Weekend Open Thread: Irvine’s Key Veteran’s Cemetery Vote Set for Tues., June 6, 4 p.m.




Irvine City News (Irvine’s developer funded faux-newspaper) reports that the key vote on the Veteran’s cemetery will happen at a special June 6th Irvine City Council meeting.


Veterans Cemetery graphic

It’s past time. Build something, already!

The special meeting is being called by Mayor Don Wagner and Melissa Fox.  Don, of course, is a bog-standard OC Republican with tight ties to developer Five Points Communities.   He and Christina Shea will be well-briefed on Five Points’ preferences.  Melissa Fox, however, is Beth Krom‘s successor and thus would be expected to be well-briefed on the “Irvine Progressive” preferences.  Interestingly, Irvine Community News & View,  (the Larry Agran funded faux-newspaper) has been scathing about the proposed “land swap.” If Melissa chooses to support this swap, as her co-sponsoring the special meeting suggests, she will be showing real independence on this issue.  It’s almost like Melissa cares more about getting getting a Veteran’s Cemetery built than political point-scoring.

Larry Agran is right about one thing: Five Points is maneuvering to squeeze every last dollar out of Great Park.  However, that doesn’t have to be a bad thing if that means they get on board with building something rather than fighting everything.  The key, of course, will be writing a tight agreement that holds their feet to the fire.

I’ll be at the meeting. In the meantime, I look forward to Greg’s analysis .

[Ed. Note: Greg’s analysis will be forthcoming!  Meanwhile, this is has now been voted to become your Weekend Open Thread — talk about this topic or whatever else you’d like within reasonable bounds of decency and decorum.]



About Tyler in Irvine

Twenty Year Irvine Resident. Native Texan and proud Longhorn. Pro-Choice Ron Paul supporter. "Do I contradict myself? ... then I contradict myself, I am large, I contain multitudes." - Walt Whitman