“I opened the gate and they stopped, turning. I was trying to say, and I caught her, trying to say, and she screamed and I was trying to say and trying and the bright shapes began to stop and I tried to get out. I tried to get it off of my face, but the bright shapes were going again…”
I was reminded, two Saturdays ago, of the “Benji” section of Faulkner’s amazing The Sound and the Fury – the idiot man-child castrated for the public’s safety after he terrifies a little girl by chasing her down the street, in his mind just “trying to say” something to her. I was reminded of that passage when I heard Jim Knapp’s repeated protests to his handler Chris Epting that he “was just trying to ask her [Gina Clayton-Tarvin] a question” before being thrown out of my library concert by security, and an hour later had the police called on him for lying in wait in the parking lot.
“…I got undressed and I looked at myself and I began to cry. Hush, Luster said. Looking for them aint going to do no good. They’re gone.”
I should probably back up a bit.
For fifteen years or so I’ve been playing concerts at the Huntington Beach Central Library about every two months. I rent the room, people pay 10 bucks to get in and buy CD’s, and generally I make a little profit. Frequently when there’s an election coming up, or an important issue I think people should know about, I invite candidates or activists I like to speak a few minutes. (Not TOO long, cuz some folks just want to hear the music!)
This past Saturday September 10, I invited four, then eventually five candidates that I really think Huntington Beachers should vote for, and invited them to each speak a couple minutes in between my performances (along with musical guests) of a variety of classical, jazz, rock and original pieces. The candidates I invited were:
- Council candidates Lyn Semeta and Ron Sterud (Republicans who remain independent of the Chamber of Commerce and oppose High-Density and Poseidon; people should also re-elect my old Democratic friend Jill Hardy, but she’ll stay in easily.)
- OC Water District Candidate “King” Clem Dominguez, who is running a very grass-roots race on an anti-Poseidon and pro-transparency platform; and
- Ocean View School District President Gina Clayton-Tarvin, running for re-election along with her running mate Patricia Singer; Gina’s become a local heroine (but also become controversial in some cramped quarters) for spearheading the effort to make Rainbow Disposal enclose their malodorous dump for the benefit of the adjacent Oak View school and neighborhood; her re-election seems so probable that I expected her to mainly speak about how badly the district needs the bond Measure R to pass.
And What has Chris Epting Been Up To?
If anything, the former journalist has become an even more dishonest and deranged propagandist than last time I wrote about him. His monomaniacal ravings about Gina’s never-defined “corruption,” on the few forums where he is still allowed to vent, have begun to resemble Jack Nicholson’s endless typing “All work no play…” in The Shining. Forever disheveled and grizzled, he endlessly repeats lies that he knows are lies (for example, that the July Victims’ Vigil at the Pier was intended to celebrate the Dallas Cop Killer, and that Gina had anything to do with it) – a quality I admit puts him a few rungs below notorious OC blog-propagandist Matt Cunningham. (I don’t think Cunningham would knowingly repeat a proven lie, and repeat it endlessly. It’s more a … Trump thing to do.)
Meanwhile, Chris’ little squadron of fellow anti-Gina zealots has grown a little, from about four to maybe ten strong. Ranging from unrepentant and half-literate racists to a few disgruntled former OVSD people, they make the Epting-dominated “OVSD Community Forum” (from which dozens of us are banned, but occasionally peek at from our extra Facebook accounts) a cacophonic echo chamber which few normal people can stomach.
So, when it entered into Chris’ consciousness, a couple weeks before my concert, that Gina would be speaking there, he posted on his Forum, “This sounds like a good opportunity for some of you to go ask her some tough questions!” And everyone knew he meant, “Ask her EPTING-style,” meaning barking accusations repeatedly while glowering over her and holding a camera-phone in her face, something she won’t take any more.
