Orange County has unfortunately gotten into the California wildfire news with today’s “Holy” Fire, so named for Holy Jim Canyon. This story from the Register and this KABC 7 coverage seem to be good ways to track it, and are the sources of the minimal reporting offered below.
The fire reportedly started in Trabuco Canyon and then spread to Holy Jim, which is reportedly ordered evacuated along with Trabuco’s recreational center and the Blue Jay and Falcon campsites. About 600 firefighters are now involved.

Source: Twitter. Claim it if it’s yours.
Described as “fast moving,” it is reported to be heading both towards Riverside to the east and part of Rancho Santa Margarita. An evacuation center has been set up at the Bell Tower Community Center at 22232 El Paseo in Rancho Santa Margarita. As this isn’t a breaking news site, please confirm that last bit before heading there.
About Greg Diamond
Somewhat verbose attorney, semi-disabled and semi-retired, residing in northwest Brea. Occasionally ran for office against jerks who otherwise would have gonr unopposed. Got 45% of the vote against Bob Huff for State Senate in 2012; Josh Newman then won the seat in 2016. In 2014 became the first attorney to challenge OCDA Tony Rackauckas since 2002; Todd Spitzer then won that seat in 2018. Every time he's run against some rotten incumbent, the *next* person to challenge them wins! He's OK with that.
Corrupt party hacks hate him. He's OK with that too.
He does advise some local campaigns informally and (so far) without compensation. (If that last bit changes, he will declare the interest.)
His daughter is a professional campaign treasurer. He doesn't usually know whom she and her firm represent. Whether they do so never influences his endorsements or coverage. (He does have his own strong opinions.) But when he does check campaign finance forms, he is often happily surprised to learn that good candidates he respects often DO hire her firm. (Maybe bad ones are scared off by his relationship with her, but they needn't be.)
As this is our Week’s Open Thread, while you’re here you can check out this database of three million Russian troll tweets: https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/why-were-sharing-3-million-russian-troll-tweets/. Try to spread out your reading over a few days.
*The Fire Conspiracy? This is a good one to start. As our forebears were one of the founders of Grass Valley, California…..in 1851…the Great Great Grandfather married
the local youngest daughter of a big German landowner. Great Great Granpa, immediately brought in his brother to run the Volunteer Fire Department. When the town grew, the competition to Gran Daddy’s General Store, Bakery, Brewing and Whore House wanted a cross Street in Grass Valley. It came before the City Council, and because everyone on the City Council was in Great Great Grandaddy’s pocket – it was voted down 5 to ZERO.
The following night “an accidental fire” burned out the competition 100%….The brother said he had forgotten to reload the tank with water and the horses were tired!
Too many “back fires” for our liking. Did you see the line of fire for most of these CA
outbreaks? How can a fire BEGIN across a 3 miles swath? We have the funniest feeling that these fires may have some serious implications of criminality. When we find Arsonist….how come their photos NEVER appear in the Newspaper? America, things
happen all the time that are inexplicable……like Katie Porter having a sudden bad timing Apendictomy ….just coincidence no doubt. How about the Mendacino Fire too? What do they always say? “Too much Dead Wood around here!”…..but that’s just a country funny, we suppose!
Holy Jim
The hiking
The nude bathing in the water falls
The pot smoke in the 1960s and 70s
Now gone?
The problem with having a nice home in the hills is the risk of fire or flood.
Looks like an ember drifted over onto the Bill of Rights – Where will the (ill) wind blow next?
*Yeah, we still have Infowars as a link from our website just to show we are daring and unafraid of Magnificent BS, rather than the Standard BS you can get at the local Albertsons. Anyway, maybe the “King of Comedy” will run by our look at Fire Conspiracy Theory and give us some major PR pointers. Alex Jones? Is that a real name? We know a Mike Jones….but Alex? Hmmm…..sort of like “Old H H” Remember him Hunter Hancock…..as opposed to Hubert Humphrey? “In the Still of the Night” by The Five Satins……definitely an old Cole Porter tune! Think Cole Porter was Black? He certainly had rhythm. We do know that Ernie Hemmingway was definitely a Commie Sympathizer….and that is why every year at the Running of the Bulls in Pamplona, all the visiting Americans gather around the Statue of Ernie, in the Square and urinate on it – with impunity. While housting a few brewskies and squeezing a few bota bags to the old fart in the process…. too!
