[Note: the urgent nomination petition you can download appears down at the end of this post (not including comments!)]

If you’re a CDP delegate, you’ll need to hurry to download, print, sign, scan, and send the petition! That’s Song on the left, Lara on the right.
There’s a new entry in the race to replace the wonderful and widely respected Attorney General candidate Dave Jones as California’s new Insurance Commissioner. Until recently, decent-but-not-Dave-Jones-level State Senator Ricardo Lara — whom we can safely call “the establishment candidate” and who (accordingly) has hired the SCREAMING ALL CAPS EMAIL HEADER SERVICE [not its real name] to send out his email blasts — has been the sole contender. Now comes a physician and single payer health insurance advocate, Dr. Paul Song, to challenge Lara for the position.
No one has to endorse Song (or Lara) for the position quite yet. The issue of this week is simply whether Dr. Song will be eligible for next month’s California Democratic Party endorsement. If he is, and if he keeps Lara from getting the supermajority needed for an endorsement, then activists favoring either candidate can work for whomever they choose without running afoul of the State Party.
In other words, this is more about fairness and an equal playing field than about policy. This blog may come to favor Song over Lara, but it’s safe to predict that even if Lara wins, Song’s presence in the race will have pushed Lara to the left in the meantime — meaning that Lara would be more likely to come out for the sorts of strong (and powerful-special-interest-frustrating) consumer protections that have been produced by Dave Jones.
As such, OJB considers the decision to sign and send in the petition to be both obvious and urgent: the petitions are due at the CDP headquarters by 5:00 p.m. Friday! I’ll be happy to send out the email address to which to send them — which I won’t publish here because of the anonymous miscreants in this fair county — to interested CDP members upon their request. (You can write me at mail2greg4-bernie at yahoo dot com.)
Here’s the 1-page PDF for your downloading pleasure! Thanks for reading!
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