I’m gonna say yes it is, has been for a decade, nothing anyone can do about it. Today we’ll examine different theories of what “Sanctuary City” actually means, and answer our question from the point of view of “if it walks like a duck” etc. But first enjoy this. No, seriously, you will like it. Turn up the sound.
In the above video, FOX’s Major Garrett defines Sanctuary Cities as “places where local police will not arrest and/or detain anyone simply for being in the country illegally; and if they come upon someone here illegally, they’re not going to go out of their way to let federal authorities know so that they could be deported.”
Well, that does describe Anaheim’s policies for the past decade – as well as (I find out now) many other OC cities that have NOT bothered making a big gesture like Santa Ana and DECLARING themselves Sanctuary!
Wikipedia defines a Sanctuary City as:
“…a municipality that has adopted a policy of protecting unauthorized immigrants by not prosecuting them for violating federal immigration laws and by ensuring that all residents have access to city services, regardless of immigration status. Such a policy can be set out expressly in a law (de jure) or observed only in practice (de facto). The term applies generally to cities that do not use municipal funds or resources to enforce national immigration laws. The cities usually forbid their police or municipal employees to inquire about a person’s immigration status or share such information with immigration enforcement.”
Again, that describes the policies of the City of Kindness since around 2007 (de facto at least.) I called up Deputy Chief Julian Harvey to make sure I’m not crazy, and he seemed pleased that I was working on a rare POSITIVE story about his department. Good call too, calling Julian – it turns out that he was the one actually assigned to formulate the APD’s new immigration policy a decade ago. (It seems, like with Life cereal’s Mikey, he is always assigned that sort of task. “Give it to Julian. He’ll write it! He’ll write anything!”)
And sure enough, for over a decade, Anaheim police investigating an incident have been instructed not to inquire about anybody’s immigration status. And not knowing or caring about that, they also do not report it to ICE.
(On the other hand, when someone arrested gets transferred from Anaheim to county jail, they are automatically fingerprinted, and their fingerprints automatically are sent to the FBI, who automatically shares them with ICE; then, as this informative Washington Post piece tells us, if ICE decides this is a person they want to deport, they send a request to the jail to hold them an extra day, a request the jail may or may not agree to honor, partly depending on if the Feds wanna pay for the extra time. Thus we see that a county’s policy is more important than a city’s policy, and [UPDATE] if OC D.A. Tony Rackauckas was telling the truth to the Anaheim Republican Assembly on the evening I was writing this story, our county as well as all the other OC cities he knows of follow the same de-facto sanctuary policies Anaheim does.)
Harvey was careful to clarify, “If ICE at some time demanded help in Anaheim, we would have to assist, but only in a very limited role – we do not enforce federal immigration laws, we’re not a 287G.” Like many intelligent police leaders he emphasizes how important it is, in a city of immigrants like Anaheim, for the police to have the trust of those communities, so people feel comfortable coming forward as victims or witnesses.
“Thanks, that’s pretty much the impression I had. I know you had an ICE agent in the jail a while back though, when did the new policy start?”
“A little over a decade ago, I think 2006.” [Update: Gabriel in the comments below contends 2007.]

Chief Welter, Amin David.
“Under Chief John Welter then.” Suddenly it strikes me – “I bet Los Amigos had something to do with it.” Yes, it turns out, Los Amigos, and particularly the late Amin David, had 100% to do with making Anaheim a de facto Sanctuary City.
With a ravenous immigration agent in Anaheim’s jail, a policy that conservative law-and-order politicians Tom Tait and Loretta Sanchez both supported at the time, countless undocumented immigrants would get scooped up for everything down to jaywalking and vanish; their torn-apart families would come to Amin’s Los Amigos meetings to complain and ask for help.
At first Chief Welter refused to believe this was happening right under his nose: “They’re not there long enough for that to happen, they’re either released or sent to county.” But finally he investigated and determined that Amin was right – over a hundred undocumented Anaheim residents had been deported right from Anaheim’s jail in the space of a year. So the ICE agent was sent packing, and new policies written and implemented.
I like knowing this because it makes a little more sense of Los Amigos’ closeness with, and credulity toward, APD leadership, in the face of unnecessary killings, gang injunctions, youth criminalization, and harassment of the homeless. At least it puts that credulity and patience more in context – they’d had a history of achieving some real reform with them.
