
Hahaha — there’s nothing like a little last-minute notice to a select audience!
Wait, check that — this is EXACTLY like a little last-minute notice to a select audience!
Dana Rohrabacher will be holding a tele-townhall at 6:00 p.m. tonight (this post is being published at almost 4:15) for people within the 48th Congressional District.
The call-in number is 714-409-5814
Orange Juice Blog does not encourage anyone from outside of the district to participate in the call — heaven forfend! But we do encourage those who DO live there to ask good questions and to SEND ANY RECORDINGS THEY MAKE of the Town Hall to us!
Thanks to Chris Epting for the (unwitting) head’s up!
Update, 6:20 p.m.
The first comment on the HB Community forum has appeared — and it explains the scam!
I mean this is a first step, but I still have an issue that I wouldn’t be able to hear other people’s questions. If he isn’t going to have a person to person townhall, maybe at the very least he can have a live stream and questions can be asked via phone or web so that everyone who is watching the stream can hear
If we credit this report, then callers cannot hear the questions being asked! That means that Rohrabacher’s flunkies can simply ignore any hard questions asked and, if they want to, substitute in their own!
No one would know except for the person who asked the question and noticed that it was not being answered — and that a different question was being answered. Or — even more dastardly — once someone asked a question that they didn’t like, they could just hang up on that person and they wouldn’t know whether their question was being answered or not! If the lines were full, then they couldn’t get back into the conference at all; at a minimum, they could be kept off for long enough that they couldn’t hear the answer to their question!
So, does this count as a Town Hall? NO, THIS DOES NOT COUNT AS A TOWN HALL!
Chicken à la Congressman! We look forward to any tapes or reports from people who participated!
Now thats funny.
*The day that form California Governor Earl Warren was swore in as the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States…was really the start of all of it, Big Daddy Jesse Unruh had God Like Control of the California Legislature. Fighting for traditional values in the schools boiled down to the fight for the State Board of Education: Seriously committed Socialist Wilson Riles vs. Grass Roots Conservative Max Rafferty. When Wilson Riles won that election…suddenly, all the rules that most kids had grown up with: Reading, Riding and Arithmetic suddenly didn’t mean much and things like Arts and Crafts and Social Clubs and Ethnic Diversity became all the rage…taking valuable basic learning out of the schools and replaced with “Fluff Balls”. They say that if you graduated from High School after 1963…….you graduated with half the education of those that had graduated before that date. New comers to California were flowing in from New York, the Midwest and the South to become part of the Aerospace and Aircraft Industry….JOBS! When this occurred the indigenous kids soon became a minority be they black, hispanic, asian or white. The “Dumbing down” of education in this state began in earnest, when Teachers Unions soon had to find ways to lessen the severe load….that their forebears had taken “as par for the course”. Getting an “A” for “how to raise chickens in the back yard” soon equaled an “A” in Advanced Trig, Algebra or Geometry. As second Foreign Languages were only required for College …..most kids never took the Latin, French or even Spanish that would be required later in life.
Soon the Riles/Unruh/Tunney Group were sweetening the pot for teachers, with extra credit for doing the job required. Not giving them the actual salary they deserved, but the perks – junkets-further training and such. Meanwhile, newly elected Governor Ronnie Reagan tried to hold back the tide – with his solid immigrant Midwest values. It was a fruitless, but better than nothing effort.
Today, Dana Rhorabacher, Darrell Issa and Mimi Walters are facing a sudden reversal of fortune. Hey, if Bill Dannemeyer or Bob Dornan were still around, we would still be voting and supporting them. If Democrat Jim Traficant was still around, we would be supporting him. If Bill McCollum or Shadegg or any number of great Congressman who served before 2000……we would be supporting them. But things have changed. When Mimi, Dana and Darrell kiss up to the Trumpster Jack Booted Thug Gang…..things have purely gone too far. The crazy changes that are being suggested by Eddie Munster (Paul Ryan) and the rest of the Republican stonewallers and the Trumpster himself…….will jack up prices, so that NO ONE will be able to afford Health Care in this Country. If the States could have fixed healthcare….they had over 200 years to do it. Sorry, Mimi, Darrell and Dana – you are gone. It is time for you to go.
