
It’s a jolly holiday when Paulette and her magic carpetbag move into your district to run for office!
Cross-posted from Fullerton Rag
It’s official, Paulette Marshall Chaffee has qualified to run for Fullerton City Council in District 5, where she has deliberately moved in order to run for office. Her new residence is a relatively modest apartment far away from her family abode north of Brea Blvd. in District 2. I guess everyone has to get out of the house someday to make their own way in the world. Carpe Diem! If your own district isn’t up for election until 2020, move into a district with elections this year…
Well, I think the voters should have the widest choice, particularly when the candidate is so genuinely exceptional. I’m reminded of Bobby in ’64 and Hills in 2000.
Who cares where they really live?
I get you’re being sarcastic, but I don’t know who Bobby and Hills were.
OMG! These are two truly outstanding individuals who sacrificed their own best interests to represent the good people of New York in the US Senate even though they didn’t live there before they heard the call from the less fortunate of the Empire State.
Kennedy and Clinton, Vern.
This is far more offensive than Kennedy or Clinton moving to New York to run for Senate (or Joe Kerr moving to Brea/Placentia to fun for Supervisor.) This is a multi-millionaire moving into a newly purchased condo to take over a minority-majority district that was supposed to address Fullerton’s lack of minority representation in governance — and doing so on the day that she pulled papers (which meant having to attest that she really did reside in the district. (Her law firm at the border of the district doesn’t count for that.)
The original carpetbaggers were at least trying to wrench the levels of control over the South out of slaveholders’ hands. This doesn’t smack of carpetbagging, but of colonialism.
That last line is brutal and on point.
Well, I suppose we’ll hear why this is a great idea shortly. I don’t understand it, her real district comes up in 2020. Why not just wait two years and live in your house?
Savers gotta save I guess.
Wow Greg, thanks for the Cliff’s Notes.
Greg, what about a candidate who moved there in February, 2018? Would that also be carpetbagging?
Because a Chaffee always needs to be in power in Fullerton, and wear the name tag. Gotta impress the other rich white, Rotary friends…
So it’s sort of like “Starks in Winterfell”?
White carpetbagging lawyers, all.
Plantation mentality.