Conflicts of Interest?…..don’t sweat the details!




sweatHere is the short list of excuses why being a billionaire/President is difficult: (1) I am not a politician! (2) I only mean about a third of what I say! (3)  I can’t trust politicians – only Vlade Putin! (4) Only MY family gets to know the inside things about the family business! (5) I have a million friends!…in fact 59 million! (6) No one else can do what I do! (7)  I can’t consider liquidating any of my holdings…its all too complex! (8) Whatever I’m making as President is peanuts! (9) It is going to take four years to get enough campaign donations, in that I need to pay off the Trump University $25 Million dollar Settlement….which I am actually – not going pay! (10) I don’t have time to go see “Hamiliton”, as long as I have an IRS audit going on! (11) If you were a member of the Oligarch Club of Russia….would you turn in your Platinum Charter Membership Card and the 1000 nights of free hotel? (12)  Where is Bill Clinton when I need him – why doesn’t he answer my calls? (13) I am going to be very busy beating up and Pardoning Hillary 17 times more during the next four years – so don’t bug me! (14) I only hire the handicapped….because they can be fired so easily! (15) I can’t wait to intimidate foreign leaders – and make them come here,  because I’m never going to leave Trump Towers!

*The famous 60’s record entitled: “Whistle Stopping with Jonathan Winters”….The female news reporter had this interview with Chief Thunder Thud:  “So, Chief – what kind of President do you want?”  “I want strong man with blue coat……bright buttons and yellow stripe down side of pants… with long flowing blond hair…….Man like Custer…at least we knew where he was!”

So, the question is:  Did we hire the Apprentice?  Or Peter Potter – “Is it a hit or a miss?”

Perhaps we are just experiencing what they call a time of “Diminished Expectations”.  Perhaps we are just “Spoiled Sports” or suffer from the law of “Sour Grapes”?.  Perhaps we are just expecting less, because the whole thing is being choreographed and manipulated by “A Master of Marketing”.  “Let people think you are stupid and then do something brilliant!”  Perhaps we have misread the entire electorate that voted for the Trumpster!  Perhaps we thought that most people had elevated their ethical, moral and intellectual aim to a time in the 21st Century when “we could all just get along!”  Perhaps we thought the world was ready for medical cures that would end all illness. Perhaps we thought that it was time to stop polluting the planet and make vehicles which required no more fossil fuels and bring them to every Third World Community.  Obviously, those observations were in error.  We will be shortly facing a very serious time of conflict, self imposed chaos and hap-hazard morality issues.  We are definitely going to war……when, to what level and what degree are the only questions.  How many people should we kill?  Is there a definitive number that equates to “Making America Great Again”? Does it matter whether the people we kill are “ours” or “theirs”?

Conflicts of Interest?…..don’t sweat the details!

About Ron & Anna Winship

Independent News Producers/Writers and Directors for Parker-Longbow Productions. Independent Programming which includes a broad variety of Political, Entertainment and Professional Personalities. Cutting Edge - a talk the flagship of over 30 URL websites developed or under development. The Winships have been blogging for the Orange Juice since back when nickels had buffalos on them, and men wore onions attached to their belts, because it was the fashion back then.