Let’s take a step back for a moment…
It’s always good to be a little skeptical of what a politician or police leader tells you, and check it against what you’ve seen and heard happen. We know that one of the two young men arrested on Anna Drive on the night of Yesenia’s 2014 birthday party got deported – and he wasn’t even the one who allegedly had drugs on him, he was just “in the wrong place at the wrong time” – in a gang injunction zone while being (justly or unjustly) included in a “gang database.”
And this brings up two things. For one, you all saw New York Mayor DiBlasio in the video above holding up a list of violent and dangerous crimes that, even in his biggest of sanctuary cities, will get you deported if you’re undocumented. Despite all the FOX/Trump propaganda, there is nobody who wants to keep undocumented murderers and rapists in this country. Two, apparently, violating a gang injunction by visiting your old neighborhood is considered another “dangerous” crime that can get you deported. And THIS is what’s unfair and unconstitutional: gang injunctions that cover such a broad swath of territory and people.
Also last fall, a young friend of ours, an impeccable DREAMer, was getting really worried over his upcoming (regular) appointment with ICE, what with all the Trump deportation talk in the air. I managed to hook him up with a Mayor and a Congresswoman who put in a good word for him and allayed his fears, and he sailed through the appointment. What an irony: the same two politicians mentioned above who used to back keeping an ICE agent in Anaheim’s jail.
Please let me know in the comments section if you’re aware of any instances of Anaheim NOT behaving as a Sanctuary City in the past decade.
OC’s Demagogues try to use the issue to their advantage.
“Republicans… conservatives…” – I hate to call ’em either of those out of consideration to decent Republicans and real conservatives – let’s just call ’em “those (99%) white people who get most of their ‘news’ from FOX and President Trump” … well, as you saw in the video above, they have worked themselves up into a lather, as they so often do, over the very idea of “sanctuary.” Between Trump’s poisonous rants about murders, rapists and drug dealers pouring across the border, and FOX’s constant harping on the EXTREMELY RARE and tragic fluke of a killing like that of Kate Steinle by an undocumented man in San Francisco, “sanctuary” has become the stuff of their nightmares.
And to demagogues, in Anaheim as in elsewhere, that means it can be USED! What’ll these white folks say when they figure out they’ve been living in a de facto Sanctuary City for ten years, with a constantly lowering crime rate? They probably never will realize that, but imagine the cognitive dissonance if they did!
Dr. José Moreno [NOT a demagogue but probably the most progressive councilman Anaheim has yet elected] mentioned a couple of times during his 2016 campaign that, sure, he’d like to see Anaheim be a sanctuary city. Well, if a frog had wings, and also he’s perfectly aware that he wouldn’t get one vote from his Republican colleagues, and also that there’s no point making much fuss over it since we already are one. Instead he proposed a still-loosely-defined Mayor’s task force to create a “Welcoming Anaheim,” encouraging immigrants from all nations and cultures to feel at home here.
Well, the kleptocracy’s Tweedledee and Tweedledum, both hating José for defeating their dear corporate Dem Jordan Brandman, now purport to attack him on this from both “left” and “right.” The Liberal OC’s Dan Chmielewski, now perched absurdly inside the Democratic Party Central Committee, recently counted himself all shades of clever for introducing a resolution demanding José waste his time fighting for that designation. But immigration and “sanctuary” status is something the faux-liberal Dan has never before shown any interest in, while the sanctuary supporters who backed José (OCCORD, UniteHERE), are not pressuring him on that issue. And also, EVERYTHING ELSE IN THIS ARTICLE. So, Dan’s anti-José resolution got defanged by the Resolutions Committee, into a general County-wide exhortation to exactly the kind of immigration policies Anaheim already has.
At the same time, from a different angle, comes the Chamber’s paid “conservative” shill Matthew Cunningham, knowing how terrified many white Republican voters are of sanctuary and also yearning to defeat José in 2018. But instead of encouraging the councilman to fall on the sanctuary sword, Matt tries to convince his readers that the “Welcoming Anaheim” task force is really just a back-door, “sub rosa” way to SNEAK IN Sanctuary City status. But not only does a study of the “Welcoming America” website reveal nearly no material on immigration status and co-operation with the feds, Matt has also found it impossible to answer my point that THIS TASK FORCE CAN’T “SNEAK” IN ANY POLICY WITHOUT A VOTE OF THE COUNCIL. (And also, EVERYTHING ELSE IN THIS ARTICLE.)
