OJ’s To-Do List for the New People’s Council of Anaheim.




jose and tomI guess there’s no reason this shouldn’t be public;  it is based after all on a comment section from earlier this week.  This is some of the stuff a lot of us reformers at the Orange Juice Blog would like to see happen in Anaheim this year now that we have what we like to call a “People’s Council.”

Last night at the Mayor’s place José was actually a little sheepish over the small margin he’d beaten Jordan by – 50-something by now, he cracked self-deprecatingly that “I won by two votes.”  I think José should feel that he won by a LOT given all the obstacles the kleptos threw at him.  1.  Could one of you guys – Greg, Cynth, Ryan – do the math, how much Disney spent per vote on Jordan (just for example) versus how much José’s side spent per vote?  José overcame towering money, poisonous bloggers, sign-twirlers, fire trucks, union thugs, and FAKE CANDIDATES like Jennifer Rivera and Linda Lobatos (the latter of whom has degenerated into a rabid Baezista; fortunately the Fake Joe Moreno was in a different district draining votes from Arturo Ferreras.)  I’m saying, given all that, José should feel that he TRIUMPHED.  Maybe not LANDSLIDE triumph, but MANDATE triumph.  I.E.  a mandate something like this:

Immediately – Stop or slow down Lincoln widening.

REPLACE Jordan on OCWD!  With NOT a politician but an expert.  Great candidate – David Zenger.

Council meetings at 6 so more people can attend. (Old Duane Roberts idea.) Also agenda ready earlier.

Mayor can agendize as before Brandman screwed him.

Can last meeting’s item 17 be reversed?

New City Manager.

New Budget Director.  (Were we better off with a Treasurer balancing off BD?  Then that too.)

Revoke Hotel Subsidies Program.

(José idea) No company receiving subsidies of a million or more (lower threshold?) can contribute to Anaheim elections.

Terminate all STUDY of streetcar

Anaheim is only OC city that prosecutes its own misdemeanors, with its own army of lawyers in North Court.  Save approximately $10 million a year by letting DA do that instead.  (Fitzy idea)

More community gardens (Donna thing);  resources spread more fairly across city.

Open up Angels negotiations to pubic more;  pursue mutually beneficial deal.

Police oversight etc: (probably after new City Manager)

Need new police oversight committee (fire dept doesn’t need oversight) with subpoena power & ability to hire investigator, meet at least once a month.

Instruct Chief to implement some new policies, starting with Gennaco recommendations on pursuits etc;  also needs to be penalty for body cameras not on;  public gets to see body camera footage;  much more…


Mobile shower/restroom like many cities have.

“Safe space” of temporary modular buildings on Karcher site. (hat tip Zia and Zenger)

NUCLEAR OPTION (probably after new City Attorney whenever that can happen) :

Pursue Charter Gaffe theory to invalidate all 3-2 votes since Feb 2015 (includes JULY giveaways, Gate Tax Moratorium, and last meeting’s Item 17 smash-and-grab!)


Audit and analyze the economic engines.

Audit the Convention Center, clean up material findings and critical control weaknesses and examine the ACC’s ability to pay for its own bonds.

Commission independent analysis of the contributions of the Angels and The Resort and Disney to The City’s General Fund.

Commission an audit of the entire City/Disney deal from 1997

AND MAYOR TAIT TELLS GABRIEL, a couple of actually real-conservative things:

More Regulatory Relief

And lower pensions for newly-hired firefighters.  (Let’s have that discussion anyway.  I can see now why the firemen were all gungho to keep the old Kleptos.)

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About Vern Nelson

Greatest pianist/composer in Orange County, and official political troubadour of Anaheim and most other OC towns. Regularly makes solo performances, sometimes with his savage-jazz band The Vern Nelson Problem. Reach at vernpnelson@gmail.com, or 714-235-VERN.