“Today, the House of Representatives delivered on a promise that Republicans made to the American people seven years ago: to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act … I am honored to join my colleagues in the House to pass this landmark legislation for the American people.”
To be fair, I don’t know that HR 1628 will actually cause more deaths, but only because the CBO score hasn’t been released yet. When the CBO scored a very similar bill in March the result was 14 million fewer Americans insured immediately, rising to 24 million in the mid 2020s.
Given how easy it was to write that headline, one has ask:
what the hell was Mimi thinking when she voted for this stink bomb?
She has plenty company: even single member of the California Republican house delegation votes “yea” today.
the attack headlines generated by this stink bomb are just pouring through the intertubes:
In Trump’s America, Rape Is a Preexisting Condition
and one that should particularly concern Mimi:
Republicans Are Waging A ‘Coordinated Attack’ On Women’s Health Care
Look at it this way, Tyler: at least it’s good that she was willing to take it to a vote first.
Honestly, I don’t know what we’re going to do with the number of Democratic candidates for Congress that this is going to bring out. Congressional Republicans are going to wear this one like a scarlet letter.
This might be the most brilliant political move Obama ever made.
He dared the GOP to replace it knowing full well they’d wade into the morass. Sure enough, here we are, with the GOP celebrating their big win.
Two, four, and six years from now the mob will still be complaining about health care costs, lack of coverage, who’s paying to subsidize whom, and now blaming the GOP for the mess instead of Obama. Now he’s on a beach comfortably resting on a beach drinking a coconut full of “Not My Problem Anymore”. Brilliant.
Seriously, who could possibly be dumb enough to take the exact same deal as Obamacare and slap his or her name on it instead? Who REALLY thinks that’s gonna end up well?
. . .
Good job, Donny. You just got served.
*So who will replace Mimi, Ed, Darrell and Dana in 2018? Maybe Dr. Diamond and Chairman Vern can step up and take this game one more step. We would love to see
Joe Dunn…..who could beat any of them in a heart beat. Maybe Lou is willing to capitulate enough……to leap up to bid. We would love to see Pappa John take Dana’s seat. Heck, now all the bets are off. One thing is certain….when Tom McClintock goes down next year – the end of the Republican Party will become official.
And this: Pregnancy to cost 425% more under Donald Trump’s health plan compared to Obamacare
I like “Darrell Issa Votes to Kill Poor People” better. He seems most vulnerable.
Start looking for a job!! You sold us out and YOUR VOTE will cost you…
Mimi Walters wouldn’t even hold a town hall. She had one of those telephone things where the callers and questions were pre-screened and you couldn’t participate, just listen. It was a joke. Set-ups for her Republican bullshit. I can’t stand this woman and I really hope a good Dem will step up and take this seat from her in 2018.
Never forget how she got there – lying her way into the state Senate with a fake residence, and funded by her husband’s swindling.
Republicans need to possibly consider moving the United States to a system that has the best elements of our country and the Canadian system. We should go Australian for our health care style.