Oh, and Chris’ favorite charge against Gina had recently switched from the various unfair and dishonest ways she supposedly treats poor Rainbow Disposal (which I assume wasn’t getting much traction with the public, probably only making her more likable)… to bizarre accusations about her involvement with ASBESTOS in OVSD schools, most recently his lie that she’d claimed Hope View School was “100% asbestos free,” something she knows better than to ever say about a building from the 60’s. Watch Chris’ short propaganda video below:
You see how he plies his trade? The inexpert NEWSCASTER is the one who says “asbestos FREE;” GINA who has been immersed in the issue for years specifies “FULL ABATEMENT.” Yet Chris entitles his video “Gina Clayton Tarvin states that ALL asbestos has been removed from school,” which he knows will determine what half his viewers think they see.
Let’s see, next thing to tell you. Till the very last moment of filing day it was looking like Rainbow/Chamber/Epting were not even going to have a candidate to run against Gina and Patricia. And they MUST have had a hard time finding anyone to do it, seeing who they ended up with – a complete unknown woman named Kathryn Gonzalez, along with quite the opposite – a longtime maverick Libertarian HB politician with anger management issues and sundry baggage, self-named Norm “Firecracker” Westwell. (Right. Westwell could fill up his OWN long article, if I have to do it some day.)
SO. I got two somewhat rude phone calls a week or so before my concert, Norm and Kathryn both demanding brusquely to be allowed to speak at my concert if Gina and Patricia got to. They had gotten my number from Chris. I could have said no, and probably should have, given their entitled attitudes, but my love of debate and free speech and ten dollars got the better of me, so I told ’em sure, pay your ten bucks, listen to the music, and you can each speak for two minutes.
Back to the Concert…
Friends of mine worried, Epting is going to come and cause mischief, embarrassment, maybe even violence. I was all, no, he doesn’t have the physical courage for that. He’ll send someone else. It’ll probably be the sometimes unhinged Westwell if anything.
We were all wrong. Norm and Kathryn were gracious and polite, and when their times came to speak, hardly said anything but that they loved the music, and to please look for their websites and vote for them. I was even disappointed, shouting at Norm, “Come on, tell us how you would do things differently from the current board!” but he ignored me.
But some of my friends noticed, and mentioned later on, that both before and after the show Norm and Kathryn were huddling with a big angry fellow named Jim Knapp, who in retrospect was their de facto spokesman, the conveyor of their “message.”
And as it turns out, this hulking juggernaut with the dead angry eyes and loud but whiny voice, this Knapp, has a long, bitter personal and professional history with the school district over the years, which we won’t get into here. But most recently he is FURIOUS at having his “first amendment rights violated.” Furious at being repeatedly thrown in Facebook jail for violating FB “community standards” with his nonstop personal attacks and false charges against “Crooked Gina.” And most recently furious at being thrown out of the Sept. 7 re-opening ceremony at Lake View School.
(What happened there – Knapp, reportedly accompanied by morbidly rotund hate-vessel Chuck Johnson, showed up onto school property with big signs proclaiming that the school was still unsafe and filled with ASBESTOS, and hollering, in front of hundreds of school children and their parents, that they were all going to get MESOTHELIOMA AND DIE, and that it was all Gina’s fault. Illegal to start with, and also akin to yelling fire in a crowded theater, so of course the two psychos were thrown out. [UPDATE – Now I’m hearing that, despite what I was told, it was not Johnson but Norm Westwell himself who was helping Knapp terrorize children. This incident will need to be looked at a lot more closely now. Stay tuned…])
So again, back to my concert. When the intermission started, after his friends Norm and Kathryn had given their brief intros, Knapp started chasing Gina around the room with his camera-phone screeching “Why did you lie about asbestos? Why did you violate my rights? How many children have been diagnosed with mesothelioma?” and suchlike lunacy, comporting himself exactly like his mentor Epting, but an overgrown Epting on PCP.
