
The Epting family finds a truffle! (pic Register)
First off, KUDOS to former journalist Chris Epting for being the first to notice, at my friends’ Friday night HB Pier candlelight vigil against police killings, that someone had chalked the name Micah Xavier Johnson, the Dallas cop killer, on the boardwalk.
Micah Xavier Johnson. I wouldn’t have known that name myself, but I’ll remember it now. I did know some guy had lost it and killed a bunch of cops in Dallas the day before, but it sounded depressing so I didn’t watch any TV or read the news Thursday or Friday. Plus I like FBI chief Comey’s policy of not mentioning the names of killers and terrorists since so many of them are after fame.
But I’ll be sure to remember that name now, Micah Xavier Johnson. Because, God forbid, it could have been me who chalked that name, assuming it was just one more black kid shot in the back by a cop somewhere in the US, as I’m sure that poor girl at the Pier thought, as she copied it off a chronological internet list of people killed by cops this year. (Obviously, Micah Xavier Johnson, most recent, came up first.)
Whatever it took, I’m glad that name got removed – the mass murderer Micah Xavier Johnson does not need to be there next to Kelly Thomas and Joel Acevedo, dishonoring the hundreds of police victims, many of them completely innocent, many others up to some sort of mischief but not needing to be killed like Micah Xavier Johnson needed to. In fact if I’d been there, and knew who Micah Xavier Johnson was, I would have figured out some way to remove it – if necessary, with a stream of urine. (Purely as an emergency measure, you understand – and accepted the legal consequences.)
So again, kudos. But unfortunately this is Chris Epting we’re talking about, and Chris Epting is the biggest asshole in Orange County, if not a wider area. Having gradually lost all relevance and credibility, having lost his column in the HB Independent due to his aggressive and erratic behavior, having wasted the whole past year on a fruitless crusade against popular school district president Gina Clayton-Tarvin simply because she refused to put up with his rudeness, he and his (even more unpleasant) son Charles showed up at this peaceful vigil just to make trouble, and unfortunately found something to make themselves relevant again – the name “Micah Xavier Johnson.” Here he is to the left, hectoring the poor woman who chalked that name, as she abjectly apologizes that she didn’t know who Micah Xavier Johnson was. Notice how he only gets in the face, like that, of women?
But now, triumphantly claiming to have “deflated” the vigil (which actually went on very nicely once he split) he’s re-invented himself as a hero to the many folks in Huntington Beach who don’t want too many black or brown folks here. These folks are so sure that my peaceful friends showed up ON PURPOSE the day after a mass police shooting just to rub it in their faces and celebrate the name of Micah Xavier Johnson, that any reasonable explanation of how it actually happened just seems laughably dishonest or naive to them. And Chris Epting (for the moment at least, until his craziness gets to be too much for even them) is now their knight in shining armor.
And yes, that’s the other thing: Epting has become batshit insane. A Grand Unified Theory of All Things Bad has been developing in his head, as he connects all the dots of everything that rubs him the wrong way. He has been accusing the OC Weekly, Gustavo Arellano, and myself, of organizing the vigil – a ridiculous idea which has had the side-effect of making me and Gustavo more friendly again. But how to tie in Gina?
Chris’ inseparable online sidekick, the shoplifting, bunny-torturing astrologess Annmarie “Ourania Seven” Boyer [yes all true] roared that Denise De La Cruz’ fine OC Weekly account of the event, with its mention of “haters” in HB, was an attack on the whole town! (As though mentioning that there are a lot of gangbangers in Santa Ana should be taken as an insult to all the good people of THAT town.) Well, Chris and Annmarie have already convinced themselves that Gina and Gustavo have an improperly close relationship, with her telling him what to write, just because he gives her generally positive coverage. That’s it – Gina must IMMEDIATELY DENOUNCE THE OC WEEKLY, or else she stands exposed as an ENEMY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH! And by late Sunday Chris has been shouting that Gina (who was never even at the vigil) “supports cop killers.” This madness at least makes for amusing memes, like the one to the left.
“Why are you even here?” Chris snapped at Irvine’s polite and dignified black Reverend Everett Bell, who was trying patiently to talk Chris down off the ledge. “Why did you come to Huntington Beach?” (Echoing all of the “Stay out of my town” talk that clogged the event’s Facebook page that day.) One could just as well ask, Why the hell is Epting in Huntington Beach? Can he please go back to New York? He has been nothing – these past three years at least – but a force of hatred and division and now racism. I believe I will see if I can get the Council to fashion a resolution along these lines.
Sorry, these people just drive me crazy. Let’s back up a couple days and see how this all actually started, because I know, and Chris doesn’t.

Theresa with her son Caesar shortly before he was killed.
When my wife and I saw, on Wednesday, that our good friend Theresa Smith was planning a “vigil” at the Huntington Beach Pier in protest of the recent spate of police killings nationwide AND local, I said, “Why Huntington Beach? I don’t think that’s a good idea. For one thing HB hasn’t had much trouble with their police in several years, they have a pretty good chief. Also, it’s a pretty conservative place, they’re going to encounter a lot of hostility.” Did I nail it or what?
And the answer occurred to us both after a moment – Theresa had been impressed with how nicely the recent vigil for the Orlando victims had turned out, and thought she could duplicate that. Also, as Theresa told me later, she HAD done another, smaller event on the Pier once, and that went well – I did not know that.
Theresa’s son Caesar Cruz had been killed, shot by five Anaheim cops in a Walmart parking lot back in 2009 as he got out of his car – supposedly they thought he was armed. She was later awarded $175,000. Over these six years she’s become sort of the mother of OC police-reform activists. Some find her forgiving to a fault; she loves to hug people, especially cops. And when she puts on an event, she calls it a LEAN event – her own personal “Law Enforcement Accountability Network.” (A lot of HB spent their Friday frantically googling this “shadowy group.”)

Theresa comforts a bereaved sister.
With all the back-to-back shootings across the country last week, and all the protests and vigils planned across the nation, she wanted to do a peaceful LEAN vigil at the HB Pier, which she began planning Wednesday with a handful of friends. She invited a couple of ministers to speak; folks would “chalk” the names of police victims on the sidewalk, sing songs, hold hands, pray … and eventually dump a quantity of “red sand” (actually sand soaked in red koolaid) into the ocean, symbolizing the blood of police victims, as she named off dozens of them which she ended up doing by memory – they didn’t find time to create a list!
Of course, that was Wednesday. Nobody knew what was about to happen Thursday, except for Micah Xavier Johnson. (In lower left corner below, now with dreadlocks.)