Finally, we have Councilwoman Lucille Kring, José’s bitterest foe on the dais, who recently expressed a desire to agendize the resolution “Anaheim is NOT a Sanctuary City,” except the item failed to come up at the last meeting. Had she pulled it, and why? I decided to call her and ask. First of all she made it clear that her only motivation is to force José to go on record FOR sanctuary cuz she thinks that’ll hurt him! Second, when she talks about illegal immigration, she predictably begins with the Kate Steinle tragedy in San Francisco, but then quickly makes it clear that she believes just being here on an expired visa is as serious a crime as murder.
I kind of hope she does agendize that vote; I will be there telling everyone that Anaheim IS already a Sanctuary City, and telling Lucille that she’ll have as much success in changing police policy as she will in changing the time of the sunrise the next morning.
She’s NOT 100% sure she’ll go through with this; I had heard a rumor that she’d “gotten some grief” about it; and she did start to tell me she “got a call about it last week,” and then trailed off, lest she accidentally tell me who could have the authority over her to warn her off such foolishness. Hmmm…
SanTana: What’s in a “WORD?”
So, I’m finishing this up now, but I want to ask some of the Resilience OC activists a few questions – number one, what does Santa Ana do as an official “Sanctuary City” that Anaheim does not? (See first comment below for good answers.)
Can you be a Sanctuary City without advertising yourself as one? What does it mean to make that declaration? Besides being a “gesture” that makes immigrants and liberals happy?
(And yes I do say “immigrants” not “undocumented” or “illegal” immigrants, because every immigrant has family or friends they care about who are undocumented.)
Is declaring yourself a sanctuary city a potential red toreador cape waved at a psychotic President?
Why was it so easy for the Santa Ana Council’s “Police State Three” (Pulido, Solorio, Villegas) to support the ordinance unanimously, even while they plotted to keep ICE in the jail? (AND BY THE WAY DON’T FORGET TO RECALL PULIDO THIS YEAR!)
And does this declaration run the risk of giving immigrants a false sense of security, since there’s really nothing a city’s police force can do to stop an army of ICE agents?
Discuss. There may be good answers to all of this. And until then I’m thinking that Anaheim is a Sanctuary City!
I’m already getting responses via text from Resilience OC members (who were behind the Santa Ana ordinance)
“Santa Ana has what is possibly the strongest policy in the country among cities calling themselves sanctuaries. The reason being that the city has written into law that no city personnel or resources will be used to collect, maintain, or share information with immigration officials unless court mandated.
“This protection is applicable to people regardless of their immigration status, religion, gender, or sexuality. It also holds those responsible for any violations legally responsible.
“What this does that is different from other cities, such as Anaheim, is that it is making this part of the city’s laws not just deparmental policy that can be altered by police leadership.
“One more thing that cities must do is make assurances in the policy to take legal measures if the policy is attacked by the [Presidential] administration.
“I might be missing some things though. Also the section about not collecting, maintaining or sharing information also applies to any databases like the proposed Muslim database.
“We also have created a task force to advise the council on implementation.”
That sounds like a lot of great stuff, and much more than Anaheim has, or will be able to get any year soon. Still … I think we are a de facto SC.
Are there any other federal laws Orange County doesn’t support? I have a whole wonderful list of laws I don’t want to follow that in all fairness should be considered for non-cooperation.
Editor, who paid for the signs that were being waved at the SA Council meeting?
Some are alledging that they were purchased by OCResilience through a donation laundered through Councilwoman Michele Martinez ONE OC charity/Non profit.
This becomes especially dicey, given thats groups role in protesting the jail, given she needs to vote on this. Moreover, the allegations about those protesters and Lauren Kanter (sp) colluding and the whole weird sex scandal thing makes this the steamiest political story sonce Carlos Bustamante (provided Michele didn’t hook up with Cavasos).
Anyway. Who paid for the signs?
Dunno. Anybody?
This is why I always make my own damn signs.
This is why I always make my own damn signs.
Yesterday evening the Anaheim Republican Assembly hosted a public discussion at The Phoenix Club on Crime in Anaheim and someone in the audience posed a question to DA Tony Rackauckas asking for his opinion on Sanctuary status and local government’s involvement in ICE activities. He was very clear that local law enforcement within the entire County of Orange does not actively pursue knowledge of any individual’s immigration status during any contact in the field.