Gina told him to leave her alone and stop filming her, and gradually members of my audience – some of them longtime Gina supporters, along with many who hardly knew who she was – began clustering around her to protect her from this charging rhino. Janice Unger Ugland held her hand in the way of Knapp’s camera, and he repeatedly slapped her arm down, greatly angering her husband. You can see the mellow council candidate Ron Sterud place himself subtly in between Gina and Knapp; folks begin to call for security. Bryan Swezea confronts the ogre gallantly, and then best of all King Clem Dominguez, half Knapp’s size, orders him sternly to “GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE,” as library security arrives to escort him away. As Knapp leaves he hollers “PRAISE THE LEFT!” to which both I and Victor Valladares respond, “…praise the LEFT?” as we consider the vast variety of political persuasions represented in the room.
Oh yeah, you want to see all that now. First Knapp’s stoopid video, and then a medley of our own videos compiled by Oscar Rodriguez:
So, at that point we thought it was all over and that Knapp was gone. Gina also offered her apologies for leaving early – she had to make it to an Optimist Club event to which my concert had already made her late – and she disappeared as well out into the hall, at which point I began to play my long second half. I recited my Ode to a Plastic Bag. 6-year old Bree Wareh sang Katy Perry’s “Roar” with me. Perry Van Dran joined me to perform two of the songs from our rock opera in progress. I played Rhapsody in Blue, which is a LONG piece. Then I let my unlikely fan, Villa Park conservative firebrand Deborah Pauly, give a brief argument against the Measure R school bond, or else she would have exploded. Finally Perry sang my dark holiday song “Dirty Snow.” I’m just trying to get across how much time went by here.
We began to move all the equipment, but once we tried to get out the exit, who did we see but Gina sitting there, with the security guys by her side? “I CAN’T LEAVE! THAT KNAPP GUY IS WAITING FOR ME OUT IN THE PARKING LOT!” Outside, the police had just arrived, and were doing their best to talk Knapp into leaving. “I just want to ask her some questions!” he kept protesting much like Faulkner’s castrated idiot man-child, before FINALLY huffing off after being threatened with charges of false imprisonment.
A day in the life of Gina Clayton-Tarvin, in Epting World.
A few hours later began the inevitable: Knapp trotted back to Epting with his prize story and video, and Epting began his alchemizing it all into a tale of innocent victim Knapp terrorized by tyrannical Gina and her fanatic followers. But Epting’s alchemy isn’t that convincing to most thinking adults. I’m getting tired of this story, you can check out Epting’s lazy dumb manipulative interview with Knapp…
I’ve skipped a lot of things for brevity’s sake, believe it or not.
- I skipped my own brief unpleasant conversation with Knapp right before he went to harass Gina.
- I skipped the sordid history Knapp and his family has had with the Ocean View School District;
- I skipped the fact that Stephanie Erickson, a Mexican-hating harpy allied with Epting, had been calling the library for a few days to complain that I shouldn’t be allowed to play there, and Gina shouldn’t be allowed to speak there, because “The Mexicans in Slater Slums get EVERYTHING for free;”
- All the utter craziness that has gone on SINCE then, particularly at the OVSD meeting last week, featuring a full-on Epting meltdown – should I tell that story too? I wasn’t there, but there is plenty of video!
Well, everybody wanted to hear my account of what happened at the library September 10, so there it is. But the important thing:
Huntington Beach! Vote:
For OC Water District:
“King” Clem Dominguez. (Or if you live in the Harbour area, re-elect Phil Anthony.) Despite what many say, we can still stop the disaster of Poseidon if we get a more honest Water Board, especially given a few recent developments I’ll be writing about next.
For City Council:
Jill Hardy, Ron Sterud, and Lyn Semeta. Do NOT vote for the mega-funded Patrick Brenden or the mega-familiar Joe Carchio. I don’t care how nice they are, either one of them will flip the council to a Chamber-puppet majority, and the city will go to hell in a handbasket. I exaggerate thee not.
And if you live in the Ocean View School District:
Gina Clayton-Tarvin and Patricia Singer for school board.
