Guess Who’s Back, Back Again




FFFF is back.

Tell a friend.

Yesterday Friends for Fullerton’s Future broke the news that Joe Felz, Fullerton’s City Manager, was involved in an early morning collision on election night and was administered some sort of sobriety test after responding officers reported an aroma of alcohol emanating from the administrator.

From the story:

We at Friends for Fullerton’s Future can report and confirm that Fullerton City Manager Joe Felz was involved in an alleged DUI accident last night.

Coming home from the Downtown Bar scene where several election parties were taking place, Mr. Felz allegedly lost control of his vehicle.

According to the internal memo below, outgoing Police Chief Dan Hughes was informed of the situation and having allegedly passed a field sobriety test Mr. Felz was driven home by officers and his car was towed.

We are awaiting details as to the length of time between accident, phone call to the chief, field sobriety test and ride home.

Mayor Jennifer Fitzgerald was informed at the time per procedure but no comments have been forthcoming

Since FFFF’s publication, the story has been confirmed by both the OC Register and the OC Weekly.

Wednesday’s reveal of the storied and controversial blog’s return has curious timing.  Chief Danny Hughes, Fullerton’s Police Chief, announced his retirement in late October.  In fact, tomorrow is his last day, meaning resolution of Felz’s potential scandal will either mark his final act as Police Chief or serve as a final punt of a critical issue that could help determine Fullerton’s Future.

No word if Chief Hughes will have a statement concerning the Felz incident during his retirement ceremony at 3:00pm today.

FFFF is back.

Why now?

More importantly, what do they want?


About Ryan Cantor

Our conservative columnist, raised in North Orange County, works as an auditor.