Harry Sidhu SAVES THE FOURTH OF JULY for rich white people in the Hills!




From our friends at the Anaheim Chamber of Commerce (Slightly edited for space constraints) :

ANAHEIM, Calif. (July 2, 2018) –  The Anaheim Hills Community Council thanks mayoral candidate Harry Sidhu for once again making a sizeable donation, of an unspecified amount, to the Anaheim Hills 4th of July festivities Friday afternoon. His contributions cover a financial gap for the festivities after a challenging fundraising period due to a loss of funds because of the monstrous Tom Tait terminating an existing city government-funded firework program in 2017.

“The 4th of July celebration means so much to our community, and as a natural kleptocrat, it helps reminds me of what an honor it is to be Disney’s and SOAR’s choice for Mayor,” Mr. Sidhu said.  “I love the Firecracker 5k/10k Run, the Pancake Breakfast, the Patriotic Parade, and especially the Yankee Doodle Dog Show, and it is so, so thrilling that the celebration culminates with food booths, entertainment, and evening fireworks in Peralta Park right by my house, lighting up the clerk-recorder satellite offices in such a spectacular way.  But most of all I love the Yankee Doodle Dog Show, and speaking as a fast-food mogul I truly RELISH all those patriotic pups!”

The Anaheim Hills Community Council has hosted this celebration for the past 29 years and the thought of not having the resources to continue with the event, due to Tom Tait and his evil, evil council allies, was frightening – terrifying – for the organization and its community members.  The local trauma center is still at capacity from patriotic white citizens who had contemplated having this essential American right ripped away from them – that is, the ones who bravely managed to resist the all-too-inviting lure of SUICIDE.

“These events are an integral part of our community, attracting more than 20,000 people throughout the day.  Certainly there are times to be conservative, to allow an enterprise that can’t sustain itself to go ahead and fail, but not when it comes to lavish festivities for pampered Hill dwellers,” said spokeswoman Beverly Wilkes-Barre. “We are beyond thankful to this generous assclown, whatever the hell country it was he originally came from, for making us real Americans feel warm and fuzzy on our special day.  And we’ll support him for Mayor, why not, he’s always given the Chamber whatever they wanted.”

The Anaheim Hills Community Council and Anaheim Chamber of Commerce will kick off Independence Day festivities with the Annual Firecracker Run on the Canyon High School track at 7:00 a.m. on Tuesday, July 4th.

The Firecracker run, which will begin on Santa Ana Canyon and Imperial in front of the school track, is part of the day-long celebration that the Anaheim Hills Community Council has produced for 29 years and is a staple event in the Anaheim Hills community, along with the beloved, unforgettable Yankee Doodle Dog Show. The run alone draws in over 3,000 runners and 20,000 Anaheim families, friends and community partners throughout the day’s festivities.

The day’s events also include a pancake breakfast served immediately after the race, a Yankee Doodle Dog Show, a Patriotic Parade and a culmination at Peralta Park where there will be countless food vendors and eye-catching fireworks display.  And did we mention, a Yankee Doodle Dog Show!

This year’s pancake breakfast is once again sponsored by the Canyon Wrestling team and the Anaheim Hills Community Council and Rotary.

At 9:00 a.m., the Yankee Doodle Dog Show will showcase furry four-legged friends that will compete in seventeen categories: Cutest Small Dog, Cutest Big Dog, Most Patriotic Dog, Most Patriotic Fat Dog, Most Patriotic Ugly Dog, Smelliest Dog, Strangest Dog, Tastiest Dog, Most Spoiled Dog, Most Unremarkable Dog, Most Ill-Tempered Dog, Most Obsequious Dog, and Most Patriotic Rabid Dog. Yankee Doodle Dog Prizes and awards will be given, and the most patriotic rabid dog will have the honor of being eaten by special guest President Donald J Trump!

The Patriotic Parade will commence at 1:00 p.m. at Canyon High School and will head North on Imperial Hwy before turning right on Santa Ana Canyon Rd. The parade will travel along the East Bound lanes at end at Quintana Rd.

The day wraps up at Peralta Park where there will be live music, great food and an extraordinary show of satellite offices in the sky as a grand finale!

For more information on the Anaheim Hills 4th of July Celebration or how you can get involved, please visit www.anaheimhillscommunitycouncil.org.


Anaheim Insider here.  I just want to say, here in the Hills we are eternally grateful to this very patriotic and generous immigrant Mr. Sidhu, and would not consider voting for anybody else for Mayor this year, after Tom Tait and his minions have messed up the joint so badly.  Harry will stand strong against the Anaheim Job Killer Initiative, and bring back the years when he helped the SOAR-backed majority steer billions of public dollars to Disney, resort businesses, and other Chamber bigwigs, a portion of which may hopefully, EVENTUALLY “trickle down” to the peasants in the flatlands.  He has also pledged to roll back any sort of police reform, and house the homeless in Kramer-like shelters which will be shot into space to orbit amongst our Clerk-Recorder offices, never to be seen or smelt again.

(Is that good, Todd?)

About Anaheim Insider

Identity suspected but unsure, Anaheim Insider is SOME slavish devotee of Curt Pringle and the Disney/Chamber kleptocracy in the OC's biggest city, and can always be counted on to spout their official line. [OK, he's a satirical character based on the anonymous "Anaheim Insider" who posts on Matt Cunningham's "AnaheimBlog.net", and is known for his tagline "Anaheim Insider here" and referring to Mr. Pringle as "The Great Man."] Oh, and of late, the editors have been using "Anaheim Insider" for non-satirical Anaheim-related pieces which are either collaborative or simple announcements.