To his knowledge and with his support, no local police nor sheriff departments asks any suspect, victim or witness anything about their immigration status. This isn’t just in Anaheim, or Santa Ana, or Huntington Beach. Our entire county works this way, with full knowledge and support.
DA Rackauckas did say once a suspect has been arrested on a violent crime charge, it is possible immigration status will be reviewed during that suspect’s time in jail pending release on bail or trial. The whole point is our local law enforcement officers want to work with members of our community, and if our community is fearful of speaking to those officers, facts and crimes may go unreported.
To me, this makes sense, no matter what you call the policy, we need our community to interact. If this policy is adhered to, why would anyone choose to make a political football of the issue?
That’s good to know! I wouldn’t have expected T-Rack to be enlightened that way, I was just writing about the three cities I know.
Ironically, I woulda been at that ARA event last night if I hadn’t been working on this story.
Anaheim police chief Roger Baker accepted matriculas as valid forms of identification during his tenure, which pissed off the Know Nothings leading to the infamous “In Defense of the Homeland” rally outside city hall in 2001. Baker is the same police chief that Amin David sued the following year for spying on him.
In 2007, chief John Welter knew of deportations happening in Anaheim. An LA Times article by Jennifer Delson that year mentioned undocumented immigrants being handed over during “frequent visits” by the feds via an informal agreement. Anaheim still had a part-time ICE agent in the city jail then.
2007 eh? I thought it was 2006.
Thanks for the history. It almost sounds cyclical. “In Defense of the Homeland” rally in 2001? I’d like to know more about that, sounds timely.
So, was Baker spying on Amin or not?
Behold how the Wordsmith plyeth his trade. Now, in 2017, it is important to Cunningham to use Sanctuary as a terrifying wedge issue, so he takes exception to my simple, expansive definition of it and insists on an extreme definition:
“Again, there is a very big difference from municipal police forces not proactively enforcing federal immigration laws (not really their job) and city councils directing their police departments to actively refuse cooperation with federal immigration authorities in order provide maximum sanctuary from deportation for people living here in violation on the law. The latter is what ordinary people think of when discussing sanctuary cities – your spin notwithstanding.” http://www.anaheimblog.net/2017/03/10/moreno-proposed-charter-amendment-could-allow-illegal-immigrants-to-serve-on-city-commissions/#comment-12560
But back up six months to when the important thing was to destroy 5th district council candidate Mark Lopez for the benefit of Matt’s favored Steve Faessel, and poor Mark had answered a Sanctuary question thus:
“I feel like we need to have our local law enforcement do local law enforcement issues – they shouldn’t be enforcing federal laws. They shouldn’t be going out, sort of doing these immigration checks and that sort of thing. I would be opposed to that.”
In THAT context, a “simple, expansive” definition of Sanctuary suited Matt’s purposes better: “Lopez avoided using the phrase ‘sanctuary city.’ However, it’s fair to say he elucidated support for the elements of sanctuary city status.”
Has the definition of Sanctuary really changed in six months? Or is Matt a devotee of Humpty “When I use a word, it means what I want it to mean, neither more nor less” Dumpty?
As unclean as it feels to agree with Cunningham, I have to admit a LOT of us see the definition of “sanctuary city” as actively opposing Federal agents attempting to enforce the law. Local Police departments do not enforce Federal immigration law, so what is the pupose of declaring that a government agency will not engage in a purpose they have no authority for in the first place? The City of Anaheim also does not land airplanes on a tarmac, but there is no point to say we are an “airline free community.” To declare a Resolution in favor of some action is to say we will NOT engage in actions that are within our lawful purpose as a government agency. Logic dictates that means REFUSING to cooperate with an outside agency. THIS is where Left and Right seem to part ways on this issue.
I agree that I don’t want local law enforcement tied up with immigration enforcement, beyond the issue of basic compassion, there is a cost to the taxpayer when our local Police are already stretched to the breaking point doing the jobs they ARE authorized to do.
BUT…if someone is actively wanted by the Feds, we NEED to turn them over, that is the rule of law. Don’t like it? Demand your elected leaders change the law, but we are not supposed to pick and choose which laws we will or will not follow. But to say Anaheim local PD not actively engaging in Federal Law enforcement they are not tasked with is a “sanctuary city” really is stretching it. And it was the LINCOLN CLUB’s rep that set up Mark Lopez with a mass email to the Central Committee, demanding we rescind the GOP endorsement, not because they misunderstood Mark’s answer but because like Cunningham they were willing to redefine anything needed to create a political problem for their enemy, who stood in the way of their “boy.” You give them too much credit when you believe they thought the definition of Sanctuary Cities. Brought to us by the same folks who twisted Jose Moreno’s “I would have to think about it,” answer on the fictional gate tax nobody was even DISCUSSING, into some twisted mastermind of higher taxes against the citizenry.