Thank you, Vern. You are a true mensch and a tireless crusader for tsadeq. As the high holidays approach, that crowd has a lot to repent for.
People need to know the truth from those who were in attendance at Vern’s concert. I really hope these inciteful antics stop. Seems there might have been more “shove in face” camera behavior going on at a recent board meeting. The plan has become painfully obvious.
Man its like the Irvine troll is creating copies of himself all over OC.
What are the odds that a handful of absolute malcontents would find each other and then channel the combined total of their self loathing at the freakin’ local school board in such a prolonged and freakish manner? These people are the Lennon/McCartney or Page/Plant of suck.
Well said, fellow pilgrim.
There are so many opprobrious words and actions from those cretins. For instance; They start so many of their banal endless repetitive comments with, “funny”. And it is NEVER funny. Not ever. Nevereverevereverever funny. Not once, “funny”. For what a year now? “Funny”.
That is like if their usual bleak comments were started, “FREE BEER!” and then continued on in their usual, “GinaGinaGina unions, blah, blah, blah my life is sad. School board. So lonely. Blah. Blah” Pathetic yet self important fashion.
Just sayin’ please add that to their epic list of lies and false advertising.
Not “funny” ever.
I had noticed a while back, and with all my criticisms of Epting, maybe that is the key to his whole personality – HE HAS NO SENSE OF HUMOR.
Here I was expecting some outrageous inflammatory writing by my favorite freeway blogger and all I get is a factual story without any significant salacious color commentary.
The story is pretty much what was related to me by one of the attendees there with a few clarifications that made it make a little more sense. I cannot imagine members of our loyal opposition to be supportive of Epting or Trump or that kind of campaigning and was pleased that you noted the members who were there supporting your concert and whom you are suggesting we support for council. Having interacted with them individually I agree completely and am happy that our system of opposing viewpoints is not dead but is merely being overshadowed by obnoxious trolls.
Well done shining the light of truth on their antics – again.
Damn, not inflammatory enough? I must be losing it. I thought I had my foot down pretty firm on the polemic throttle.
Please share the Knapp history with the OVSD. And thank you for this reporting, Mr. Nelson
You’re welcome, but .. I think I will hold off on that for now. I have to consider what’s prudent and not to share, plus I’ve beaten up on the guy enough for now.
Okay. Mr. Nelson. Fair enough! Hey, why isn’t CE running for OVSD Board? He has a lot of first hand experience knowing what Huntington Beach School children want and need from his time spent impersonating Huntington Beach school children online.
“accompanied by morbidly rotund hate-vessel”
Ah haha. Ya slay me with this stuff.
It’s going to be an even darker world in Eptingville when Gina is reelected and Patricia is voted in. History has proven that he can’t ever accept things and move on. I can’t even imagine what the next layer of his hell looks like.
I firmly believe he’s compensated for these attacks by those with business interests that she fights against. Will any COC or Republic compensation stop when she is reelected? If so, add another layer of hell if that income stream is taken away.
There is such a disingenuous narrative that all of those loons promote. In which they are mentally healthy law abiding concerned citizens who approach Gina and others from a purely neutral space with no obsessive vitriolic baggage and then there is a huge over reaction to their innocent foray into local issues.
Uh, nah. The seething cauldron of hatred that CE was stoking online for a very, very, very long time for example before announcing that he would be hunting Gina down in person to “interview” her was scary. Really frightening. Personal attacks on her appearance. Character. And much more. Everywhere. All the time.
And then of course it is always a good idea to bring another scary guy to angrily confront a woman. Because if there’s anything less terrifying then one unhinged man coming at a woman aggressively it is two. And if one of those “men” could resemble a real life ogre and have multiple felony convictions including weapon charges, even better!
That’s how all journalists do it, right? Storm into libraries or school campus events with their criminal friends in tow where families and kids are present and start yelling about corruption, cancer and conspiracies?
And the reason Chris looks so slovenly Vern is because he cannot shower or get off of of social media for even one second because then WHO IS WATCHING GINA???????????
