RPOC Member Jeff Lalloway Not Fond of Republicans

In his opening comment at today’s city council meeting, Jeff Lalloway made the most interesting argument…


The Irvine City Council is meeting this Tuesday afternoon to consider moving forward with a “land swap” to move the Veteran’s cemetery to the “Strawberry Fields” site.  Greg is liveblogging and  Allan Bartlett has the live twitter update. When I left, it looked pretty clear that the motion would pass 3-2, with Lalloway and Lynn Schott opposing.

[UPDATE: Passed 3-2 on the expected vote]

The turnout was impressive for a workday afternoon– I counted over a hundred citizens.  Both sides were well represented, and easily identifiable.  The older folks displaying their military affiliations were, almost without exception, in favor of the swap.  However, a large cadre of non-military retirees were supportive council members Lalloway and Schott.  It wasn’t hard to figure out why:  these were Larry’s Agran‘s base.  I love these folks.  They are the model citizens who have spent decades making Irvine the successful, tolerant place it is.  And they love their Larry, who moved among his people smiling and shaking hands.

So expect this to be a looonnng meeting with a predictable outcome.

But that’s not why I’m posting.

Jeff Lalloway had a strong opening argument that the process should be slowed down — that this vote wasn’t yet necessary.  As part argument, Jeff talked about the “Republican Majority,” and made clear he was not part of it. This Republican majority was not transparent, he said,  and he was “sick” of the hypocrisy.

Um, Jeff, it’s fine to oppose your fellow concil members. But attacking fellow non-partisan officeholders as “Republicans” is very odd thing for a Republican Party of OC Central Committee member to do.

Why is Jeff still on that committee?


About Tyler in Irvine

Twenty Year Irvine Resident. Native Texan and proud Longhorn. Pro-Choice Ron Paul supporter. "Do I contradict myself? ... then I contradict myself, I am large, I contain multitudes." - Walt Whitman