San Juan Capistrano Call to Action – Save the Los Rios District!




[This SJC call to action comes from Michael Laux, who wrote the October article you may remember on the topic.  The comments section on that article is very valuable and contains arguments from both sides. – Vern]

Dear fellow San Juan Capistrano residents…

There is currently a proposal on the table to put a retail mall in the Historic Los Rios District, at the nursery property.  Some things to keep in mind about it:

  • Its current zoning is for a nursery, fruit stand, or horses.
  • 60,000 sq.ft. of retail shops, drinking establishments, restaurants, and entertainment does not belong in a residential neighborhood!
  • At almost 50′ above current grade, the development will block ridge line views, and overwhelm the current size of our historic buildings.
  • 300 parking places will create a traffic nightmare at Adelanto and Del Obispo, the only way in and out of the neighborhood.
  • Residents will be fighting traffic, noise, and pollution as a result!
  • Visitors come to visit the Los Rios District in order to get away from malls.
  • It violates every aspect of the Los Rios Specific Plan, which is to promote a rural atmosphere.

We need your help to fight this monstrosity in our treasured city. We need you to come to city council meetings and voice your objections, and let our leaders know that this is not an option.

Visit our Facebook page.

Thank you for your support!  And please click on the picture below, and read the text below that, for more important information. – Michael Laux

Click for much larger view!

Thanks for your interest!  Here are ways that you can help:

  •  Sign up as a volunteer by calling Jeff Vasquez at 949-493-6155 and leave your name and number.  We will get back to you right away and appreciate your support.  Or…
  • E-mail or  Let us know you want to help.  We need volunteers to come to council meetings and collect signatures.
  • Call and e-mail your City Council Members Ferguson, Reeve, and Farias at 949-439-1171.  Tell them you are opposed to this project and that Los Rios Historic District is no place for a shopping mall!

Mayor Kerry Ferguson:
Derek Reeve:
Brian Maryott:
Pam Patterson:
Sergio Farias:
(CC your e-mails to

  • Remind them that this proposal violates the purpose and intent of the Los Rios Specific Plan, which is part of our General Plan.
  • A zone change on this property from Low Intensity Commercial to High Intensity Commercial would destroy the character and ambience of Los Rios Street – the oldest residential neighborhood in California!
  • Let them know that you’ll be signing the Referendum Papers should the council majority fail to uphold the integrity of the Los Rios Specific Plan.
  • Call Councilmembers Patteron and Maryott and THANK them for protecting the district, preventing additional gridlock on our city streets, and protecting the significance of Los Rios Street’s listing on the National Registry of Historic Places.  (Again, 949-493-1171.)

[The 3-D illustration above is based upon a site plan submitted to the SJC planning department. I am a 40-year business owner in SJC, a 30-year resident of Historic Los Rios Street, and served four years as your City Councilman, from 1990-94. Sincerely, Jeff Vasquez.]

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.