I’m gonna call Chris as soon s I get into town!
Did anyone get a photo of those weirdos Jim and Chuck at Lake View?? That would be a sight to see… Vern, if someone has one you should add it in here✌
Tried to find one, woulda been perfect, haven’t found one.
And Chuck’s wife Bridget says Chuck wasn’t there, which is why I added “reportedly.” Bridget does lie a lot, and other witnesses claim it was him.
It dosent exist. This is all the usual bullshit….I was in the office of my office in Laguna Woods discussing ongoing contract negotiations with one of my vendors. It can be easily proven.
Just as easily as it can be proven that the OVSD brownshirts acted like thugs at the next Board meeting. The video will be released for your own judgement in due time. The footage speaks for itself. Not some lame ass “You touched me dude” bullshit. I’ll ask you to retract your assertion that I was at Lake View “scaring children” unless you can prove otherwise.Its all lies and innuendo..No different than “I allgedly heard tha Vern Pat Nelson attends NAMBLA meetings, has a tiny penis and is a chronic masturbator.”…Vern, you can dress up your insane ramblings with flowery literary references, play the pseudo intellectual, try to pimp your lame ass “concerts”…but at the end of the day…its all just useless bullshit….kinda like you. Get a real job.
“Reportedly” means that’s what I heard from more than one source. I asked for photos but there seem to be none. Now folks are saying Knapp’s companion at Lake View was actually Westwell himself, which is strange because he’s not morbidly rotund, but … even more interesting.
So I retract the Johnson bit – the morbidly rotund hate-vessel was apparently NOT Knapp’s companion in terrorizing children on school property.
Hm… Westwell? This incident (which was originally only parenthetical background in my story) needs to be looked into MUCH more closely now.
And feel free to bash me on my poor sentance structure…lets just say I was in my office. You can put the red pen away. But if thats all you got, so be it.
Vern’s not much of a “joiner.”
So Vern, what’s the asbestos issue?
I’m assuming there is asbestos that remains, but that it is non-friable and/or encapsulated and thus the statement “full abatement” is true.
Exactly, Dave, you got it.
It was expensive enough to abate, it is now completely safe for kids, and I also understand the CLASSROOMS THEMSELVES ARE COMPLETELY ASBESTOS-FREE.
Other parts of the school have had the asbestos encapsulated etc. so it’s still safe, or ABATED.
Gina’s dishonest opponents want to paint her as both endangering children with asbestos, and lying about it. THEY are the liars on both counts.
Meanwhile, over at G…
Sorry Vern I’d post this on my regular spots…but as you read my tome you will understand why.
PS – Rad that Chuck has an office in Laguna Hills and has vendors. That’s awesome.
I am happy for him, he was doing so badly there for a while. And I thought he would appreciate his little cameo in my story, pero no!
Good. At least he is contributing in his own way to GDP without being one of those freeloading conservatives I run into so much in Epting’s circle.
Ah, you mean the bunny-torturing, shoplifting Anne Marie “Ourania Seven” Boyer, recently seen telling Victor and Oscar they shouldn’t be weighing in on the school district they live in “because they can’t even vote.” Of course, Oscar and Victor ARE citizens, but in Anne Marie’s mind they just PROBABLY AREN’T because … I mean look at how brown they are!
Racist twat.
What? Those two are Mexican? I thought they just tanned really well. Exposed!
Hi Vern, This comment on your blog wasn’t written by me. Can you let me know the e-mail address attached to it, please?
“Did anyone get a photo of those weirdos Jim and Chuck at Lake View?? That would be a sight to see… Vern, if someone has one you should add it in here✌”
Fake e-mail: thischickthat@gmail.com
IP address:
I got no problem with the comment except they faked your name. So I’ll change it to Fake Janice.
Thank you.
Ithreatened your son?…really? I just wanted to know if he enjoyed snack cakes…Let me know when you will be in town. We can get together for some coffee and a chat. By the way, those Japanese will listen to anything. Are you opening for BabyMetal?