Many thought Theresa should have called off her vigil, as it would be taken as some kind of affront. But no, the urgency of the original message hadn’t disappeared at all. She decided to just be sure and include the five slain police officers in their prayers. And meanwhile some people changed the signs they were planning to bring. My good friend, the brilliant Fullerton activist-artist Bax Baxter, created this at the last minute *(photo by the Weekly’s Josue) :
And as for me – I was planning to instead attend a much-rowdier rally in front of the Anaheim Police Station, but I changed my original sign:
to this:
So anyway, the HB rally itself, once the Eptings stormed off, went beautifully, just as described in Denise’s Weekly article. But here’s something nobody knows, that I almost forgot to put in the story (UPDATE MONDAY EVENING): Friday night, after her big event, Theresa Smith went directly to the hospital bedside of Fermin Vincent Valenzuela, the homeless man who was tasered into a coma recently by Anaheim police. She stayed there till the wee hours, with his family. Tragically he finally passed away Sunday.
My next HB piece will attempt to make the case that, despite all of the above, despite the incident of the brick thrown into a black HB family’s window that happened right after, and despite all of Epting’s demagoguery, the “haters” in Huntington Beach are a noisy but small minority. But you GOOD people aren’t worth much if you don’t speak up more! Later…
I did attend the vigil at H.B.Pier,and noticed first hand Chris Epting (for whom i had no Idea who he was,and If called upon could not pick out of a lineup)Epting was waiting for the television cameras to start rolling,before starting into his tirade against the Reverend Everett Bell…i find that kind of display Disgusting at a vigil devoted to peace,Theresa Smith and the planners of this event had every right to hold that vigil at the Pier,or in “Anaheim, Azusa,Or.. Cucamonga”!!! …
Ven – the bizarre and threatening voicemail you just left me has been turned over to local law authorities. Please do not contact me again. How dare you threaten my family in that manner.
The organizers told me you had been harassing them at all hours and had posted their numbers, so I called you to tell you to stop. You said it wasn’t you. Maybe they were wrong. Aside from that, you and Annemarie can go take a short walk up a long pier.
It’s a long walk off a short pier Moron – get it, they walk off the end of the pier – your way they keep walking down the pier. After reading your writing and that comment – it’s obvious your I doesn’t exceed 20.
I was waiting for that. I never said I wanted them to drown. I want them to get halfway down the Pier and get stuck there for months, till they become weathered and crinkled, and have to learn to fish and bum smokes.
You missed your cue, genius.
Hey guy, your Q key is stuck. Better get the Oreo crumbs out of the keyboard.
And also it’s gross how you ALWAYS say that anyone who criticizes you is “attacking your family.”. I didn’t say a word about your family. Stop hiding behind their skirts. We all have families.
He’s lying he did post their number and ask people to ” light up their phone” once again lying. Do you ever tell the truth?
Chris I know you want to be the official court jester of Huntington Beach but you will never obtain that high of rank. Annmarie Boyer I know you are hoping to become Mrs. Epting someday. Keep dreaming. Charles great rage for a 5 times published author. Your hate is going to make you Internet famous. The south will rise again just ask Frampton.
Why are you leaving threatening messages on Chris Epting’s voice mail, Vern? And for posting the organizers phone numbers that were obtained from, wait for it…the OC Weekly article. Did you also leave threats on Gustavo’s voice mail?
PS – in addition to any legal problems you have coming due to threatening people, you have just added yourself to a libel lawsuit. Bravo.
Did you file a libel lawsuit against Vern Annemarie?
I welcome it. I have documentation of everything. And now we’ve got the screenshot of Epting ‘s son posting Theresa’s and Monica’s numbers and encouraging everyone to “light up their cell phones.”
She’s threatening me too, Ron.
The sad thing about Chris’ son is that he seems like a pleasant enough young man. I met him once with his dad at Taquería Zamora. Seeing that picture above of the two of them tilting at Rev. Kent Doss of Tapestry UU in Mission Viejo is just sad…
And since Epting will no doubt begin trolling here soon, some simple questions:
Why did you never bother writing about the garbage dump across the street from Oak View until after my story?
Why did you never bother to write about the corrupt HBPD?
Why do you now call me a “sleazy race hustler,” yet never did before I broke that you were now writing for the felon Garofalo?
And, most importantly, why did you refuse to tell Denise your name, then lie that you declined her request for an interview? You always complain public officials don’t respond to your requests—et tu, Chrissie?
Hey dude you spelled “Vern” wrong. I know, I know it’s hard to hit the “r” key when you are in a epillictic rage.
Uranus, I’ve used the “c” word three times, twice of which where screamed from the supporters stand at the West Ham FC stadium. You are more pathetic than Chris. Both of you just fuck off.
…and the gang’s all here, juice, garbage, and weakly, without a smidgen of journalistic integrity among them. Enjoy your tantrum, boys.
Such wonderful vocabularies they have – the Cyberstalker (Mahoney) Derelict (Vern) and Race Hustler (Gustavo).
Vern–I hope your wife and kids never get to hear a message like the one you left me. And yes it will be soon be published to help expose what happens when leftist thugs start to implode. I won’t soon forget that outburst of your on the phone today.
And Gustavo–when I saw how involved you “reporter” was in helping to organize along with your puppet intern, no, I had zero interest in talking with her. Or giving her my name–she knew who I was judging from Victors’ talking to her.
And nice hit job on me and the cops–you didn’t even get the name of the organizer that wrote the killers’ name- or quote the organizers that totally contradicted her. You promoted this event and you are part of it.
And I’m glad you feel so comfortable dictating which topics I should be writing about–is that where your incomprehensibly unprofessional behavior comes from? Payback? You didn’t cover our plaque dedication last week for the Hispanic children — I guess they’re not good enough political fodder for your increasingly sad rag. And for the record – i TRIED to write about Oak View–but your thugs refused to even answer emails or phonically for interviews.
I do find it funny that all three stooges now line up here — Gustavo, Mahoney and Vern- the connection? All in that proverbial political bed with Trustee President Gina Clayton Tarvin. You goons are doing more to hurt her re-election than even her own despicable behavior. With friends like you….
Chris… I will address you directly since we have not addressed it directly. I will say it to you – so it can be clear that going forward if you repeat it… we know you are continuing a lie. The person who wrote that was not an organizer… I will repeat because it seems this is not what you want to hear… and I am sorry this is not dramatic or a “conspiracy”. She was not an organizer…she was a community person that attended.
She pulled up the public and non-political list ON HER OWN PHONE of those killed by police (it lists everyone no matter the reason) and started to write. She did not recognize the first name as the police killer – it was unfortunate, it was a mistake, When the mistake was seen – I took it into my own hands to proactively resolve it – I personally took water out and erased it as soon as I saw it. It was a horrible mistake – but a mistake nonetheless. I do not have the superpower to control other people’s mistakes – if I did you can be sure I would have controlled this one for sure. After you voiced your concern in a very confrontational and violent way – I personally apologized for her mistake, she apologized for her mistake, Rev. Everett Bell apologized for her mistake (to which you were sure to tell him that he – a black man – was not welcomed in your city) Reverend Kent Doss apologized to you… 4 people all trained in de-escalation and conflict resolution tried to calm you down – finally Rev. Everett was successful and you and your son left.