…Funny thing is, if Verns booze addled brain was working he would put some of the puzzle pieces together, actually, he should just look at the history on this blog. I am pretty sure the OBVIOUS link/thread that is Greg’s Nemesis: KENLAYSNOTDEAD runs through an establishment on North 17th Street in Santa Ana, Calif. This of course is the birthplace of KLND, and funny enough the place where the KEN LAYSNOTDEADS first met Mike, and soon to be assemblyman Todd Spitzer, Steve Brixley, Mayor Pulido and of course the gimpshit liar and repug shitball Rob Richardson.
Those that KNOW credit Joe Dunn a frequent visitor to the “table” for the name. But it was a cop, a priest and a sitting DA that invented the fucked up soul. The YAHOO users group that gave birth to this and the well intentioned “de-segregation” efforts of the West LA transplants at Wallace Davis (named for METHHEAD and Child Burner,…
The common target in those days of course, was Diamond’s predecessor, another fat, stupid, jewish lawyer with a big mouth who tried to overtake EVERY democratic meeting: Howard Keiffer, and from this of course is how Prevatt, then addled with AIDS and fighting the county got introduced to Dan who offended someone’s wife. The Dumpster had plenty of room back then, but the signal was strong and the drinks stronger.
Hey Mardahl, crawl back into your hole.
Pretty self-referential there, eh?
Redolent of alcohol, and I should know.
Not you, him — his concept that KLND even matters anymore, after the Mardahl revelation. Sad, really.
Research “Direct Energy Weapons” (DEW) & the California fires. View the evaporated masonry & toilets turned to powder… The melting glass. We have a HUGE problem in CA & most are blind to it.
*Whoa, it is “Golden Eye”! Yep, they have been using those Space Lasers for about 30 years to make sure certain areas of the planet got enough water. Heating up the North East Pacific by Japan has caused all those awful earthquakes and sunami activities. Now the Trumpster can just start Fires wherever he wants by talking to the NSA or the Ruskies! Brutal folks…..we now live in the future.
I think I’d need better proof than this.
*Yeah Dr. D., what are you going to believe….”The Trumpster or your own
Lyin Eyes!”
If you’ve started channeling Trump we’re gonna have to have ourselves a nice big exorcism.
Some double bad news tonight for Republican Rita Topalian in SD-32. She lost the short-term election for the rest of Tony Mendoza’s term this year to Vanessa Delgado. She will face an even tougher time with a larger electorate in November, when she faces Bob Archuleta for the rest of the four year term.
Up until 2017, the owners of homes destroyed by fires could at least use that as a tax write-off. Now, they’ll have to wait to see if the Holy fire will be declared a ‘federal emergency.’ For the larger fires up north, that seems rather likely, though if the president thinks delta smelt caused those fires, it’s anyone’s guess whether OC/Riverside county will get the ’emergency’ designation.
*Downtown Jerry Brown is on it…..no worries!
We have the best lobbyists — Trump donors! (Probably the only effective lobbyists left at the White House level, in fact.)
My wife is a disaster movie lover and so is enthralled at real tragedy and that brings me in also.
What pisses me off is the news coverage – Last night it was about 5 minutes on the fire each hour.
If there were a police chase they would stop all programming to fallow it for 3 hours!
What’s that about?
Biggest fire – 100s of fire fighters with their live on the line, flames dancing above a thousand homes and they give it 5 minutes. Today it was longer and we will see tonight how long they give it.
I suppose that it’s the same reason that people will watch auto races, half hoping for a crash to make things interesting and give them “I was watching when I saw …” bragging points, but they generally won’t watch people burn to death (outside of a car, that is.) Or at least I think that’s why we don’t have “running through burning obstacle courses” races on weekend mornings. Yet.
So those of you who like to extrapolate from a criminal’s race, ethnicity, and gender to render their whole demographic classes suspect, anyone want to guess about the demographic profile of the arsonist apparently behind the Holy Fire? Someone want to tell Trump to round up people who share that profile?