It’s time again for one of our favorite Anaheim events tomorrow (Sunday) – our big-hearted anti-capitalist friends are doing their “Really Really Free Market” at La Palma Park from 1 to 4 pm (look for the banner!) From their Facebook event page:
**Bring stuff you don’t need/want anymore!
**And get stuff you do need/want!
If you don’t have anything to share you are still welcome to take anything you like (:
*If you are brining items to share please only bring what you can carry (a bag or two) *Try and show up early (not 30min before we clean up) So folx have time to look and take items. This will also help us have less to clean up!
Bring books, clothes, music, electronics, games, children’s toys, art supplies, non perishable food items, etc.
Workshops/ skill sharing are great! (Ex. Art w the children, upcycling, informative workshops, etc)
*One person’s trash is another person’s treasure!
*What isn’t taken at the end of the day will be donated.
*Bring your instruments n jam out 😉 or bring a game, soccer ball, or frisbee to play with others!
*Feel free to organize items, help clean up, etc.
*Make sure to keep your belongings with you so folx dont take them on accident! And bring a bag to take stuff home in!
*POTLUCK so bring any foods stuffs to share!
*If you can bring something post what you are bringing!
*Any questions? Feel free to ask!
*If you would like to share a skill/hold a workshop post it here to bring folx in that are interested!
Homophobia, transphobia, sexism, racism, ableism, body shaming, etc. will not be tolerated
The Really, Really Free Market (RRFM) movement is a horizontally-organized collective of individuals who form a temporary market based on an alternative gift economy. The RRFM movement aims to counteract capitalism in a proactive way. It holds as a major goal to build a community based on sharing resources, caring for one another and improving the collective lives of all.
Invite friends and family!
Let’s see, what else is happening this weekend?
Today, Saturday July 21
It’s the six-year anniversary of the two police killings that launched the Anaheim riots of 2012 – Manuel Diaz July 21 (today) and Joel Acevedo July 22 (tomorrow). Some of the family and friends (and musicians and dancers) are getting together at Boysen Park from 3 to 6 today (Saturday.)
THIS MORNING, 10 to NOON (hurry, get dressed!) is Katie Porter’s CA-45 Unity Party, 4531 Bryan Ave, Irvine. Seriously, good luck getting unity out of Irvine Democrats right now, Katie! I hope it happens…
11 to 3pm today at Santa Ana’s Bowers Museum, Native American Flute Performance with Gary Stroutsos!
Tomorrow – SUNDAY July 22
Sunday 10 to noon, “Benefit Brunch and Bottomless Bubbles,” celebrating a year of achievement at the LGBT Center, 305 E. 4th in Santa Ana, sponsored by Mohammed Aly’s OCPAC (Poverty Alleviation Coalition.)
Sunday 11am to 1pm, “We Lay Down and Wept” – at Temple Beth Sholom, 2625 N Tustin Ave, Santa Ana. “Please join us for a special Tisha B’Av program during this time of grief over our country’s broken immigration system. As children are being separated from their parents, and as asylum seekers and refugees are being denied international human rights, we will embrace our tradition for wisdom and comfort.
“Through song, poetry, and meaningful texts, we will open our arms to the vast refugee crisis that plagues our world, and especially our country right now.
“Tisha B’Av is the day the ancient Temple in Jerusalem fell, and the Jews went into exile. Traditionally, it’s a day that symbolizes the numerous tragedies that made Jews refugees. It also begins the two-month long process of the High Holy Day period – one that concludes with renewal and rebuilding.
“In our time, Jews are no longer refugees, however, it is our imperative to stand up for the stranger, the other, because “we know the heart of the stranger.”
“This program is organized by The Orange County Jewish Coalition for Refugees in cooperation with T’ruah and local organizations and congregations that have signed on to the HIAS Welcome Campaign initiative: Congregation B’nai Israel, Congregation B’nai Tzedek, Temple Beth David, Shir Ha-Ma’alot, University Synagogue OC, Temple Beth Emet,Jewish Collaborative of Orange County & Rabbi Jill Berkson Zimmerman.”
Sunday, 11:30 to 2 – Flip the 48th Epic Campaign Rally and Organizing Meeting, at Carden Conservatory Elementary School, 5702 Clark Drive, Huntington Beach. “Join us for this HUGE Flip the 48th Congressional Campaign Rally & Organizational Meeting, as we all join forces and unite behind the Democratic Candidate about to WIPE OUT Dana Rohrabacher in November – HARLEY ROUDA!
“But it won’t happen without every single one of you on board. Even if you have never volunteered on a campaign before, even if you volunteered for another congressional candidate, even if you WERE another congressional candidate in CA48 – we need ALL HANDS ON DECK as we work shoulder to shoulder over the next 4 months to make this dream a reality.
“Be there, and be a part of history.”