The vigil (not rally or protest or whatever other word you have used to misname this) proceeded beautifully. It was an emotional and powerful night where we honored victims from law enforcement over stepping their mandate and killing innocent people and also the 5 officers that were protecting people’s right to gather and protest (the very thing you were trying to stop – the officers died while protecting) This event was organized by 15 or so people from all over Orange County, including those from Huntington Beach – again it did not include the person that wrote the name down. When the incident happened it was clear that you did not come to seek to understand or listen. You and your son were actually inciting violence and harassment before the event started on all kinds of community boards – telling people to call and tell us we are not welcomed in your town.
You also said you don’t want our agenda – well this is America and in this country we allow for different opinions – again that is the very thing the officers were protecting when they were tragically gunned down (it would seem a great way to honor their lives by you also protecting this constitutional right.) Your violent speech made it clear that you came armed with your own agenda (since that’s the bad word going around. – I am wondering if you ever met anyone that had direction and a goal and did it without an agenda? That is called a purpose. We all have one. It is not a weapon to throw around – I am not ashamed of having an agenda that tilts towards truth and justice – I invite you to also join… but I digress)
Since this vigil happened you have made it your duty to lie and spread rumors that you would have no way of knowing.
You are dangerous and to be honest I feel threatened by you and your son. I and others have been getting phone calls and texts at all times of the night 11 pm, 5 am… I just got one telling us to stay out of their town. In fact one statement you kept saying was – not in my town – sounds familiar right?
I would like to address that. Huntington Beach makes a substantial amount of revenue from tourist dollars – that is from inside of OC and outside. Surf City USA – last time I checked was not an autonomous region of OC, CA or USA. It is a city within the Orange County limits and therefore shares many of the same resources my tax dollars as a resident of OC pay for. We share the same public health system that tests the water and insures its clean for all of us to swim in, it shares the same judicial system, social service system, criminal justice system etc. I can draw you a diagram – but I think you get it.
Surf City USA belongs to all of us!!
It will only be successful when everyone can equally enjoy it.
Perhaps you are a transplant from NY and perhaps I have been in OC longer – does that make me more of a resident then you? Of course not. I work everyday to grow a community where we all belong – even people from NY.
Your violent words of division sought to tear us all down. Sorry but it will not work. The thing that binds us all together – our mutual humanity – is way stronger than the hate you wanted to tear us apart. The event was never going to be violent. We are non-violent and peaceful in training and in essence. But it did not just happen – we have worked hard to learn the skills that could de-escalate hate speech like the one you gave. We have practiced and honed skills of non-violent communication. We have sought to understand ourselves and to affirm ourselves so we can know that we are more than the worst thoughts our enemy has about us. This has taken a lot of inner work.
The kind of inner work where a mother of a victim of police brutality can stand up and say she forgives the 5 officers that took Caesar Cruz’s life and speak in a calm non-violent voice about peace and justice. When you spoke I heard alot of hurt and pain. A lot of anger and often this has nothing to do with the person you are yelling at (me and everyone else on the pier)- this is all about a demon you need to fight and control. Look at your face in the pictures – look at your sons face… this is not the face of a transformative community leader that is bringing people together under the banner of UNITY… this is a hurt person that needs to stop and take care himself. Things are spiraling out of control.
I encourage you to seek help and support to get this out of control behavior under control. Rage is an emotion that is valid but it always has to be reined in and confined – because it is harmful to those around you. I was your victim as were many others.
I think you probably are a very smart guy and know alot about how things should run. I am sure you have the capacity and ability to lead and help others. I believe you can be more than a bully. I hope you will look inward and reflect.
Bad things happen to all of us – but true resilience is shown how we act when they do…can we be strong? can we lead people towards the positive? can we show calm kindness? Can we reach out instead of push back? these are questions I ask you… I am not interested in attacking you but rather in figuring out a way to transform this situation into a way for the community (ALL those that we live and interact with) can have real unity. There is so much pain and hurt in the world… the last thing we need to do is continue the cycle of violence and hurt each other. God Bless you and your son and I pray you will find peace in your hearts and minds.
Very well written. But Epting won’t listen to any of it.
Peace be…
That was amazing Monica. I am an HB resident and welcome you open armed into our beautiful city. The event was awesome and peaceful except for the Eptings outburst. They knew it was Showtime.
That was so amazing. You are amazing Monica. Power to you and all you lead. I would have loved to have been here to take part in this event, and i wish i were to have stood up for you.
Your calm, peaceful words are inspiring
I truly appreciate your thoughtful and thorough response. It was extremely helpful in understanding what actually happened
And this is why the Eptings and friends are being reported to the Southern Poverty Law Center.
Most of us have suffered devastating personal losses. Many of us have spent years on inner work. We all experience tragedy. We all suffer. I am not sure what makes your suffering more important than everyone else’s. Most of us understand that the process of grief Is very personal, not something a pier march can help in any way, unless perhaps that pier was somehow a part of the loss we experienced.
We here in HB had nothing to do with your losses. Why would you force your grieving on us? I lost my husband on his 30th AA birthday to a hit and run driver. I am not shutting down that section of the freeway. Hit and run drivers kill more people here than police.
Do you hear me? We all hurt. Please keep your grief where it belongs. And your comments about Chris have caused me to lose all respect for you. You put yourself out there. You should take the protests against your insistence upon forcing yourself upon us as part of what you signed up for. Your grief is not more important than mine. I don’t get to take over a pier, nor would I want to, but then I’m not politicizing the deaths of my loved ones.
You tel em rabit abuzer!!! U got no rite to mourn whare you wunt freedumb ain’t free howz about a cuddel sesh w me you an ur sun???
When I Dalai Lama came to Garden Grove last year. I never thought he came to visit me personally. I understood it was a city and he probably was not even thinking about me. Or even know who I am. It might be helpful to apply that here.
This was never about you or anyone in particular. It was about all of us. Also – please don’t tell anyone how they should grieve – it’s different for all of us. My point was that building resilience should be our goal in loss and suffering. Not tearing each other apart.
I don’t condone or support these negative comments. But please know we came to the city because it means a lot to us. Not because we somehow wanted to get back at you for something I don’t even know. I would recommend not posting personal stuff on this forum as it seems like being vulnerable is not going to be supported.
You’re way nicer than the vast majority of us, Monica. But still remember, we’ve been bullied by this small group for way too long, and they’re the same folks who bullied you guys Friday night.
I think the world of you, but I ain’t the Dalai Lama!
The Dalai Lama visits the communities that want him and welcome him. I’m sorry you cannot seem to bring yourself to acknowledge that maybe you chose the wrong place, or at least the wrong time for your protest.
I Still don’t know why you chose to come here. Our police department has been involved in three deaths, the most recent ten years ago…to twenty years ago. There has been no pattern of targeting minorities. Each incident prompted self-corrective measures by our PD.