We need to stop discussing issues based on their interpretation of the Kleptocracy, as they are not using logic or reason, they simply use what they can twist to fit their own messaging to benefit their own outcome. But I think beyond the very, very small percentage of the population following Mr. Cunningham and his sock puppets, there are a LOT of Anaheim residents who see the issues with the same gray zones I see, that we need a compassionate answer for those already in this country without documents, if for no other reason than that is will bankrupt us to round up tens of millions of people and ship them back to their native lands, and NOT ALL come from Mexico but thanks for the input JRR. But as much as we see a need to provide residency solutions to those seeking a safe and better life, some of us are also FURIOUS with the revolving door that allows undocumented immigrant CRIMINALS to be released into our streets to break the law again and again, which DOES endanger OUR LIVES. It may be a small percentage of the immigrant population, it may be a small percentage of the criminal population, but it IS a factor in crime stats, to ignore it is naive. Those of my acquaintance who are without documents live a quiet life of “head down, don’t cause trouble, don’t create a reason to be noticed.” So for those who are here illegally AND still living in such a way that they have the attention of the Federal law enforcement community, you have someone with a very high, “Don’t give a damn” threshhold, and I don’t want that person in my neighborhood, not because of immigratin status or nation of origin, but because of their behavior.
BTW–the Dems had enough control over Washington to shove the ill-conceived ObamaCare down the throats of an unwilling nation, because leaders can no longer tell the difference between medical insurance and medical CARE, but had Obama and company put the same passion into IMMIGRATION REFORM we would not be doing this.
In short, I cannot stand Trump, he does not represent the Republican values I have lived by since my earliest memory, and Trump is the PRODUCT of the left using critical life or death issues like immigration as a pawn for their own purposes, and the middle states simply began screaming ENOUGH! Trump is not the illness, he is merely a symptom of the sickness our nation is suffering from, and the faux liberals who pretend to give a damn abot those forced to live in the shadows while squandering the political capital that COULD HAVE fixed this years ago is a BIG part of the problem.
Our disagreement is semantic; I hope you had time to read my article. Nobody wants to keep dangerous criminals here.
“BUT…if someone is actively wanted by the Feds, we NEED to turn them over, that is the rule of law. Don’t like it? Demand your elected leaders change the law, but we are not supposed to pick and choose which laws we will or will not follow.”
I guess all those Northerners who sheltered escaping slaves to Canada were just a bunch of law breaking good for nothing Communists.
Ryan, if someone is wanted for something other than immigration violation, that is an unfair comparison to slavery. My point was that a sanctuary city is more than not enforcing immigration laws cities are already not tasked with enforcing.
And let me try to summarize my post in one sentence: When looking at definitions of Sanctuary City in wikipedia and elsewhere, it appears our town is and has been a de facto Sanctuary City, and this should defuse that whole issue politically here, which is my aim.
Oh good Lord, I am verbose. This popped up again on the sidebar with someone’s new comment and re-reading the chain I could not even read my own response. I need to work on that.
Nah just prolix.
In response to this morning’s sabre-rattling from our racist Attorney General Jeff Sessions:
Cities Respond to Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ Plan to Penalize “Sanctuary Cities”
WASHINGTON — March 27, 2017 — Attorney General Jeff Sessions today announced a plan to require cities applying for Department of Justice grants to certify their compliance with federal law, including Section 1373 of the U.S. Code. Section 1373 prohibits localities from obstructing federal immigration enforcement, but does not require those jurisdictions to perform the duties of federal immigration agents. In response to today’s announcement, National League of Cities (NLC) President Matt Zone, councilmember, Cleveland, released the following statement:
“Today, Attorney General Sessions announced a plan to withhold Department of Justice funding from certain cities. As we’ve said many times before, these so-called “sanctuary cities” are already in full compliance with federal immigration law, and have committed no violation of the U.S. Code.
