Nope. That’s not a recycled headline from 2016. That’s fresh off the press for 2018.
It’s no secret the GOP in California struggles. In a matter of months, voters who prefer no party at all will outnumber registered Republicans. Let that sink in for a minute.
Excluding Democrats, voters in this state who refuse to support the GOP outnumber those who support it.
If that doesn’t make things clear enough, let’s try this: GOP voters and donors are dying faster than new ones register to replace them.
Party leadership has a long list of reasons to excuse the steep decline in California. I will readily admit that many are beyond our control. But, some aren’t.
Case and point, the upcoming recall vote on SD-29. This is the Christmas morning of political gifts. An almost fool-proof means to topple an oppressive Democrat Supermajority in Sacramento. A Supermajority that raised taxes on the poor and the middle class, a Supermajority that wastes billions every year supporting boondoggle public projects that serve to enrich Democrat donors, and a Supermajority that openly rides roughshod over the California Constitution– passing illegal legislation to preserve itself . . . There is just no reasonable way this recall fails!
OC GOP: Wait, hold my beer.
Voters and taxpayers in California do not want to be poor. They don’t want to be bankrupt. Frankly, they really don’t want to be regulated. Drive down any SoCal freeway on a Sunday afternoon and count how many drivers actually abide by the state’s command to drive sixty-five miles per hour. You won’t get past three. More voters in this state refuse to wave the Democrat flag than those who fly it. There is no structural reason why the GOP should lose every single contested vote this year.
We can win, even with all the national noise and nonsense, but we have to be smart not stupid. We have to give people something to vote for.
And by something, that necessarily means anything that has not been previously rejected. Winning the vote requires a candidate, and a party, who actually respects the will of the voter.
Voters made their will quite clear in November of 2016. Apparently the GOP didn’t get the message. Not listening, not caring– apparently that’s who we are as a party. That’s why registration (and funds) is declining. That’s why we can’t have nice things.
And if things don’t change, that’s why we’ll lose every single contested election this year.
Yeah, I was talking to a couple OC GOP Central Committee bigwigs last week (whom I agreed not to name) when I was researching my Kring/Shaw story, and they really were NOT looking forward to the inevitable endorsement of Ling-Ling.
They told me a lot … how do I put delicately … just, what a hot mess in her personal life. And it made sense of her demeanor in the above video.
But then, of course … UNDERPANTS.
Well, this is good news for Josh Newman. Bsd news for the trolls at the Fib OC
How appropriate that the political party that struggles with relevancy chooses to endorse a candidate that is awash in irrelevancy. Is it any wonder they’re **this close** to being edged out by NPP in registered voters?
No wonder at all.
Really bad night for the OC GOP, as I glean from OC Political. https://ocpolitical.com/2018/02/26/live-from-oc-gop-central-committee-endorsements-for-cd-49-sd-29-and-ad-65/
Not only Ling Ling, but financial criminal Diane Harkey, currently running seven points behind Rocky Chavez in CA-49 according to Survey USA, BUT AT LEAST the top choice for the anti-immigrant “build the wall” crowd down there. (I imagine San Diego County Republicans will disagree on the OC GOP’s choice.)
AND, as a sacrificial lamb against Sharon Quirk Silva, Alexandria Coronado, known to OJ readers for her anti-gay statements on the OC Board of Education.
You guys know I like SOME Republicans!
Well, at least the bottom of the barrel is cleaner after all that scraping.