Of the maybe 8-10 card carrying members of the bothersome brigade. How many have been arrested? Institutionalized in some manner? Fired from their job for behavioral issues? Have IQ’s in the 70-79 range? Been evicted? Kicked off the various community forums for being unable to follow fairly lax social guidelines? Banned from retail establishments? Are involved in past or present litigation or deep financial trouble as a result of their own poor judgement and actions? Been kicked out of or off of public property? Accused of animal cruelty? Own property? Hold a regular job? Pay their taxes?
One of the best examples of their disordered thinking yet displayed was a a comment that Oscar should not receive an award because he is friends with Victor who’s past actions with a pinata were met with their disapproval. If you spin around really fast for like an hour then punch yourself repeatedly in the face while living in North Korea — NOPE! Still doesn’t make sense.
This one goes out to Gina and friends.
“All crimes are paid”….indeed.
One of Lydons better lines…
But not nearly as great as
“Blind acceptance is a sign
Of stupid fools who stand in line.”
Lydon delivered the lines well, but they were written by Malcom McLaren.
So ill pre -empt Mahoneys “Bombshell” on the mysterious Chuck Johnson…No doubt he will bring up the default on my loan with Wells Fargo…entirely out of context as usual…so heres the context he will no doubt fail to mention. My loan is serviced by Wells Fargo. Wells Fargo is a hornets nest of dishonest dirtbags. For 4 years, they added bullshit charges to my mortgage statement. For 4 years I told them to fuck off and paid the regular amount. My attorney advised me to put some funds into trust as a precaution which I did. Wells Fargo threw men into default after the bullshit charges added up over time. The casualty vampires came out of the woodwork offering to “help” me…and buy my house for pennies on the dime. I waited till the last minute to pull the plug on the dreams of all the house flippers and mortgage vultures that no doubt coveted my home and would have loved to buy it for pennies on the dollar before allowing my attorney to negotiate a settlement and wiring the funds to the disgusting pigs at Wells, canceling the dreams of an army of fucking carrion eaters that would toss me out on the street.This is one of the topics Patrick Mahoney chose to discuss with my 16 year old kid. She had no idea what the fuck was going on. Her concern about this situation fueled my beef with Mahoney. You fucking people will stop at nothing to crush dissent. You employ every textbook example of Alinskys rules for radicals. The reason I reached out to Epting was the disgusting display of derision directed at him for pointing out the bullshit surrounding the respect paid at some bullshit rally glorifying a fucking cop killer..I realized that your campaign of hate extended far deeper and dug into it. What I found was a coordinated attack on somebody ,orchestrated simply because of his opposition to somebody he disagreed with politically. If his passion for his causes was offensive, then shouldnt you be considered equally offensive for your own vehement attacks? Your crusade against epting has led us all directly to this spot where we now have assualt and battery occuring at school board meetings. I hope you are all fucking proud of yourselves…you brought the blowback right down on the people you professed to admire. Own it.
Hi Chuck,
I actually didn’t know any of this and really don’t care. That said, I do have an excellent relationship with Wells Fargo private banking in NYC if you ever need any help in the future.
Anyway, thanks for putting all this out there. A little bit of an overshare if you don’t mind me saying, but if “narcissist” is something you’d like added to your list of faults, then by all means.
By the way, speaking of narcissism, what in the actual fuck makes you think the countdown clock is about you? Weird.
And finally, stop referring to yourself in 3rd person, it makes you look more psychotic than you actually are.
Mahoney, I have all the screenshots I need to document your knowledge of my situation and your descison to discuss such matters with my child. Verns comments about my “situation” lead me to believe that you will elect to pull this bullshit out of your tired bag of tricks. Context matters. You elect to convieniently omit any context whatsoever. If you have such a great relationship with Wells, why dont you convince them to stop their dirty behavior before somebody goes to jail?
