Initiatives such as the Sanctuary Cities and the Women’s March, in response to the Donald’s rhetoric, have been characterized as hysterical by some people– with progressives being blamed for working the populace into a fearful frenzy. If this type of criticism came only from Trump supporters, it would not matter much, but it is also being made by people and friends who also dislike Trump.
Disagreements among political friends are expected and welcome, but they could be more productive when they are based on facts and not only on our ideological, political outlook. It is bad enough that we disagree on the issue of climate change, which is harder to prove than whether Trump provoked the frenzy.
Unless you only watch Fox or RT news, it is a fact that Trump mocked a disabled person, encouraged violence in his rallies, spoke of my Mexican brothers on extremely derogatory terms, threatened to deport millions of undocumented persons, threatened to ban Muslims, painted the black community in disparaging terms, displayed a behavior against women worse than Bill Clinton, added to the uncertainty as to what will replace Obamacare , scrambled our understanding of the conduct of international relations, won the support of the KKK and White Nationalists, and the list goes on.
Some of us felt an “existential” threat, and have been hoping that the divisiveness and hate of his campaign will not materialize into actual policies. We have counted on the reasonable Republicans to exert a calming and rational influence on his administration. But the signals so far have not been reassuring, starting with the appointment of a White Nationalist as a senior adviser. The position taken by some of our local friends, questioning the validity of our concerns as hysteria and frenzy is not reassuring neither.
The most consequential expression of this position at the city level so far, was the one taken by the recently elected first Latina council-person. Either due to her own personal political conviction and/or responding to the pressure of some conservatives in her district, she was the only one at the council who opposed considering even a mild watered down resolution protecting immigrants, in spite of our large Latino and Muslim population.
An earlier indication was the reversal of Mark Lopez position on the sanctuary cities. In a Curt Pringle style operation, the OCGOP pressured Mark to send a robo-call retracting his position. They chose to ignore that Disney had likely given the OK : Brandman had stated, at the last candidate forum, that he would support the concept of sanctuary.
Many of us have been patiently waiting for the immigration policies that Trump may implement. We have not made a priority issue yet, it may not have to, of pursuing sanctuary status. We have kept our focus on the local political reforms, to the point that demonstrations against Trump inauguration occurred in Santa Ana and Irvine, but not in Anaheim!
It is not necessarily a bad sign that we did not have our own anti-Trump demonstration, but we may have to become more “truchos” — assertive — and have some help from our reasonable Republican friends to address our concerns. If we can do so, the next district election may be the worst nightmare of our local Steve Bannon from Orange.
If we live in alternative realities, sisters like the one who attended the OC Women’s March will take care of business.
It is time to break the silence.
*According to reports there were over 663 different Women’s Protest Marches around the
country…..our friend in Dallas said there were over 30,000 in the streets there…..UN or
David Whiting, OCR columnist, wrote an interesting piece, with impressive photos.
“OK, I, too, think the pink “pussyhats” with the little cat ears are silly.
But let’s all agree that the stunning outpouring of hundreds of thousands of women – and many men – marching in cities from Los Angeles to our nation’s capital on Saturday rose far above a quarrel over what our new president has said.
It was a joyful celebration of determination and diversity.”
Trump announcing that he has stopped all funding for Abortion in the country is going to go over like an additional Lead Balloon. Sean Spicer Goebbels and Kelly Anna Eve Braun unleashing their meaningless twit news to the Press Corps……was an expectedly aggressive touch.
A couple of articles outlining lines of actions, one local :
“Will this goodwill and civic engagement advance its objectives to protect equal rights, preserve access to healthcare and security, and embrace inclusion? To reject misogyny, bigotry and social injustice?”
“I have been at many, many protest marches in my life, going back to the big anti-Vietnam demonstrations of the late ’60s and ’70s, and I have never experienced anything like what happened this weekend…The work must take place at every level, from local on up…There is no time to lose.”
*:”We are liberal to a degree…but If you think we will let Barry Goldwater live next door or marry our daughter…you must be crazy!”..tHAT IS WHAT COUNTRY JOE AND FISH SAID .,..IN 1968!.
Mayor Tait statements on the immigration issue are encouraging :
“Posted on: January 26, 2017
Anaheim Continues to Foster Community Ties as Nation Debates Immigration
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Anaheim Continues to Foster Community Ties as Nation Debates Immigration
ANAHEIM, Calif. (Jan. 26, 2017) — With immigration in the national spotlight, Anaheim continues to embrace diversity, treat everyone in our city with dignity and respect and advocate for comprehensive reform to our broken immigration system.
As local and national leaders wrestle with this complex issue, Anaheim remains a city that draws strength from a varied population made up of those born here and those who have made Anaheim their home.
“Everyone in Anaheim, regardless of where they come from, has helped shape our great city,” Mayor Tom Tait said. “They should find peace of mind knowing they are in a city that respects all and values the contributions they make to Anaheim.”
Anaheim abides by all federal and state laws. The city is on record as calling for, and continues to advocate on behalf of, comprehensive immigration reform as the best way to address immigration issues.
The Anaheim Police Department and all parts of the city have built trusting and supportive relations with immigrant communities.
“We are not in the immigration enforcement business,” Tait said. “Public safety is our foremost responsibility, and that cannot be carried out without with the trust and confidence of everyone in our city.”
At the same time, Anaheim is committed to ensuring that those who break the law, regardless of their immigration status, are held accountable for their actions.
The city is proud of all that has been done to embrace Anaheim’s rich diversity and the economic and cultural benefits it brings. Building a strong city is an ongoing effort in Anaheim.
For more information on the city of Anaheim, please visit Anaheim.net.”