The news of immigrants’ families being separated at the border was a painful event for a friend who wrote to me last Saturday:
“I want your help… more and more with the children being separated from their families and being held in detention centers… I can’t live with myself knowing I’m not getting involved somehow… what can I do… do you know who you can connect me with? I recently read this article and it’s horrible. I came here as a 5 years old and I can’t imagine them taking me from my mother. I get it there are other issues at hand… but right now this seems most important… these people don’t have a voice…”
The outrage at Trump’s action was so strong that people from different places of the world, such as Chicago congressman Luis Gutierrez and Mexico’s conservative presidential candidate, Ricardo Anaya, compared his actions to “terrifying images” of Nazis separating mothers from their children.
Former First Lady Laura Bush’s condemnation of this policy as “cruel” and “immoral” reflected the public outcry, which forced Trump to issue the executive order reversing this family separation policy. It’s laudable that a number of GOP elected officials and functionaries, Senators and others, finally publicly broke ranks with Trump .
No prominent local Republican seems to have made a statement on this issue. Mayor Tait recently addressed the issue of immigration in a a reasonable manner (see his opinion piece here). According to the GOP congressional candidates’websites issues statements, with the exception of Dana Rohrabacher, they are willling to work to reform the immigration system, including to help dreamers.
Rejecting Trump’s bigotry, rather than embracing him, has shown a path towards the restoration of civility. Some of us protested last night at Theo Lacy Facility which is one place the children are being held:
“Some of us protested last night at Theo Lacy Facility which is one place the children are being held…”
Couldn’t attend last night; I’ll be there in Fullerton tomorrow night, and bring my family as well. Looked like about 20 in that protest, if the camera pan is an accurate reflection.
Republicans feel badly about hurting Latino children, much as Democrats once felt badly about lashing African-Americans.
“Not my fault! It’s their fault! If we don’t follow da rules, da system breaks down!” The one holding the lash always blames others for ‘forcing’ him to use it.
Anaheim Mayor Tom Tait joined other Mayors in Tornillo,Texas, where there is a tent city for detained children .
Glad he made the gesture. Also noted “his statement on Voice of OC 10 days ago.
Glad he came out at the 11th hour of his term in favor of DACA. Wish he’d been a leader on this years ago. I’ll vote for a successor who pledges to help fight for this from day one. Hope every immigrant to Anaheim (whatever color of skin or place of origin) feels the same.
Ask Jose Moreno how sympathetic and useful he’s been on issues relating to Latinos. I don’t think that he’s has any responsibility, especially given that he’s taken to be speaking for the city even if he isn’t, to take a stand on DACA from the start. That’s not on a Mayor’s plate. In his case, his serving as a bridge between reformist Democrats and sensible Republicans is plenty without going around preemptively fighting every battle that Democrats might wish.
Mayor Tait has been a leader on this issue.
LA Times : Republican and Democratic mayors agree: Chaos at the border demands immigration reform now
Rob Rogers was fired???
Snap him up, new LA Times!
Even George Will had enough : Vote against the GOP this November
*Not to worry, when the Trumpster declares himself KING…..everything will work out
just fine! Ivanka can be the First Queen of America!
America already has a queen, and her name is Beyoncé. Brain Dead Bimbo Ivanka Trump can be queen of Rikers Island, or Jared Kushner can be queen (whether “he” likes it or not).
If only your prognostication could come true! Let’s get through November first…and go from there!
Jared Kushner isn’t going to make it to Nov.
Enjoy The Summer Of Mueller!
About those other posts of yours that I’ve just deleted: Vern doesn’t pay me enough to put up with your crap. If you want to use your own name you can have wide latitude to make almost any criticism you want and to use what language you want. We presume that you’ll be constrained by concerns about your own reputation. If you want to be anonymous, you’re more tightly constrained. If you don’t like it, go to Liberal OC and use whatever sexist, homophobic, and otherwise bigoted terms you’d like in bashing Republicans, Democrats, or whomever you want. He’ll supposedly accept it.
As for the First Amendment: this is not a government-owned forum; it doesn’t apply. We don’t have to publish anything some anonymous knucklehead wants to see in our pages.
“The executive order that Donald Trump signed today is not a solution to the crisis created by his administration; it keeps kids imprisoned indefinitely, and doesn’t reunite thousands of separated families. But it does show the administration is reacting to public pressure, so we will continue to increase our pressure for justice at hundreds of events on Saturday, June 30, to say that families belong together—and free.
Donald Trump and his administration are cruelly separating children from their families.
But we won’t allow it to continue. On June 30, we’re rallying in Washington, D.C., and around the country to tell Donald Trump and his administration to stop separating kids from their parents!
Trump and his administration have been systematically criminalizing immigration and immigrants, from revoking Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) to ramping up intimidating ICE tactics.”
Saturday, June 30 at 3 p.m.
Portola High School
Irvine, CA 92618
Saturday, June 30 at 11 a.m.
Main Beach/ Laguna Beach
Laguna Beach, CA 92651
The organizers suggested ‘wear white’ – hoping for 1000+ turnout. Could be larger, if those rowdy folks in LA doing their march earlier can be coaxed to come down to Irvine and make a full day of it (though hard to say)…