Your protest had nothing to do with our reality here, and worst of all, you insisted on coming rather than canceling in the wake of Dallas. You placed our peace officers in danger. I’m not telling you how to grieve. I’m telling you that your grief is not more important than respecting the community you want to grieve in. As for vulnerability…someone has to be strong enough to stand for humanity. It doesn’t matter if it’s pearls before swine. I do my part. The swine, if they choose to be such, are responsible for themselves.
I’ve been thinking about it, and (if you read the story) you know that I started out thinking it was a bad idea to come to HB.
But after all this, I’ve changed my mind. I realize that HB needs to see this. Anaheim and Santa Ana are HB’s neighbors. We’re 5-10 miles apart. HB people go to Disneyland as much as Anaheim and Fullerton people go to the beach. We are all one. I think the problem is this hasn’t happened ENOUGH in HB. Let’s do it again soon.
The Dalai Lama preaches peace and love – this group implicitly incites violence against the police. Their ongoing message infers a widespread problem of police racism and civil rights violations. Please make a rational comparison if you want to be taken seriously
Tell Epting he means “implies” not “infers.” He always makes that mistake.
You couple of dopes. And don’t come back here. I’m tired of you.
I certainly understand that you choose not to grieve publicly. That is your choice. Just as many people were moved to hold a vigil for the Orlando victims, others have been moved to grieve those most recently killed by LEO, as well as the officers gunned down in Dallas. No one has been critical of your personal choice, why are you so critical of others? Who are you to tell people where their grief belongs?
Monica has taken her grief and turned it into good works. Where has yours guided you?
And what is eating Chris Epting ? So many have commented, over the past year, that someone whom they greatly admired has changed into someone no longer recognizable. Trying to make sense out of that which is presented publicly for all to see is not out of line. I think you have lost respect for all those you choose to, without any cause needed.
The desire not to listen or read with an open heart and mind is a personal choice that unhappily you have made.
I’d say it’s especially appropriate to grieve publicly, if the cause of your grieving is a publicly paid public servant paid to protect the public. No?
Classic Chrissie: When presented with simple questions, evade, invoke more whining and lies. Again: When did I become a race hustler? Why weren’t you so anti-Weekly when we were doing all these nice stories on you?
I will allow this: that HB plaque story was great. But where were you on Arevalos Park? You really want to get in a pissing match over missed stories? Pathetic.
no pos wow…
When teachers discuss students with behavior problems we try to find out what kind of attention the CHILD is looking for. If there is a certain person that they wait for, like news cameras, a parent that ignores them. If they are bullying others, who is it and why? Sometimes we cant figure it out. We do always realize that some CHILDREN just need attention, be it positive or negative. They will do anything to get it. It is sad when these CHILDREN grow into adults that need the same.
And Gustavo – next time you choose to “mentor” an intern – maybe do so in a way that doesn’t cost them their one shred of credibility. I mean, I get how important it was to manufacture a Trump piñata story, but still… you really made that poor guy look foolish. He’s a good guy at heart – your using and abusing him for your own political purposes is something you one would have written about. Just like your colluding with Gina. (I mean, I think we know how he got the paid internship)
Please. Your side was looking for any excuse to trash Victor, because now way on Earth does your Know Nothing side want Mexicans in HB to get even a little bit of political power. This, more than anything, proves how out of tune you are with reality.
I wish to amend my earlier comment. There is a speck of journalistic, maybe not integrity, but common sense, as Gustavo has not joined the libel brigade, and I predict he will not.
In a nod to you for that Gustavo, I’m going mention, in case it hasn’t occurred to you, that the Newport Harbor boating community is not given to extremist left politics. And I doubt your new boss is going to appreciate that his latest acquisition and experimental branching out, has instigated a Huntington Beach initiative, Trash for Weeklys. Many of us “boorish” HBers have close ties with the Newport Harbor community.
Just a heads up that you might want to make certain you and the highly esteemed NH Commissioner McIntosh are on the same page, journalistically.
Ooo, Uranus is threatening to run to your “boss,” Gustavo. And she’s doing it in such a comical manner, in the style of a snooty upscale matron between drags off her Virginia Slims. Ask her how many stores she’s not allowed in.
If Annemarie and her coffee klatch want to take a run at me, she’ll have to wait in line behind at least 17 other groups haha
I’m not a coffe klatch sort of girl. And Its you who are doing the trashing. We will just ask that you treat us boorish HBers with the respect we deserve. As you said, this is the first time you will have an owner who is actually from the OC. I hope that means the Weekly will become a little more representative of and responsive to the community it serves.
Respect? Here’s all the HB respect you need:
*Great write-up on Four Sons Brewing:
*Telling the sad story of what’s happening to Basilico’s:
*Profile of HB restaurant mogul (and former Weekling) Alicia Whitney, who’s reimagining Pacific City:
*Review of HB’s newest music venue, the Bungalow:
And all of this since Thursday. You, Chrissie, and the rest of your pitchfork pissers can cry how the Weekly supposedly trashes HB all the time, but you’re going to have to run into reality—which is a problem all of you seem to have comprehending.
Gustavo, I meant respect for the HB residents who objected to an anti-police protest being brought to our town the day after Dallas. No amount of peanut-gallery-assisted mocking can cover up your reckless disregard for the safety of our police and by extension those of us who live here.
After researching the Weekly’s record of how it reports about HBPD, I now understand where you are coming from, that the editorial staff of the OC Weekly despises HBPD. I could not find ONE story taken from the massive well of the good and honorable work of our peace officers, not one. What I did find were a FEW stories that mocked and ridiculed and attempted to make HBPD look bad. (That it’s just a few stories is significant considering you literally grasp at straws for negative news.) The only stories about HBPD that seem serious enough to warrant a closer look at the department are OLD.
In short, despite your best efforts to prove otherwise, our police department is upstanding and an enormous benefit to our community. THAT is the truth that you and your team refuse to acknowledge. And if you are so willing to ignore that truth to serve the needs of your hatred for our police, one has to wonder what other truths the Weekly ignores, what other pernicious, destructive agendas underlie your “reporting.”
I am glad we’ve had this chat. It has opened my eyes, has enabled me to see what’s really going on over there in Weekly World. It’s been right in front of me all along. One only needs to sort your stories, to understand your purpose. And while exposing police brutality and corruption IS an important function of the press, manufacturing it is, itself, corrupt. Your stories, taken together, rather than exposing our HBPD, expose the OC Weekly as an important arm of the OC fourth estate that has sadly become corrupted by editors who, in their zeal to seek out the law enforcement wrong-doing they need to remain relevant, forgot how to seek the truth that serves the best interests of the reading public.
It’s too bad, Gustavo. The Weekly should be better than that. We need it to be better than that.
How did we manufacture HBPD killing a World War II vet, an unarmed teen, and a suicidal girl, among many, MANY instances of police brutality and corruption that the department is notorious for? And despite what Chrissie insists, we had as much to do with organizing the protest as the Voice of OC—you can look it up.