If you want to even get half of the available Republican votes in your district….the time has come “to get a pair” and do the right thing. The Eddie Munster (Paul Ryan solution) to Obama Care is unacceptable and anyone that supports it….really has to go. Sorry you guys…..we would have loved to keep you in office……but it is really impossible to miss the target “that bad”! Phone call in programs? A little late, wouldn’t you say? How about a major Press Conference with the Three of You….sitting in front of the LA Times and all the Local Television reporters like Conan Nolan…and telling it like it is…….”Wrong fix…wrong time!” Of course, you won’t do that….because you have to answer to a higher power: The threats and Power Cash influence of D.J. Trump! Sorry about that – “this is the one they pay you for….” Time to get down and boogey
or find the next job at the Irvine Company or elsewhere. Moral values mean something and if not to you….to the rest of us. Sex, Lies and Videotapes may be the way of the future…..but it is still now the way of NOW! Your short leash is about to get shorter. Last word to the wise: “Show your Legislative Independence….like Bob Dornan or Bill Dannemeyer and so many others that went before to make your legacies possible.
*So, Dana is a Soviet Agent? Hmmm….that tends to make sense. First he was with the Al Qaeda…..in Afghanistan when the Ruskies were there. Then Ubekistan with the Taliban and then with the Georgians, and then with with Croats,…..wow….this problem
gets deep doesn’t it. When Jeff Sessions came to the OC before the election of 2016, we thought that was a little weird….but then Dana loves weird people and is probably the reason we still get invited to his events. Well, just ask yourself one question: Who looks best with an AK-47 on their lap?
OK, we can see this is all too political for our own good. We love Chirs Cox too! Oh
my goodness how deep do these Rusky Connections get?
Dana R. recently attended a rally with radical extremists including neo nazi participants. When will he make a public statement denouncing their participation? He gave a speech that day But he has had nothing to say since about the swaztika tattooed marchers chanting hateful jargon. Or the very big anti Semitic sign being carried by some attendees.
Huntington Beach has had some very vocal opponents of other elected officials. One of the longest running and most documented complaints is that the said elected officials are affiliated with, “radical groups”. And “extremists” Is Dana not to be held to the same standard?
Before it’s declared that Dana “didn’t see the flag, sign, neo nazi marchers” that day. There are now photos, recordings, TV and print news stories everywhere. One can still step up after the fact and make a statement. And let’s let Dana speak for himself on what he saw and did not see. Thanks.
Many people are saying that these Trump supporters can spot a Mexican flag at 1000 paces, I mean no one can point out a non American flag in America like a Donald Trump supporter can! Believe me. That I can tell you! They can spot a non American flag like nothing you’ve ever seen. Tremendous. Believe me. They are terrific non American flag in America spotters. Just terrific.
So how come not one of them seemed to have noticed a big ol’ German flag was leading their march that day? One of their chief complaints about other marches & protests is always, “Why are they waving a Mexican flag?” And “Go back to Mexico if you are going to wave their flag”. Etc.
Yet not one peep about a giant old German flag co opted by the neo nazi party waving away. No one saw it. No one questioned it. No one has denounced it. I guess it’s just Mexican flags that are in the “no fly” category and all other flags are in the, “Yeah. Sure that’s cool.” Catargory
They can deny forever whether that old German flag is used by neo nazi groups (it is) but they cannot deny that a YUGE old GERMAN flag proudly prominently and without question waved at a “Make AMERICA Great Rally” And that’s just really curious.
Keep your eyes on this blog, I’m working on that.
Can you please give me the location of the rally you reference above? One of my conservative friends has accused me of making up this information and wants to know the details. I would like to educate him. My email appears below. Thanks.