The 2nd annual DAY OF MUSIC FULLERTON – today! (Tuesday, 11AM to 10PM)




fullerton day of music dont miss a beat

Sorry for the late notice, but you should know about this great event happening tomorrow (as I write) which is Tuesday.  I missed the first one last year (this is Vern) but I’ll be all over it this year.  Since I’m in a hurry now let me just copy and paste from the website:

Day of Music Fullerton is a citywide celebration of the world reknowned Fête de la Musique.

Fête de la Musique, also known as World Music Day, is an annual music festival taking place on June 21, the first day of summer in cities around the world. The concept of an all-day musical celebration on the days of the solstice, was originated by American musician Joel Cohen, who spent two seasons as a producer of musical radio programs for the French National Radio (France Musique). The idea later was adapted as a national celebration each June 21 in France and made official by the French Minister of Culture, Jack Lang. The festival later became celebrated in 110 countries around the world.

Now in its second year, Day of Music Fullerton is a unique festival of 100+ FREE concerts in public spaces throughout the city of Fullerton, California, all on June 21st, during the Summer Solstice. DoMF takes place simultaneously with similar festivities, currently in more than 700 cities around the world – a global celebration of music-making.

Completely different from a typical music festival, DoMF is open to anyone who wants to take part. Musicians of all ages, creeds, and musical persuasions – from hip hop to opera, Latin jazz to punk rock – perform in parks, parking lots, streets, restaurants, bars, retail shops, houses of worship, and more. From high school bands to marquee names, DoMF is performed by anyone, enjoyed by everyone.

The 2nd annual Day of Music Fullerton is on Tuesday, June 21, 2016 from 11am to 10pm. All Ages | Free

Vern again:  This event is kind of overwhelming to write about quickly here, there are so many participants and so many venues across that fascinating town.  Here’s what they are now calling their “highlights” for tomorrow:


4:00-4:30 pm     Official Day of Music Kick-Off with Phyllis Fender


7:45-8:15 pm     Bagpiper Tucker Fleming (Celtic)

AMERIGE ALCOVES – 103 W. Amerige Ave.


Time TBA Mariachi Guy (Latin/Rock/Other)

And there’s also these “Mass Appeals” whatever they mean by that…

“Tickle My Keys” in six locations:


Locations: Fullerton Library, Max Bloom’s Cafe Noir, Fullerton Arboretum, Juanita Cooke Trail, Fullerton Train Station, Salon Bernardo

Time: All Day

Pianos beautifully painted by six talented artists will be placed at the above locations. All pianos were donated and given a new breath of life through art and music. These are not only interactive stations where anyone can just play music, but every piece also represents a powerful statement that Fullerton is a city that supports and celebrates artists and their art.  [I’ll be playing a few of these pianos between 3 and 5 … can’t miss the Anaheim City Council meeting! – Vern]

Fiddlers on the Roof at Villa del Sol

Location: 2nd Floor of Villa Del Sol

305 N. Harbor Blvd. Fullerton, CA 92832

Time: 3 – 4pm

Calling all violinists! If you play the violin come on down and participate in this mass appeal event that will feature music loved by all ages. The repertoire is easy enough for all to join in and can be found and downloaded below. Sheet music will be provided on the day.

Spectators are welcome to come and enjoy the music that will be spilling off the second story balcony at Villa del Sol located at the corner of Wilshire and Harbor.

“Don’t Miss a Beat ” at Mo’s Music


Location: Back lot of Mo’s Music Fullerton

121 N. Harbor Blvd. Fullerton, CA 92832

Time: 5 – 8pm

Come out and learn how to play the drums from one of the best. Mark Schulman is a celebrity drummer who has worked with countless artists and wants to share his love for the drums. When Schulman is not on tour as with various artists, such as Cher or Pink, he invests his time into putting on drum clinics. Essentially, Schulman wants to inspire those around him through the use of the clinic.

The Day of Music Fullerton is lucky enough to have Mark Schulman leading its Drum Duel and clinic at Mo’s Music. Get ready to drum out and DON’T MISS A BEAT!

“Ukelele Soup” at Ford Park


Location: Ford Park – Corner of Richman and Wilshire

469 – 499 W. Wilshire Ave

Time: 5 – 7pm

Hosted by UkeFull, Fullerton’s very own ukulele club. Spawned from last year’s Fullerton Day Of Music event, UkeFull has been meeting once a month on the third Sunday of each month. Every member of the club contributes by leading the songs that they bring to the circle.

Join UkeFull to celebrate their “birthday” at the 2016 Fullerton Day Of Music Celebration ‘Ukulele Soup’ beginning at 5pm at Ford Park, on the corner of Richman and Wilshire.

Thanks to Kala Music Brand Co. there will be a special “bring a friend” promotion and giveaway. Fifteen ukulele’s will be distributed as well as songbooks from Alfred Music and coupons for free lessons from Island Bazaar. First come, first served.

Vern again:  Well that’s enough for this post, it’s getting late.  As for me, I’ll be starting at 11 to noon, in the St Jude Hospital Lobby where they’ve asked me to play some nice classical music which I can totally do.  Then from 2 to 3 I’ll be playing in the courtyard of the Villa del Sol, 305 N. Harbor (right before the Fiddlers on the Roof) where they want me to do something more ADVENTUROUS, with my electric keyboard – probably a lot of original stuff and rock and roll.  Then, as I said, I’ll be catching a few of those stray painted pianos as described above in “Tickle My Keys” – and I could do anything.  Probably including your requests if you show up and ask.  K, see you all there!

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.