Unanimously! The Voice of OC has the story.
A fine, if rare, example of fiscal sanity. “Thank you for putting a stake in the heart of this bad project,” board director and Irvine City Councilman Jeff Lalloway said to his colleagues Monday.
Let’s just hope the blood-sucking monster stays dead. Disney loves sequels…
“Disney loves sequels…”
Yep. It’s not dead. Sort of like a zombie. PringleCorp will just try to stick it to another set of taxpayers.
So David Zenger has it half right.
There is about a BILLION DOLLARS in energy transportation funds which DO NOT need to be used by TA’S or municipalities.
CP and friends know this. They are also aware that Disney’s cozy relationship with the guys (I’ll refrain from identifying yet) who are the innovators of IPT (Non contact electrification). With that being said, somebody else, like Disney, or in LA or Burbank’s case the Grove or Americana can build it get FEDERAL tax dollars, and then let Anaheim develop the accompanying infastructure.
This WILL get done. The only question is does six pack Joe pay for it on his Measure A donation or on his 1040?
How is this not clear, to those reviewing these plans.
Here is a hint: Memo’s Submarine, The Trolley in DCA, the Governor of Nebraska and an entirely entertaining local guy.
Oh. Remember that “bridge to nowhere” from the stadium?
Say no to VOC’S BABY….Starting to make sense yet?
More than one way to skin a cat. Got it.
Not gonna lie, took me a while.
You figured it out? I was afraid that I’d break Google if I tried.
Mr. Cat Skinner, please also consider this: Anaheim’s kleptocracy has just (virtually) got their own congressman elected. His name is Lou Correa and he’s in the tank for PringleCorp.