Weekend Open Thread: OC’s Second Annual Anarchist Bookfair!




How many people that come to these Anarchist Bookfairs, or even how many people who help present them, are actually what we think of as “Anarchists,” as in advocating no government at all?  I’m gonna ask today.  But there’s always lots of interesting, fun and inspiring things going on.  This year it’s gonna be at Fullerton College, today (Saturday May 7) from 10 to 8.  Dig this bad-ass artwork – Vern.


The OC Anarchist Bookfair is returning bigger and better!

Fullerton College will play host to the day-long event FREE and open to the public on May 7 from 10 a.m. – 8 p.m. We have invited activists, authors and booksellers from our own communities and beyond to converge on OC. Our program includes featured speakers, panel discussions, workshop presentations, food, music, poetry, books, books and more books!

Featured Speakers:

Andrej Grubacic, author of “Wobblies & Zapatistas” and “Living at the Edges of Capitalism.”
Michelle Cruz Gonzales, author of “The Spitboy Rule: Tales of a Xicana in a Female Punk Band”
Paul Z. Simons, Lessons from Rojava

Panels include:

Revolutionary Mothering: Love on the Front Lines.
A new anthology on the politics of motherhood featuring editors/contributors China Martens, Mai’a Williams, Fabiola Sandoval and Panquetzani

Community Control and the Police State
Moderated by Carolyn Torres of Chicanos Unidos and featuring Michael Brown (Black Lives Matter Long Beach) Donna Acevedo-Nelson (Anaheim Community Coalition) and Jennifer Rojas (ACLU Community Liasion)

Participating vendors and tabling orgs:

PM Press, AK Press, Little Black Cart, Imix Books, Audey Thunders Clothing, Resistencia Books, Entangled Roots Press, Groundwork Books Collective, OYE Apparel, Anarchist Black Cross, Copwatch Santa Ana, Free Association of Anarchists, LA Catholic Worker and more!

No Left Zone: Non-left anarchist / anti-state communist theory in the streets
Pariahs – discussion & reading: decolonizing & reclaiming “American” literature
Disabled by Society: An Outlook on Intersections of Disability, Class, Race, and Gender
A (Gentle) Anarchist Critique of Identity Politics
Decolonize Your Diet
Cross-Cultural Solidarity: The story of John O’Reilly and the San Patricios
Exposing State Power: Using Public Records Requests To Shame, Expose and Challenge the Government
We Interrupt This Message: Tips to Intervene in the Media’s Slavish Subservience to the State

Our event is disability accessible and childcare will be provided.

About the OC Anarchist Bookfair Collective:

We are a horizontally organized collective that came together to organize Orange County’s first ever anarchist bookfair. Ours is an intersectional anarchism opposing all structures of oppression. We are feminist, queer, gender non-conforming, indigenous, anti-capitalist people of color. The collective actively creates another world within the very navel of this otherwise rotting orange.

Contribute to bookfair organizing efforts:

This is your Weekend Open Thread, talk about this that or t’other and try to play nice!

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.