But your deep investigation into our archives shows how laughable you and your coffee klatch are. Your criticisms were about our overall coverage of Huntington, not just your beloved coppers. But you say you couldn’t find a single positive story about them? Here’s just one, one that’s important to me:
Tom Gilligan was a hero for standing up to the nasty pedophile protectors in the Catholic Church. You ask why I don’t respect boors? Because you can’t handle inconvenient truths. See you at the Sugar Shack!
Gustavo you keep citing the same three instances from ten to twenty years ago. I imagine you keep hoping something horrible will happen to give you something more recent? I don’t see the many, many instances of police brutality and corruption here in HB. Perhaps you should write a piece that makes that case.
Thank you for sharing the one story that reports something good. I notice, however, you still have not acknowledged that the many, many of us who didn’t want an anti-police protest brought to our town the day after Dallas had a valid concern that shouldn’t be mocked. Nor have you or anyone else given any reason why refusing to reschedule was not a selfish decision that put our officers at risk.
Your contempt for every single HB resident who feels the way I do is noted. I won’t ever make the misjudge you again.
Trash away!
Hey anneMarie… 2 things: NO ONE gives a rats ass about you or your pathetic threats, and go google “comma uses” cuz your sentence structure is atrocious…or maybe go grab a gramamar book from Target.
Oohhh right, you cant go to Target…so just google
The reality is that Chris and Anne Marie are both career failures who are unable to make a living that supports a life without years of delinquent tax bills (CE) or shoplifting (and basically grifting) charges (AB). But pssst, it’s not Mexican or Black people’s or even Gina’s fault. Your failures are your fault and your problems. Chris is an ethical hypocrite by writing for Garafalo, but desperate people do desperate things and since he no longer has a paid column because of his own conduct, he has to take what he can get.
And you have just given it the best you’ve got, boys.
Please. You have no business condescending to anyone. What you are doing on that OVSD forum is straight up character assasination. The connections you are stretching to make in order to connect Gina to supporting Mumia are as unethical as your “take what you want” trips to retail outlets. There is a reason you are where you are in life.
Oh gosh, it just occurred to me! I just know NB will have zero sympathy for us HBers not wanting that outside-group-organized anti-police protest brought to our pier the day following the shooting of twelve police officers in Dallas (five dead; seven wounded) and I’m sure the NB community will not appreciate Chris and Charles Epting calling that outside-organized bunch out on the chalking of the cop-killer’s name in the center of their prayer circle. Holy smokes! I betcha the entire Newport Harbor community will want you all coming to their town, their pier. Right?
Stop clutching your pearls. You have no real connections. You rent a room in someone’s house. Is it true that you share it with your teenage son?
Theres a lot of love in this room.
Oh Annmarie, I just figured out the disconnect. All this time, you and your buddies have been assuming that we are pushing back against you due to your point of view. No, no, no…that is seriously not true at all. You could literally save bunnies from a burning building and after we took them away from you (for the bunnies’ own safety) we would still think you were a world class douche. In other words, we don’t think you point of view is bad, we think you are a bad person. And that goes for InEpting and that felon buddy of yours. Hope that clears everything up.
The funniest thing in all this drama is that InEpting and Annemarie “Stickyfingers” Grifter make John Briscoe appear normal…
Christian, You speak of Victor having a good heart yet you and Craig posted a call out to the community to contact the Secret Service about a completely fabricated falsehood that was sickeningly attached to this young man on the day of the Trump rally. Those behaviors by you guys are very dangerous and damaging. The horrible falsehood is still going around town. It needs to stop. Please, stop it. Your anger here in Huntington is not recognizable to the spirit of my hometown, our town.
No, what Epting likes to say is “Wow. Just wow.”
And don’t forget his attempts to get teachers in the district fired. He calls homeland security on people for no reason, he tries to get them fired for standing up to him on social media, and he claims to be a victim. And then there are the women. Enough said.
And then when I called and left him a message telling him to stop harassing my friends or we would call the police … you all saw the little hissy fit he had. “*I* GO TO THE POLICE. YOU THREATENED MY FAMILLYYYYY!!!”
He recorded it. I have listened to it. That is NOT what you said.
It’s sad that now every teacher in the district is considered a union thug by these two. I know those teachers pour their hearts and souls into their work and truly love the kids and it’s disgusting that they are constantly bad mouthed by those two. I stand with the amazing, talented, wonderful teachers of OVSD.
Gee i hope Prissy boy got permission from both parties before recording because California is a 2 party consent state. Annmarie buy anything from Target or Michael’s lately. Maybe you need some bunny food. Why don’t you go take another bathroom selfie.
Epting has turned into a sad, pathetic little man. A pity. And Boyer, go torture another small animal.
You know, when I was a youngster, listening to punk rock songs and then going out in to the world and playing my own, I always dreamed of a populist uprising. What I never expected however, was one that was so extremely right wing. I thought we finished with that after WWII.
As I got older, I mellowed out a bit. I felt that the US, though not perfect, was better than most. And I thought that Europe, though not perfect, was also better than most.
But then it started to get a little weird. 2016 has been a scary year. Trump’s emergence as a viable candidate to many people was alarming. Brexit was disappointing. This coming November is downright scary.
But what hurts the most is that my old hometown Huntington Beach, a place where I still have roots, seems to be ground zero for its very own extremist right wing uprising. I’m not talking small government and free markets here, I am talking about the persecution of Mexicans and anyone who might harbor empathy for those that happen to be from other nations or practice other religions.
What’s even worse is that one of the ringleaders is local writer Chris Epting who, when not stirring up shit, likes to dabble in music journalism, something that you all know is part of a world that I hold dear. Between him and his convicted felon and animal abusing friends (yes, seriously), they are really doing damage to the city.
To all I know who live in Huntington Beach, be strong. To Chris, you represent nothing less the antithesis of what a rock-and-roll journalist to be. I find you behavior as insulting as it gets. To Annmarie, you are a lost, sad little twig of a person. I would normally feel empathy for the likes of you. But man you have really pushed my buttons with your vile behavior. And no matter how you try and spin it, you know I am not even close to the only one who feels this way.
I want to know the story behind AnnMarie saying on her profile that she is the proud parent of a teenage boy. What happened to her other sons? Are they not speaking to her? Why in the world might that be? Did they disassociate from dear old Mom? And is it true that she shares a room with her son? Isn’t there a CPS rule against that?
Regarding Epting, more than a few women have told more than a few stories about their experiences with him. I don’t think he’ll ever run for school board like he has insinuated. Too many skeletons in his closet.
From late Friday night (exact time unknown) posted by Chris Epting’s son Charles on the Huntington Beach CommUNITY Voice. Forum moderators eventually took it down, but not before over 100 people “reacted” to it, let alone saw it. And Chris lied to me this morning that neither he nor his son posted anything like this:
Oh, and there’s silly Annmarie/Ourania very disturbed that she kept getting some Japanese site while trying to research Theresa’s group, LOL…
What a dick.