Regarding where we are now and how we got here…its all on you mate. I happened to stumble across a post RE:Epting calling out the fucking pigs that glorified the cop killer in Dallas. I read the responses from the usual cast of characters (many of your current “fans”) and discovered that there was a concerted effort to punish somebody that had a passionate viewpoint about something by a bunch of fucking know nothings that could barely put a sentence together….because i identify with people that are fucked over by such asshats, i jumped into the fray and reached out to find out what was happening.
I had already arrived at the conclusion Tarvin was nothing but another in a long line of political climbers that was more than happy to stand on the backs of poor kids to accomplish her goals.(School board>city council>supervisor>assembly…ad infinitum….) Apparently you bought into it. Politicians will sell you anything..pander to anyone to accomplish the end game. Gina is just another in a long line of politicians that will sell you out in a fucking heartbeat if she thinks it will accomplish her end game. What happened with her endorsment from peterson? …I could give a fuck about Westwell..i dont even know what he represents but he was crucified on countless posts about his “lies” about endorsments. Gina gets a pass…Know this…you have reported me to SPLC…wow…dude..these people have as much influence and respect as the John Birch Society on the right. They have a database and an agenda…Nobody cares. I dont, I bought the SPLC mug on the merch site justnfor shits. Mahoney, you are a fucking pretentious, self absorbed, self important, pseudo intellectual with a thesauraus and a a fucking vendetta.I hadna long discussion with somebody that regularly “liked” your bullshit. 5 minutes of conversation was all it took to convince this individual that you a were a fucking bully with nothing to say.I simply pointed out the inconsistencies in your assertions and logic did the rest. Fuck off and have a nice day.
You are a shameful example of a Christian. You are so full of vile hatred that those who truly follow the teachings of Jesus want nothing to do with you. You really need to go to church and listen. And this from a Jew. Oy vey. Calling my brother, Morris Dees as the hatred you bring into this race is worthy of hate group tracking by the SPLC. Expect to see the OVSD Community Group tracked as a hate group in their next issue. Shame on you. God is watching.
HOlY ..self righteousness…when you got nothin…i guess thats always a great fallback position asshat…..John 8:7
Wow neil..at least i use own name and put my opinons out for all to see.The Southern Poverty law center has a much credibility as the Nobel Commisson.Like I said, nobody cares, nobody listens. An excel spreadsheet with a bunch of bullshit reported by asshats like yourself and mahoney is just that.A meaningless document populated by people like yourselves that have an agenda.Not unlike the SPLC…it as meaningless as the UN’s denunciationnof North Korean atomic experiments…when in doubt…consider the source. The SPLC has demonstrated time and again that it is as irrelevant as Patricks diatribes…the only ones listening are fools….like you.
Neil, don’t mind Chuck, he’s clearly a little nervous about the SPLC.
P.S. I like the songs you wrote for the Monkees.
Step up bitch, lets have it.
In other words “I’m a Christian, you bitch”. So classic. Stop talking Chuck.
Shalom Mr. Johnson.
Okay, Chuck can make ONE LAST COMMENT, and after that nobody can mention him again (unless they are mentioned in his comment.) After that no more Chuck on this blog. He might not even should have been in the story, so this is getting out of hand.
Shalom, y’all!
“…and discovered that there was a concerted effort to punish somebody that had a passionate viewpoint about something” So that is given as at least a partial reason for why he felt a need to come to Epting’s defense. But the Eptings acted FIRST by doing EXACTLY WHAT IS DESCRIBED above to the people holding the pier vigil. They made a concerted effort to rile people up against them BEFORE ever seeing any name written down. They posted phone numbers and called on people to “light up their phone lines”.
The people holding the pier vigil had a passionate viewpoint. And a concerted effort was made to punish them. And again, it started even BEFORE the name was written
So is a solid core moral belief about letting others express their passionate viewpoints or case of a situational ethics that you act on only if you share the same passionate viewpoint?
