented with an opportunity to make a profound statement against bigotry and racism, but we failed.

It is interesting the positions that Murray, and her closest ally Jordan Brandman, have taken on non-purely economic issues. Their previous resolution on the Syrian refugees, their active support for the  homeless center, and now the anti-Trump resolution, soften their image and raise the urgency of these issues. There are some merits to acknowledge. I doubt that they will ever acknowledge their failures as economic stewards of our city, but you never know. Pringle and Disney may no longer need them as they have already accomplished their missions.

A similar resolution to Murray’s had already been rejected in Portland, Oregon in 2015. It sounds like departing city attorney Michael Houston  gave her incorrect advise. As in Portland, a modified resolution without naming Trump could have been presented and supported by the council.

About Ricardo Toro

Anaheim resident for several decades. In addition to political blogging, another area of interest is providing habitats for the Monarch butterfly.