Charles Epting should be kicked off the historical board. No one who serves on any appointment to the city should incite hatred the way he did at this rally and in that Facebook post. And they had the nerve to call homeland security on Victor for a Trump pinata. Victor did the right thing and resigned. I have a feeling Charles won’t go so honorably. He’s not half the man Victor is.
It’s pretty clear that CE has some sort of dangerous instability issue. The question with the kid is, is the instability hereditary or learned behavior? All sorts of effed up going on here.
The personal attacks here are astonishing. Shame on all of you. I do love sharing photos of my sons and my daughter and my grandchildren, but there doesn’t seem to be any way to post pictures here. If anyone is truly interested in knowing about me, friend my Ourania Seven FB. No, I don’t rent a room and no I don’t share a room with my teenage son.
I will not address the libelous statements about me as there is pending litigation. I do feel I should say a word in defense of parents with children who do rent rooms. Ridiculing them is in humane. Finally, anyone who wants to speak with my older children to obtain proof that we are in speaking terms and very close, I will give you their phone numbers.
That’s funny. Really funny. To hear YOU bemoaning “personal attacks.” We’re supposed to forget your years as Ourania Seven? This is a whole new person? Obviously not.
The “pending litigation” line is pathetic and delusional. There isn’t an attorney worth his or her salt that would help these idiots persue litigation. This is a fact. And even if there was the counter-claims would destroy what’s left of their reputations forever. It’s a fantasy. I’m literally sitting here with a lawyer laughing at this.
Laugh while you can.
And when we stop laughing, you’ll be gone Ms. Uranus.
Finally, I’ve drawn you out. Annmarie it would be my pleasure if you attempted to sue me. I’ve said that all along. Please do, as you simply have no idea what you would be getting yourself in to. Life is not fair, people’s resources are not equal and I assure you that on the curve of such things I am absolutely the last person around you should mess with.
What a good lawyer would tell you to do is ignore those who you feel are attacking you. Libel cases between private parties never work and past that you might be the last person on earth who could prove malicious intent to destroy a reputation – your past and the social media content you willfully self produce on a daily basis guarantees that.
I don’t know if you threaten me in an attempt to make me feel bad or an attempt to make you feel better. Hopefully the latter, as the former is pointless – it’s just not going to happen. Though you’ll never be in “checkmate” as I have no interest in you past frustrating your campaign to destroy other people’s lives, you’ve been “check” since the first time you threatened to sue me last October and then created a blog to interpret my star chart.
I have no idea why you decided to pick this fight with Huntington Beach. But it’s a fight you won’t win and a situation where any promises you think might have been made to you by others are lies.
The only court this is going to play out in is the court of public opinion. And Epting and Boyer are having their asses handed to them. OK, it’s late here in London and I have a lot of things to do tomorrow before I fly home that matter more than these fools could ever manage. It’s like talking to semi-trained monkeys, but not even close to being as cute and adorable. Later, losers.
Chris and Ms 7. You REALLY need to leave the OVSD forum. PLEASE! We want our forum back! The forum where people shared actual happenings from around the district. The forum where we could talk about that’s going on at the school sites.
Have you noticed that no one posts anything anymore or replies to your posts? You have pushed everyone away with your obsessive behavior. Even your supporters are gone and you’ve blocked everyone else from having a conversation with you about your topics (Actually your TWO topics, Gina and the union thugs, I mean teachers.) Am I allowed to say “blocked?”
It’s so ironic that you complain about mobbing/attacks from others but you do it yourself! Also ironic that you talk about your cyberstalker but you are cyberstalkers yourselves! They learned it from watching you! Lol!
You post a thread and then post dozens of replies to your own thread. It’s like a monologue! Do you think people are actually reading your novels? They’re not.
We all get your point, that you HATE Gina and LOVE Rainbow. It’s funny how you somehow manage to blame Gina for everything that happens in HB. If the sky were to fall, your thread tomorrow would be how it’s her fault! It’s funny how much power you actually give her. That she is this puppet master pulling everyone’s settings and all her minions are running around writing columns for her and organizing events. Puh-leez!
Do yourself a favor and back away from the keyboard. The kids in your lives probably need their parents back, you probably need your sanity back, and we want our forum back. Thanks!
Ironically, the fact that Mr. Epting is being ignored on OVSD Community Forum is precisely why he now causing trouble in public – he has an insatiable need for attention. Add that to the recent awakening of some pretty extreme views and what we have on our hands is the possibility of a real threat to public safety. I’m sorry, I don’t mean to cause undo alarm, but I am truly concerned. However, if he was not being monitored before this he surely is now.
It is not the monsters we should be afraid of; it is the people that don’t recognize the same monsters inside of themselves. It’s disgusting to see a father spill his hate over to his child! The son of Chris NEEDS TO BE PULLED HIS CITY APPOINTED POSITION. Awful human, awful father and now the EPTING is an absolute disgusting name in HB!
Hey y’all! Joe C in the haus! I tell Christians son to keep dressin in those funny cloths and leave those stupit ass libs alune. I move out
Of my motel 6 and went north w my toofless lady don’t see many colorleds arond here. I do miss the good days in HB bein wreck less yellin at colors slang in hooch. Ben a lokal souf of gaerfeld with my basken robbenz. Vern you lib don know trump for ever! I usully post 1 liner Criss send me but I tok my aderal todai an feel lyke typin Gina aint shit she only kare bout colored trash the dump is lyfe go trump shout out to my homiez in chino and thoe LaCie!
Authentic frontier gibberish!
Incoherent, yet strangely entertaining.
Dear Buddha, Alllah or Charlton Heston,
Please, please, please! Tell me the German spelling of “house” was a premeditated pun of the most epic proportion.
The Epting and Boyer show is quickly coming to an end!
Wow…just wow. #eptidiotsrule
Hard to respect others when one has no self-respect. #eptidiotsrule #nokleenexneeded
The only people that I have seen pictures of Epting (allegedly!) physically confronting are (1) Clergy trained in non-violence techniques; and (2) Women who are even shorter than he is.
I’m glad that Ms. Boyer does not speak for the Huntington I’ve known for 54- years.
Annemarie Boyer said:
“Most of us have suffered devastating personal losses. … I don’t get to take over a pier, nor would I want to, but then I’m not politicizing the deaths of my loved ones.”
When will Chris Epting be held accountable for impersonating a child online? That is some “To catch a Predator” level action.
How often and in what other capacity does he engage in such role playing? What does City Attorney Micheal Gates think of this behavior?
If any elected HB city officials are comfortable with a fifty something year old man pretending to be a HB child online; then I do not think that I am comfortable with those elected officials holding a position in Huntington Beach.
