
This shot is taken from RedState.com, where it is labeled “Deranged John McCain.” Maybe it’s because I’m nearing the narrower end of middle-age myself, but while I can see why this image doesn’t look flattering, it does look honest as hell — an old man deeply angered (though not at all deranged) by what he sees happening in his beloved Senate. If it’s “not a pretty picture,” the health care bill he torpedoed was even less so. He earned that visage, and displayed it aptly.
Arizona Senator John McCain is ceasing his treatment for brain cancer, and so will be leaving us soon. I’ve had some strong disagreements with his positions over the years, but he has been a brave human being and a decent Republican Senator, never more so than when he — to adapt William F. Buckley’s phrase describing conservatism — “stands athwart [President Trump’s debasement] of history yelling ‘STOP!'” (And yes, he killed a lot of human beings as a wartime pilot, but whatever stain comes from that is less upon the executioner than on those who ordered the execution: in this case, the American people through its leaders. Hating McCain over that misses the larger responsibility.)
His record over the past decade is mixed — we can disagree on which action describes which pole. He ushered in the Trump Era (and the Blueing of well-educated Orange County) with his selection, ten years ago almost to the day (it was announced on Aug. 29), of Sarah Palin to be his running-mate. on the one hand. (Remember: his preferred choice was Joe Lieberman. Oy vey!) On the other, there was the nineteen seconds during which he come forward and dramatically turned his thumb down, in the manner of Ancient Rome, on the nihilistic Republican “Skinny Repeal” health care bill. (That was a year ago on July 28. He explains that vote here.)
We’re granted perhaps a week, more or less, to state our appreciations of him (or not) while he’s alive — and if you can’t stand that, you can congratulate yourself on being to my left, or to my crazy right as the case may be — so while this week’s Weekend Open Thread may end up being about many things, it is foremost about this. And remember: if you eventually see President Trump at his funeral, it is apparently against Senator McCain’s wishes. That all said, talk about that and whatever else you’d like with reasonable discretion, decorum, and dignity, to the extent you can.
Update 7/25: John McCain died within a day or so of this post. Our condolences to his family and loved ones. President Trump praised the man about whom he once said “I like people who WEREN’T captured,” and appropriately followed that up by incorrectly coloring in the U.S. flag with a bunch of schoolchildren. (Dear History: I am not kidding there.)
*Since the good Senator is still kicking for the moment, we will state the facts: John McCain was the so-called Republican equivalent of Democrat John Glenn. One an astronaut and so-called hero and one the bad kid of a Navy Admiral, his grand daddy
another Navy Admiral and one carrier crash or two and then shot down over Hanoi.
There is little doubt that the boy suffered greatly while incarcerated……but there was
always a question as to whether he had become the Manchurian Candidate. His years
in the Senate have been full of mixed reviews. Sometimes good, sometimes bad, sometimes very good, sometimes very bad. All in all, when McCain ran for President
he could have won – had he not chosen the Evil Governor from Alaska….who to this day is still a little “out there”. Sarah Palin should marry Donald Trump, so they could combine both dysfunctional families into one great union. McCain has however, lived the life of politician – having great successes mixed with The Savings and Loan Disaster and his mix up as part of the Keating Five. The one thing you can’t do is fault McCain
for NOT doing anything. McCain has done plenty including not voting to repeal Obamacare and not supporting Sheriff Joe Arpaio for starters and recently.
McCain will be remembered and his memory will not fade, we predict. They will name
streets, Villages, Squares, Parks, Counties and perhaps more Naval vessels after the noble McCain. Thanks for showing up Senator McCain. You put your two cents in there even when it wasn’t required or ask for…..and that in itself is noble. “Go easy bro and
remember…..that you will be remembered!”
P.S. Thanks for treating The Trumpster as he deserved…..very cool.
In these times we now live in when words such as Hero, Super Star and Winner are used to honor public figures who do not come close to exemplify their true meaning. Navy Captain and Arizona State Senator John Sidney McCain was a role model for all. Sure he made mistakes, we all have, he’s a human being. Also the fact that both his grandfather and father both attained the rank of Four Star Admirals and Captain McCain never took the spoiled brat route in his walk through his life.THANK YOU John McCain for a life of service to our country. GOD bless you and your family!GOD speed John McCain!
A great example of why, on the few occasions when asked my country of residence, I answer, USA ! the United States of (selective) Amnesia. Here’s a short refresher as a public service.
And you can search his votes on the “Patriot Act” and “USA Freedom act” (Opposed because it DIDN’T GO FAR ENOUGH in giving free range to the spy agencies over our Constitutionally protected (formerly) privacy rights) and successive National Defense Authorization Acts doing likewise.
But apparently, there’s no end to what “hating Trump” will wipe away.
You’re Welcome.
Nope, not through kicking a dead (war) horse yet – progressive comedian Jimmy Dore did a better job than I could ever hope to.
OK. NOW I’m done.
