Look at that beaming smile! No, I’m not happy about having had a stroke — it’s a symptom check for facial symmetry. (OK, I AM pretty happy to be doing well enough to tell the tale, though!)
My wife and I and our daughters are currently planning a wedding for our daughter who is now out on deployment in the Navy, and it has struck me that this has something significant in common with telling people that you’ve had a stroke.
No, than sentence is not a symptom. (Get used to that joke. You’ll see it again.)
You have this list of people in your life that you might conceivably contact — and you have to pare it down. Who gets to come to a wedding with limited capacity? For whom do you use your limited time and energy to contact them in person to let them know about the happy occasion (in this case, it’s a “happy-to-be-alive” occasion) rather than learning about it when it’s reported on the Internet — which is what I’m doing here? In each case, some worthy people are inevitably left out. (My apologies if you, Dear Reader, are among them. You can still, of course, send a gift.) (That wedding-related joke may indeed be a symptom!)
Yes — so far as we can tell, I had a stroke two weeks ago. I am doing pretty well. Most critically from my selfish perspective, my thinking and reasoning faculties are fine, with few and sort-of-interesting-if-you-were-a-fan-of-Oliver-Sacks exception. My worst symptom seems to be some problems typing with my left hand, such that above I initially wrote “it’s a “happy-to-be-alice” occasion” — and I hope that you’ll bear with me and enjoy such errors as much as I do. (Or more so, in the case of the ones that I don’t enjoy at all. You’ll know those when you see them.)
My long-term memory is pretty much fine — I can still remember all of the details I’d need to testify about voting on Saturday evening of the CDP election, for example, which looks like it will come in handy — with a few fun exceptions. I could not recall my house number when in the hospital and it still doesn’t seem entirely familiar despite that I’ve re-memorized it. My short-term memory of the past-two weeks is in some instances spotty, but that seems mostly due to trauma and bother rather than to loss of brain tissue.
(Having a stroke is a bit exhausting, by the way. I’m sleeping a lot.)
I can still construct and present a detailed and compelling argument, so you’re out of luck there too. I still have my same sense of humor. People I encounter don’t suspect that I’ve had a stroke unless I have told them, and even then seem to maintain their doubts. I can still walk, though stumbling into people and things (more often than my usual high baseline) was the first symptom that clued my wife in that something was wrong. I have control over all of my bodily functions except for a tendency to spit on people who deserve it, and I’m just stating that exception for legal reasons.
If I end up with the obscene and inappropriate candor that Estelle Getty had in The Golden Girls, I hope that we can all enjoy it together.
I can drive. I had a peripheral vision test and if someone throws a rock at me from above and to my left, I might spot it a little slowly, but I’m ok from the 90- and 270-degree angles. I don’t have a handicapped placard yet. Too prideful, plus I need the exercise from parking further away.
I wrote this in less than half an hour, including corrections (that was originally “Estelle Gwrrt”), so I can still blog — you targets of my ire and wit are out of luck there too. While I’ve been mostly out of action for the past couple of weeks, I should be picking up the pace a bit. Just presume that every time Trump does something worth condemning, I’ve condemned it. I didn’t comment about Charlottesville only because it was so much to spell. Plus others had that well-covered.)
I will be at the California Democratic Party E-Board meeting at and around the Anaheim Sheraton for parts of this weekend, so if you run into someone there who matches my description it’s probably either me or Richard Dreyfuss.
I want to get this posted now, but I will update it over the course of the day. See you around, and make jest of me at your peril! (I’ve already heard the “we all knew this was coming” and the “brain damage” jokes, so don’t even bother. I’ll cut you, I mean it! I mean it figuratively, that is.)
Aww you around! (Get it?)
You are really weird.
You’re just seeing whether I can remember all of my curse words, I presume. Test passed with flying colors. You’ll just have to take my word for it, you sphincter wart.
Good Luck today comrade. Only by speaking out and standing up can we stop corruption and oppression that plauges CADEM.
They will have to shut it down to shut us up!
I hope you recover your functionality as the days go on. I’ll stay away from GRE test vocabulary words for the time being.
My vocabulary seems to have survived. Left-hand typing will take a while.
*This all goes to prove our point: “We are all here on a wing and a prayer!” Dodging bullets or having that ability is also pretty important. We suggest you go on one of those Life Screening test….for $139 bucks. Stenosis partial blockage) of the Carotid Artery of over 50% is a basic and important knowledge. Anyone over 50 should figure it out. We
are all targets based upon our diet and exercise regimens or lack of it. Anyway, we are going to take our own advise in September. It is better to know that not know. We are presently trying some Clelation Therapy rather than opting for any surgery. Dr. Greg…
do yourself and the OC Blog family a favor……and start to pay close attention.
I’m watching my sodium and my carbs and am exercising regularly. Talk about cruel and unusual punishment!
*Sodium has little to do with Stenosis….or blockage of the Blood Vessels. When those areas get clogged, what happens is…..a piece will occasionally
break off and you get either a stroke or a heart attack. Seriously Sir, you need
to know the extent of your systemic blockage and in what areas. The Life Screening people do a five part test for $139 bucks……..but then, you can only lead a horse to water….. Exercise also can be dangerous if you have serious Stenosis in critical Blood Vessels.
Well, it does have to do with blood pressure.
They did extensive testing in the hospital. I’ll try to find out if they didn’t do anything that the joint you mention does.
I found this discussion of interest, perhaps it is.
Since my comment will end-up in your spam folder it is meaningless for me to advise you on how to reverse TIA (temporary ischemic attack).
The god works in mysterious way.
Your leftist hate fill with Anti-Fa ideology will kill you based on your inability to learn.
It is common that you will have more TIAs within 3 mo.
Vaya Con Dios
Thanks, Stanley; I know that this is the best sympathy you can muster.
I can’t sympathies with anyone who hates me.
So that I can knock on the heaven gate, if headed.
Caveat: Study the following supplements!
vitamin D3;
vitamin K2(MK7);
cat’s Claw (uncaria tomentosa) and;
obviously aspirin, for reversing blood clogging and decalcification.
Make sure that you are not reading big pharma’s fake reviews and avoid
Clopidogrel (Plavix); Wwarfarin (Coumadin) and rest of that shit.
I should add Cannabidioil (CBD) now when it is legal in all 50 states without prescription
See http://cbd.com–official-website.com/
I should probably add it too.
Lets hope the next one does the trick and renders you a vegetable.
That is why one must act smart, use his own research, so there is no next one.
Didn’t notice this when posted. That’s going to be a keeper. Vern and Donna, please leave this right where it is.
I approved it.
*It’s always nice to know who your friends are…..when times are tough…we always say!
During the good times it may not matter so much, however!
Best wishes for your health- OC needs you. You fight the darkness every day.
Thanks! I have given the darkness almost a week of free rein, just to make the competition more sporting, but I’m back at it now.
It’s beyond 9-11 now hope all is well with your health Greg. If you can plz. update us on Brett Murdock running for DA… I haven’t heard anything…the guy doesn’t have a campaign site, Facebook page or anything…What gives? when you ran for DA (Oh, and thanks for that BTW) you kept us all up to date blow by blow, but where is Murdock?