Please officially RSVP here: https://
And here in Anaheim tomorrow, from 4-7 pm, Dr Jose Moreno for Council District 3 Kick-off Event! Located at the good Doctor’s home, address provided when you RSVP with Karen Hinks at hinkskaren@gmail.com or 714-615-2741…
Oh, and Monday the 23rd!
And Monday 5:30 ro 7:30, at “Social Costa Mesa,” 512 W 19th St, is Mayoral candidate Katrina Foley’s Happy Hour Meet the Candidate Fundraiser!
Ahh the freedom to be homeless. Not exactly what anyone usually wants but there are those that choose it like choosing the snake heart martini and not the Jameson 18.
Why should anyone be restricted to a bunk bed in a jail like shelter facility instead of a tent in a park with a lounge chair – you choose.
I remember being on a cattle boat sleeping down below with 60 or 70 others on a fishing trip, not pleasant and got little sleep – and in comparison sleeping in a tent in Yosemite for a few weeks – getting up at 7 or 8 am to the eggs and bacon on the fire. Going for a hike in the woods or park, sitting around the barbecue pit waiting for hamburgers.
I choose the park and a tent – as long as there is a bathroom!
Enjoy the food at the park and the free stuff – my favorite shirts I wear are from the second hand store cost around $2. Check them out at the city council meetings.
*We just love the “Free Stuff Fair”….that is a very novel idea…and talk about
finding some great stuff and even trade for stuff…..Funny! Could be an interesting
Great. Another officer-involved shooting, probably fatal, somewhere near Water St and Illinois. If this is fatal, it’s the 4th APD-caused fatality this year – not counting a near-fatal shooting by APD down in Irvine in March. And on the 6-year anniversary of Manuel Diaz.
This time apparently a guy’s family called the police because he was hallucinating – NEVER DO THAT!!!! Shades of Peter Muntean. He jumped into a vehicle and fled (not clear if he was driving) and they stopped him with multiple rounds from what sounded like “really big guns” that were heard for many blocks around.
We’ll let you know as we learn more…
So, for my nickel knowledge, in case I ever have the situation, if someone I know is hallucinating, jumps into a vehicle and speeds away, well who DO I call then ? AAA ? ABC-7, (since a live copter feed for 3 hours with a few intersection collisions surely beats whatever I’m watching now )? Who ?
“…well who DO I call then ?”
That’s a damn good question.
As for your question… family members called the police on this guy (whose name we now know was Eliud Penaloza Nava) BEFORE he got in the car, not when he was driving around. Maybe I wasn’t clear about that.
And they apparently told the police that Eliud semeed to be hallucinating and on drugs, and ALSO warned them that he had a knife and a gun – I hope they’re not too surprised at how things turned out, especially when he saw the cops and tried to get away in a car.
Lots of things still aren’t clear from reports so far. Was Eliud or someone else driving the car? Some people on the APD Facebook page are saying he was shooting at the cops and even shooting around at random; others are saying that’s not true, he wasn’t shooting at all. The police released a picture of a BB GUN “found near the scene,” in yet another similarity to the Peter Muntean case. My 5-year old grandson got hit by a BB gun a couple months ago, and he said “ouch.”
I really don’t know if he was shooting a real gun, a BB gun, or anything else at the police; maybe we’ll never know for sure. But generally if he were shooting, or even armed, the police would say so in their very first statements.
The Weekly has the story so far… https://www.ocweekly.com/anaheim-police-fatally-shoot-man-during-morning-car-chase/
A little more info. Nava was 50. And he WAS (reportedly) already sitting in his parked car when his family called the cops. It didn’t sound that way from the first reports.
But, a BB gun? “Found at the scene?”
Meanwhile, one of the two commenters who insisted on FB that Nava was driving around shooting at the cops deleted his comment after I questioned him about whether he actually saw that. (or else APD deleted it for some reason.)
Stumbled across this on YouTube-
Perhaps at least it doesn’t get funding from OC Water Bills ? Bet the Surf City Voice folks would flip out. Think there are a few MALLS around OC that are this expensive and this EMPTY ? AT least those losses are private, not tax funded. As one of the comments mentioned – “(Empty) Air conditioned and FREE Wi-Fi – WHY NOT space for the Homeless ?
*Sadly, the Huntington Beach facility you have targeted, it not only a left over relic of the 1960’s, but no matter how often you might go there – the air conditioning never works very well. The work force is always hard to find and we are afraid that being that far inland, there is little relief from the heat in the parking lot, which is always busy and where people tend to park with their kids and we don’t know why.
The next three days are going to be brutal. We are very glad we still don’t live in Fullerton….which has heat issues which are immense.
More CA discoveries that explain “why we can’t have nice things”
I would start a pool about what the Sacramento folks will do about it, but if I took “Cut the Auditor’s budget” first, I bet there would be no other participants.
Drawing a blank for an intro – perhaps the title says it all.
New Urbanism. On steroids.
Lil’ Clumski would love it there. So much winning.