![Mort Sahl, John Houseman in "Three Days of the Condor." Shelley Winters. [Ed. Note: we read through the text kind of quickly; hope that this is OK.]](http://www.orangejuiceblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/Mort-Sahl-John-Houseman-in-Three-Days-of-the-Condor-Shelley-Winters-e1468795735575.png)
Mort Sahl, John Houseman in “Three Days of the Condor.” Shelley Winters. [Ed. Note: we read through the text kind of quickly; hope that this is OK.]
In this special year of 2016, political discourse and coverage has reached an all-time low. Tomorrow will begin the lowest form of political discourse entitled: Presidential Conventions of any party. Many die hard fans have already watched the Libertarian, Green and Peace and Freedom Conventions along with the American Independent. The Republican Convention launch in Cleveland, Ohio tomorrow is destined to become a bigger carnival act than Barnum and Bailey could have ever created. This Convention is designed as “strictly entertainment.” Much like professional sports, this RNC program will be designed to elicit the greatest emotional recoil and the most emotional appeals to the lower elements of American character. Name calling, misrepresentations, outright lies and the worst hair in America, will all be on display for four riveting days of boredom. How bad will it be? So bad that even Tim Tebow decided in his wisdom “not to make the scene.” The Trump Campaign has finally chosen their running mate Mike Pence, Governor of Indiana. Mike’s glued down short white hair stands in stark contrast to the wild wind blow angel hair pasta that Don Trump calls his coif.
Mike Pence is a ne’er-do-well ex-Congressman and, who represented Muncie, Indiana. Several years ago he came out to California and determined in his wisdom to use “Anti-Earmarks” as his stalwart position. Some Senator up in Alaska, had just come up with the Bridge to Nowhere, and another eastern Senator came up with an Airport to Nowhere. Pence used these two items to pump his “No more earmarks agenda”. It was soon determined that although “earmarks” are used in untoward ways by the Congress, many “earmarks” are actually beneficial and used to add funding for certain necessary Government programs as well. Let’s just say, Mike Pence was and is NO Congressman Dan Burton, No Senator Richard Lugar or Senator Dan Coats. Since we have used Muncie transmissions in many ’60’s and ’70’s muscle cars … it is too bad that GM closed its Muncie plant, which had been open since 1935, in March of 2006. Too bad Mike Pence is not going to address what happened to those GM Workers after the plant closed. Pence is not running for re-election as Governor of Indiana.
The RNC Dog and Pony show will highlight how much better a Trump-Pence Administration will be than a Hillary-Bernie. It will be amazing to see the list of speakers. All Trumps – all the time. Can’t wait to see his Campaign Manager do a 24 hour filibuster routine. All in all, we will not be watching. Kind of reminds us of the Canadian Grey Cup. Nothing about it seems to encourage us to watch the blood-letting. In fact, we may in fact boycott MSNBC, CNN, FOX and even C-SPAN until after both Conventions. The Orange County Fair offers a lot more entertainment value, with the live pigs, chickens and sheep. There is little doubt that Trump-Pence candidacy will encourage more shootings and violence in our society. Our hearts go out to the Baton Rouge Police Department today. The coarsening of our society has reached an apex. We can think of no other time in our history, even in the 60’s when the respect for human life was so low.
We believe the time has come to make a statement: No to diatribe TV, No to Big Pharma, No to Big Agra, No to Big Chema, No to Big Banking … No to Big Media and No to Big Stupidity. As Howard Beale said: “Go to your TV and turn it off. Turn it off! Don’t listen to these lying, cheating and terrible people!” We would rather watch re-runs from the 70’s of The Gong Show! Better entertainment and far more intelligent!
Let’s give Don and Mike the worst RNC ratings in U.S. history! Time to do the right thing for a change, folks!
Shelly Winters as Ma Barker in Corman’s campy-sicko 1970 Bloody Mama. But who now remembers that she was “Ma Parker” on Batman a few years earlier?
Haha, so there IS a point where lowbrow art intersected with Zenger’s exalted consciousness.
Lowbrow art could be said to be something of a contradiction in terms.
However, a familiarity with pop culture trivia is always fun.
Couldn’t find a compelling picture of Jonathan Berman.
*Shelly Berman…..wacko! How about Songs for Couch and Consultation? with Katie Lee? You can download it and find out why Zenger is such a putz!
Maybe my putziness has something to do with wasting my time trying to figure out your whackadoodle posts.
*DZ..try to focus…….and don’t drool all over Architectural Digest.
(Unintentionally) funniest quote in the post – “I miss the clarity!”
*Another good reason to require Mandatory Drug Testing for all NEW Firearm Purchases and Transfers…..
*There is a way actually for Donald Trump to win this election: (1) Have Trump support bringing back the Draft……especially for all males and females 18 to 26 years of age if they are resident in this country. (2) Stop all Big Pharma Ads on Television immediately and (3) Demand Mandatory Drug Testing for all NEW Firearm Purchases and Transfers.
Everything else is pure theatrics…..”you know it , we know it and everyone else knows it!”.
*Sadly, Hillary has chosen the wrong guy. Maybe we will be wrong, but she had to
choose Bernie……..because Bernie is eclectic. Tim Kane seems like a nice guy with
a male pattern baldness problem. This is called: The Governor Walker problem. Trump is going to make fun of Tim’s hair….because that is what he does. This is the Halley Comet method…of changing the subject to something so mundane that everyone will simply disregard what he says. Trump can’t do that to Hillary…..so he calls her names
and accuses her of every wrong under the sun.
Was there any other choice for Hillary’s VP? Probably not, so the whole thing is pretty sad.