Let us not forget Chris demands to be around preteen students as much as he wants. He demands the right to goto any campus anytime he wants because he pays their salaries thru his taxes.
Actually, he doesn’t really pay his taxes. We’re still waiting for our check!
Most HILARIOUS thing about Chrissie? He keeps insisting I’m in bed with Gina. What proof? That I didn’t accept his pathetic pitches when he was asking if he could “expose” her in the Weekly? One thing our paper has shown over the years is that we are in the pockets of no one and will turn on politicians we’ve championed the moment they change for the worse (see: Larry Agran, Claudia Alvarez, Mike Carona, etc.).
But who’s the real pol polisher here? Epting, who not only sold out forever by writing for a felon ex-mayor, but asks people to forgive him. Fuck dat.
OVSD Proud I agree with everything you have said. Chris and Anne Marie are delusional and need some serious psychiatric help. Two people who have no invested interest in a school district and yet spend endless hours babbling and bashing OVSD employees and parents.
You two are truly beyond pathetic. I’m not sure how much Rainbow is paying you to blame Gina for everything that is wrong with life. But is it really worth it? I mean you have half of H.B that hates you.
I suggest you both go get a real paying job so you don’t have to steal and evade your taxes. I believe Walmart is hiring door greeters. You can even get benefits so you can booth keep getting your crazy pills refilled.
Not sure that this matters but does anyone find it weird that AnneMarie and Chris act more like husband and wife rather pen pals. If I was his wife (thank God she has that shitty task) I would beyond pissed that my husband is allowing some woman listen to his voicemails. What else are they sharing?
For a man that is known around town as being this great guy (stop laughing) the best mistress he is able to scrape up is some old frumpy woman that can’t afford a 1 bedroom apartment and has to share a bedroom with her teenage “gifted” (stop laughing) son. A mother that steals from Target and Michaels, gets evicted from home because she nearly kills other pets.
You better believe I would be pissed and embarrassed to call that man my husband. The irony in all this is that his wife is a teacher/aide herself. Too bad he doesn’t decide to pull this shit at her district. Then again, they kinda need her income since Mr. Epting is a hack, broke and having a complete midlife crisis!!
I at one time felt compelled to comment on many of the posts made in OVSDCF, until I realized then accepted that it’s like slamming my head into a brick wall at 100mph.
Inept and Boyer, or whatever she goes by these days are truly delusional ethically bankrupt idiots who constantly talk not just to themselves, but in perpetual circles never reaching their destination. You two talk about transparency and corruption as often as you drink your own self serving koolaid. You have zero credibility in this community, except for a few note worthy (insert sarcasm, abundantly) supporters. Your spin on how ‘you’ perceive events to be or originate from are comical at best, yet you continue push and sway the community to align with your agenda (hate based) to oust Gina from the board.
Neither of you have a vested interest in OVSD, but you spend countless hours daily bashing the teachers, employees and any parent who challenge or oppose your views. Boyer you are the epitome of a hypocrite and have zero honor, get a life at the very least get laid. Epting you’re a washed up so called journalist, your 15 mins of fame expired 365 days ago, invest in an iron it might help when you seek real employment.
Who in the Hell are these people? I sort of feel deprived. Depraved.
This is worse embarrassin’ than the IrvineRepublifolk melt down.
Jaja. I was gonna say the same thing, but I was gonna say BEST OJ theater since those Irvine Republican politicians came over here.
These are my friends. And a couple of my enemies. Say Hi to David everyone…
I don’t actually have to read all of this, do I? Just let me know if there’s anything that needs a legal review.
Yes, the best OC theatre du Grand Guignol. And what could be more horrific than the current torturous production, Local Yokels Mangle Alinksy – unrated version. It’s been U enlightening, folks. Hopefully you will all bathe before you go outside.
The only “concerns” about the vigil came from people like your pals calling protestors “shit,” among other niceties. And you say your HBPD is a bunch of angels? Ask anyone in Orange County who’s not a middle-class conservative, and they’ll LAUGH in your face. See you at Garofalo’s!
When Chris and Annemarie point to Facebook comments to prove that many residents agree with them, remember this comment from “Rick Robbins” last night, HB CommUNITY Voice:
What do you see? Two different writers, correct? Epting sent this nimrod several insane but (relatively) well-written sentences to post under his own name, and then the dude couldn’t help adding his own thoughts in ALL CAPS at the end. NO WAY that’s not what happened.
Which of course means how many other sock puppets are spewing Chris’ words, WITHOUT adding their own musings at the end?
The more you read that comment the sadder and funnier it gets, considering:
– the sort of borderline retards that Chris manipulates
– how large of a sock-puppet army does he have? 10? 20?
– what a full-time job this really must be for him, writing not only his articles and comments but the comments of others, possibly many others?
Creepy, too.
What a find Vern. There are actually good horror flicks out there that perpetuate a plot using this kind of mind control. Fortunately though, 99.9% of Huntington Beach is smart enough to see through it.
The only “fowl” language that Chrissie uses is his chickenshit scribbles haha
That “state men” is totally on point.
THAT IS RIDICULOUS – TAKE A LOOK AT THE EDITED VERY I ON AS FOLLOW WHITE WAS CHANNEL A FEW MINUTES AFTER BEING SENT – IT WAS LATE AND I PRESSED SEND BEFORE I WAS DONT PRO OF READING. — WOW – they come to our front yard spewing a hatred for police and interupting our peaceful city to bring their grievances developed by years of moral and ethical bankruptcy in their communities. Keep your problems in your own communities and solve them there. Why do we need to be exposed to them when we did not cause them nor can we correct them. Christian Epting was far from threatening – he was in a defensive position saying exactly what 99.9% of HB citizens believe. Just like they blame their life’s shortcomings on the white society and the police – they come here in an offensive manner and feel threatened when we (Christian Epting) defend our peaceful lifestyle. WHAT I SAW CHRIS USE NO FOUL LANGUAGE OR PHYSICALLY TOUCHED ANY ONE WHILE THE CHALK LADY COULDN’T KEEP HER HANDS OFF CHRIS.
LOL, it gets better. Okay you fixed some spelling. And now we know what you meant by “ANTI NE WHITE THE CHALK KADY COULDN’T LEADERS HERE-SO HANDS OFF CHRIS.” Thanks for the clarification.
1. Really, the “chalk lady” couldn’t keep her hands off Chris? Chris could threaten to sue you for that, he just threatened to sue me for some fake comment using his name that said “Women fall at my feet!”
2. And you also wrote the rest of the comment, the part that’s not in all caps, didn’t need to be corrected, and sounds just like Chris’ writing?
All right then, whatever you say Ricky.
