Congressman Lou Correa, calling out DHS/ICE lies, sees what it’s like!




First, kudos to our new Congressman-for-Life Lou Correa for generally being a thorn in President Trump’s side on the issue of immigration, and specifically, today, for showing DHS Secretary John Kelly photographic proof when the latter denied that an Immigration Control and Enforcement Vehicle had been patrolling the parking lot of the Christ (prev. Crystal) Cathedral in their relentless search for possible “mojados.” Lou’s press release:

Rep. Correa Presents Secretary Kelly Proof of ICE Violating Church Sanctuaries

March 17, 2017

Washington, D.C. – Today, Congressman Lou Correa presented Department of Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly with photos of an ICE vehicle patrolling Christ Cathedral in Garden Grove, California. The images were given to Rep. Correa by Bishop Vann of the Orange County Diocese, along with a letter the Bishop sent to Department of Homeland Security Associate Director of Legislative Affairs Anthony C. Acocella asking that ICE stay off Diocese property.

Congressman Correa said, “Christ Cathedral is my church. I know what it looks like, and these photos clearly show an ICE vehicle staking out the parking lot. This is despicable, and this behavior must end. It is intimidation, and it is wrong.”

Maybe Lou IS the man for the hour, for Santa Ana / Anaheim, in these dark and trying times. Pero, immigration was never an issue I had a problem with him over.

What amuses me is him finally finding out first hand, he whom I’ve never seen question any law enforcement or deny them anything they wanted, finding out first hand how they lie to you until you provide incontrovertible proof of the truth.  Then they’re all, “Oh, damn!  I guess you’re right.”

Many’s the time, and not just in Anaheim, that we were left wondering if a police chief was either purposely lying or really so hands-off that he had no idea what his subordinates were doing.  And MANY MORE is the time that we were glad that WE OR SOMEBODY had the foresight and courage to use their camera.

So, welcome to the club, Congressman.  AND FILM THE POLICE!

About Vern Nelson

Greatest pianist/composer in Orange County, and official political troubadour of Anaheim and most other OC towns. Regularly makes solo performances, sometimes with his savage-jazz band The Vern Nelson Problem. Reach at, or 714-235-VERN.