“If the federal government is unable to enforce the nation’s broken immigration laws, it should not attempt to shift that burden onto cities. This plan attacks cities by imposing a needless burden on local police forces, and could unjustly penalize innocent residents receiving federal grants — including the victims of the Pulse nightclub tragedy in Orlando.
“Instead of pursuing this plan, the administration should work with local governments to fix the nation’s broken immigration system. Immigration reform should respect the principles of local control, enforce current law effectively and create a process where undocumented immigrants currently living in our cities may earn legalized status.”
More information about immigration reform in cities can be found here. http://www.nlc.org/topics/community-housing/immigration
*Chairman Vern – Fix the broken Immigration System? Hey, look at the stock market….look at the unemployment figures…..look at the sales of Pick up Trucks. Look at the prices of food. Look at the cost of Rental Housing. Look at the Home sales…rates! Seems like the Immigration System seems to be working just fine.
The big time developers all seem happy as clams. All the full time and part time moms love the Cleaning Ladies and Gardeners and in house babysitters. Yeah, as Mark Twain said: “If voting really mattered….they wouldn’t let us do it.” We are going to try and vote out…….. every one of our local slime however.
I was just sent this piece by some activists / bloggers / fans of the above article… looks like a piece on the same topic that’s worth reading:
I’d say “no it isn’t” — and the reason explains my problem with the entire “sanctuary” name.
The word “sanctuary” means something — an absolute offer of protection within a given space. Anaheim hasn’t offered that to anyone — and it can’t do so, not being a sovereign or being granted a sovereign-like status in its own territory.
What Anaheim *can* offer is *non-cooperation with federal authorities” (and even with state authorities, which is the negative aspect of the recent Superior Court decision in HB) — which offers a measure of protection to its citizens — hopefully enough to make them cooperate with police authorities.
That’s something significant — but it’s not “sanctuary,” and it doesn’t pretend to be so, except in the words of some activists who don’t quite get the concept.
Well by that strict definition, there ARE no sanctuary cities – not LA, not SF, not Santa Ana.
I was saying there’s no real difference between our policies and those cities that CALL themselves sanctuary, and all the rhetoric (especially in OC at the time I wrote this) is divisive semantics and fearmongering.
That’s right, there aren’t. Nor is California a sanctuary state.
These are cities and a state that reserve their right not to be forced to help the federal government enforce its federal law in this area, given that such cooperation undermines the state’s and cities’ ability to protect its populace by making unauthorized residents less likely to report crime against themselves or be witnesses in crimes against others.
“Sanctuary” is the wrong term. I ain’t going along with it.
Fine then. Be that nonconformist.
The home is supposed sanctuary from the vipers that lurk outside all around us. The criminals / thieves that want to take our lives and souls and shoes too.
There is no sanctuary from insanity. There is no sanctuary from the forces of evil that permeate the ground we walk on. These hollowed grounds bathed in the blood of the past.
This spot on earth.
How sad that we deny people in need sanctuary.
We never have been better than that.
Humans are flawed that is why we were definitely not placed here by aliens. “Hey what we really need to do is use our incredible knowledge to make a totally screwed up, murderous race of living creatures”.
Unless this was just a joke by some mad alien. Like some smart guy on earth making a retarded robot that tears off peoples heads for a joke.
Sanctuary is only a thought a passing idiocy in the night. As if you can have sanctuary in this world.
If the haters hate enough they should, for instance, allow the Hondurans into America and give them some money to start – then just sit back and watch as they make more money, then lose it, then make more and buy a big house and a new wife and a new boat and a new rope to hang themselves or good drugs to kill themselves.
Sanctuary comes when we shuffle off this mortal coil.
“From countless ages past through the entity of life we strive touching centuries unknown”
Yeah I’m up late – nightmare
Too much drugs
OK I mean antibiotics that give me nightmares
The front door is not locked and when I check it, it isn’t and someone is pushing there way in. I am yelling for my dad screaming for him and he comes to help but there is still someone out there the door is bending. We get it locked but then there is the garage door to the house…
And then I am a pilot and we landed near my house, I am to follow the other planes on the freeway to the airport but I see my wife is in a car accident. So I stop and get out to check on her. By then the other planes are out of sight and I can’t get the radio to work. I am not sure at all which freeway to take with my plane load of people to get to the airport!!!
Then I woke up to this nightmare???
Sleep well my fellow humans, or are we?
Well done. A few ellipses, an asterisk or two and you’d give Winship a run for his money.