T hese liberalsfabricated the fact that two people wrote that article much like they fabricate most of their issues
All righty then Rick! Thanks for stopping by. And sorry to suggest you’re a borderline retard. I was just fabricating.
lol – Now we know why Team InEpting takes the short bus for away games…
SO good … http://www.orangejuiceblog.com/2016/07/chris-epting-saves-huntington-beach-from-cop-killers-snark/comment-page-1/#comment-646583 but it doesn’t make sense unless it’s here:
Rick Robbins: “The Dalai Lama preaches peace and love – this group implicitly incites violence against the police. Their ongoing message infers a widespread problem of police racism and civil rights violations. Please make a rational comparison if you want to be taken seriously”
Vern Nelson: “Tell Epting he means ‘implies’ not ‘infers.’ He always makes that mistake. You couple of dopes. And don’t come back here. I’m tired of you.”
I have seen all there is to see here, and nothing I’ve seen has given me any reason to believe that perhaps you lot aren’t so bad after all. I despise the political agenda of the OVSD school board president. I object to a union-controlled school district that puts the best interest of adults before children. I also have witnessed her attacks on people who question or oppose her agenda, which set the WORST example for the students entrusted to her care.
I am coming from a solid position based upon actual events, and because my position is sound, a tiny little fringe group has gone to extraordinary lengths to attack me personally, classic and cliche as that is. This spectacle of reptilian behavior, this bile-full eruption of self-destructive commenting from people hiding behind childish fake names, is YOU.
This is all of you. This is what you are singly and when you’re together. And this is you in response to a political position you don’t agree with, nothing more, nothing less. It is not me nor will it ever be and I will continue my work to remove the board president from the OVSD school board. Your behavior here has only strengthened my resolve. YOU lot represent her. You lot defend her, no matter what she does. That tells us everything we need to know,
Annemarie, I’m getting tired of you. You can’t deny I’ve let you have your say here, at length. But it is not interesting. Keep commenting if you like, but I’m only going to approve what seems really new or interesting or funny.
Perfect timing as that was my last comment. And if I had another one it would be to point out you are now allowing people to impersonate Chris Epting and make comments as him. That’s against the law. I have the screenshot. Feel free to not post this. I’m sure you haven’t either the integrity nor the courage to do so.
I’m an eptidiot. That makes me an impersonator. Sue me.
Bye Felicia
Micheal Gates and all HB city council members; These two men represent an actual liability to our city.
Follow the wise actions of the newspaper that fired Chris Epting for this exact kind of dangerous and uncontrollable behavior.
CUT ALL TIES to the Eptings. Stop paying them for anything. Stop letting them serve on city boards in any capacity. Stop letting them act as “plus ones” to deserving parade participants.
How long do you think it is going to be before these two men shout someone down literally? On city property? How much will that cost when a human exercising their first amendment rights tries to flee threatening Eptings or their criminal gang and the innocent party breaks a leg?
What about the inevitable harassment and discrimination lawsuits which will eventually land on the city’s doorstep. You ALL know what they do. And have done. They incite violence and hatred online. Rally people to harass people on forums and then act out these fantasies in person. YOU participate in these facebook forums. You can not plead ignorance or turn a blind eye. The time to disengage and disavow this behavior and it’s consequences is now.
Anne Marie
I would never give Chris tickets to my show. I think he’s a dick. Which means of course, that there are no tickets for you either. And by the way, the only one bringing up Gina here is you. I’ve decided to donate to her campaign and let her use any and all of my songs. Patrick, thanks for bringing this situation to my attention. You are a true mensch.
You got my mind going now, Neil… if only I knew more of your songs… Which ones would you (or other readers) suggest Gina use?
We’re in discussions to schedule a re-recording of “Coming to America.” Thinking Something like “She’s coming back to OV” but we’re playing with some other ideas. Instead of “Cherry” we could do “Gina.” I gave her a chuckle last night when I serenaded her with a version of “Song, Song Blues” updated to “Epting Blues.”
Yo Neil, what’s up fella?
Thanks for giving Gina that private concert last night and promising that you will never play for any middle aged blonde women in HB unless I say so. Truth be told, the list is short.
That’s fortunate, pal: my heart is tender but my time is limited.
Everyone watch out! Annemarie is threatening to sue again. Seriously your rhetoric is so old. Please file your lawsuit so you can get laughed out of court. And while you’re at it, leave hb because besides your chemically imbalanced friend epting and your felonious comrades YOU ARE A JOKE. That’s why you have to block everyone. #byefelicia please take your friends who continually make statementsc with zero facts just hyperbole shoved down our throats ad nauseam. Your remaining audience is what? 10 people tops???
As I wrote elsewhere, this duo emits legal threats like farts.
Ann Marie, please…We spoke about this, remember? It’s time for you to stop talking and get your application ready so you can run for the OVSD Board and kick that evil wench Gina Claton-Tarvin out so she can never make a decision about a 4th grade English curriculum again. You need to be quiet for awhile so these dumb Huntington Beach people forget who you are so when they vote they will think you are as awesome as your institutional bathroom selfie pic clearly shows. Plus I need to go all the way to communist Canada to write some bullshit and need you to get my mail. Luckily, some people still think I am still awesome.
I know it’s hard for you to shut-up – maybe you can get zen with that rabbit’s foot I bought you the 73rd time I went to where James Dean died and wrote the same exact blog post I have been writing for 20 years. In other words, knock it off.
And Rick Robbins – what the hell are you doing, man? I told you exactly what to write. I never said add your own thoughts. No one cares about your thoughts, especially me. And you shouldn’t care either if you want those Steppenwolf tickets.
And everyone – this is really me, Chris. Inspired by Ann Marie (I love it when she talks legal) I am trying to get people to think it’s not me impersonating me so other no-me’s impersonate me too. And then we will sue everyone using Legal Zoom. We’ll show all these idiots. Jerry Moffatt, I think we are winning brother. Let’s go kayaking in the Harbour.
“Kris,” please be careful with your words and your similar name to my boss. Your borderlining on slibel and lander.
Hello Epidiot. You are clearly a not-me attempting to impersonate me. But I’m not going to let you know that I know you are not me, even though I think you know that I know. This is really complicated and you are vile. Law enforcement has been notified. Ann Marie will not comment due to pending litigation. All of you are going to feel like real jerks when I’m back in Golden View next year reading 2nd graders an excerpt from my Hall & Oats book. Concerned but alas mysterious parents have told me they will get me in. And hide the bunnies, Ann Marie will be my wing man.
What a fool – no one tells me what to say. The rest if your position is a fabrication as well. Coorespond like a rational human if you want to be taken seriously. You liberals are beyond condescending to have the social dysfunction to accuse someone’s writing as being fabricated. Look at the edited version corrected several minutes after I posted accidentally without completing the last paragraphs proof reading. A little miss take which you pounce on as being a conspiracy – exactly what you are saying about Chris Epting getting on the lady who wrote the killers name. Condescending liberal Hypocrites.
Let me guess – do you work as some kind of fabricator, like of mobile homes or something?
Hi Rick, I’m really not much for left and right. I’m for smart and stupid. Thus my ridicule of you.