And that name, the name of the DALLAS COP KILLER, was a completely honest and regrettable mistake. I get sick of these haters saying otherwise.
I hope I don’t have to explain it all again.
There is a belief in this self entitled version of conservatism that confuses the Constitution with a Choose Your Own Adventure Book. Throw angry and dumb into the mix, and, well, that’s actually why we are here.
If you look at the Garbaginati post from earlier today and also what Chuck Biscuits has written here, the common theme with these guys is that they in no way understand that other people have different viewpoints. In all seriousness, I don’t even think it’s an aggressive position. It’s more like such a concept just doesn’t compute and makes their heads spin into a complete hot lather.
Very well stated. And quite an accurate observation. Also seems to apply to certain people of “Faith”. Although the MISTAKE of writing a killer’s name at the pier vigil gave the first amendment hating Epting’s what they felt was a “justification” to verbally assault people at the pier vigil in person (remember their campaign of harassment started well BEFORE that online) the question remains: Who are they to decide who is prayed for? It’s very hard to imagine any religious writings or spiritual doctrine in which the God of anyone’s understanding would say, “And please with aggressive hostility interrupt the prayer of others if you believe that they are praying for the souls of people that you have judged to be undeserving.”
Or (Paul’s OTHER lost Letter to the Ephesians)
“There has been a lot of previous instruction to pray for the sinner, forgive people, love each other and judge not others — for that is God’s place — but there IS an exemption. There is a person who should not seek to understand but merely attack. This guy — it’s harder to explain this then anticipated — OK. He lives in Huntington Beach a loooonnnng time from now. He and only he can and should monitor the content of everyone’s prayers and judge the value of them. Based on his own completely subjective opinion this man should then inspire as many other humans as possible to share his hatred, judgement and outrage and join him in berating and castigating those who’s prayers he has deemed unfit. To clarify; This man is NOT God. He will just think that he is”
I always suspected that Paul had special mind powers.
Heres my last comment.Vern, you are a fucking lib gasbag with nothing to say, potential issues with substance abuse and a predilection to exist in you r wifes earnings.As far as a small penis and a penchant for boy porn…i will let your followers fill in the blanks. Lies beget lies. In a never ending cycle. Mahoney, we have some issues. Reach out and touch someone. Crawl back in your respective holes and pull the fucking dirt in on top..you never know who might show up to see whats down there…BOO…The mysterious Chuck Johnson has spoken…lol
You seem angry. Reach out, but don’t touch anyone.
Dude. Chill before you hurt yourself.
Hey. Is it true that men in their 50’s are now reporting on people to the city council during public comments if they don’t like what is being said about them online? What is the HBCC going to do? Override the US Constitution and ban free speech locally? Or are they going to control the internet content in our city like they do in China? It’s really confusing when at least one of them is a person who has historically used social media to taunt, harass, mock, and torment their targets of derision in a way truly never seen before in this city.
There’s no way this could be true.
It’s true. Epting is that much of a narcissist. He went to city council to complain that he reaps what he has sown. And even if Boyer’s claims about an abusive relationship are true, that doesn’t drive a person to steal from Michael’s and Target like she did. Stealing food to help you and your child survive is one thing, but Michael’s? What was she stealing? Craft supplies? How can she take the moral high road when there are so many records of her being kicked out of rooms she was renting and the landlords having to evict her?
Wow. Just wow. It IS true, That speaks volumes, folks. Chilling. What did they HBCC say? “Crickets”?
Lots of questions swirling about Kathryn Gonzalez failure to properly disclose on paperwork. The video at the library is very telling. She saw a woman being harassed and instead of doing the right thing and standing up, she put her hand up as if to say “I want nothing to do with this” and she left the room. Personally, I want people on the school board who will stand up when someone is bullying another, not flee the room and then capitalize off the situation for personal gain. You can and should do better, Ms. Gonzalez.
Vern, free advice: cut off all comments. This has become pretty embarrassing except to maybe the most sadistic students of the human condition.