As this is an Open Thread, this is where I can put this link to this story of Vern’s from four years ago, just before my primary run against Rackauckas. Yowza!
Here’s another good one from our archives. Someone contact Katie Porter, because this one about Mimi:
Farrah Khan of Irvine just sent us this press release; we’ll publish these on a case-by-case basis: If we decide to set up a special post for them, we’ll move this one there
Paid for by the Committee to Elect Farrah N. Khan for Irvine City Council 2018 – FPPC #1379227 [Note: it actually *isn’t* being paid for at all; this is just a comment.]
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Derek Humphrey
August 27, 2018 Phone: (951) 805-4167
Irvine, CA – The Democratic Party of Orange County voted overwhelmingly to endorse Farrah Khan for Irvine City Council at this month’s general membership meeting. Khan, who leads all candidates in cash on hand as of the last reporting period, is considered an early favorite to win one of two open seats on Irvine’s City Council.
“Farrah Khan has dedicated much of her life to advancing the progressive values of our Democratic Party,” stated Democratic Party of Orange County Chairwoman Fran Sdao. “On the City Council, she will serve as a needed voice for residents and a tireless champion for safe neighborhoods, expanded youth programs, smart housing solutions, and a transparent City Hall. Farrah’s campaign has the energy, support, and momentum needed to win in November, and the Democratic Party of Orange County is proud to join with so many other prominent leaders and organizations in supporting her.”
Farrah’s list of endorses also includes:
State Controller Betty Yee
Congressman Lou Correa
Congressman Alan Lowenthal
Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez (Ret.)
State Senator Kevin de León
State Senator Connie Leyva
State Senator Josh Newman (Ret.)
Assemblymember Sharon Quirk-Silva
Irvine Mayor Sukhee Kang (Ret.)
Irvine Mayor Beth Krom (Ret.)
Anaheim Councilmember Dr. Jose Moreno
Anaheim Councilmember Jordan Brandman (Ret.)
Artesia City Councilmember Ali Sajjad Taj
Costa Mesa Councilmember Katrina Foley
Costa Mesa Councilmember John Stephens
Fullerton City Councilmember Jesus Silva
Laguna Beach Councilmember Toni Iseman
Santa Ana Councilman Sal Tinajero
Tustin Councilwoman Letitia Clark
Coast Community College Trustee Dr. Lorraine Prinsky
Mt. San Antonio College Board Trustees Jay Chen
Anaheim High Unified School District Trustee Al Jabbar
Fullerton Unified School Board Trustee Jeanette Vazquez
Garden Grove Unified School Board Trustee Walter Muneton
Ocean View School Board Member Gina Clayton Tarvin
Santa Ana Unified School Board Trustee Valerie Amezcua
Orange County Labor Federation
Orange County League of Conservation Voters
National Women’s Political Caucus
Planned Parenthood Community Action Fund
Plumbers & Steamfitters Local 582
Progressive Change Campaign Committee
UFCW Local 324
Unite Here Local 11
Women in Leadership (WIL)
Farrah Khan is a former member of the Irvine Community Services Commission. Her long history of local leadership includes having served on the Irvine Global Village Festival Steering Committee, and the on the Orange County Interfaith Network Board. She was the President of the Deerfield Elementary School Parent Teacher Association, a member of the Venado Middle School Parent Teacher Association Board, and a member of the Irvine High School Site Council.
Farrah and her husband have owned and managed a restaurant and catering company since 2005. Her professional career also includes having served as a Regulatory Affairs Manager for a biotech company, a writer for Examiner.com, and as the Executive Director of the Newport Mesa Irvine Interfaith Council.
Farrah is the proud mother of two boys who attend Irvine public schools. She and her husband also serve as foster parents. Farrah holds a B.A. in English literature from the University of California, Davis.
For more information, visit http://www.ElectFarrah.org
*What? No choices for Newport Beach? Hilarious. We will stick Diane Dixon
and put the rest in the shredder.
I attacked him a lot in late 2008 – when I was brand new on this blog! – when he ran as a warhawk against Barack Obama.
Four years earlier though, I was one person who thought him and John Kerry would be a great team to beat Bush and Cheney. McCain was never interested in being Vice President though. His response: “I was kept in the dark and fed scraps for years as a POW. Why would I want to go through that again?”
Contrary to what the DISCLOSE Act volunteer (whose name I’ve redacted) wrote to me, I did NOT agree to call Ling-Ling Chang to encourage her to vote yes on the extension of the DISCLOSE Act to social media ads this week, because that would decrease the likelihood of her voting for it. (I tried to explain this to him three times before I gave up.)
In fact, my ideal outcome would be for the DISCLOSE Act to pass WITHOUT Ling-Ling’s vote, because it would give us opponents of hers something to use against her.
However this may literally come down to one vote in the Senate, and– as I learned once again earlier this week — my fatal flaw in politics is that I believe do in fair play. So: in that self-undermining spirit, I’m here posting the pitch that he sent me. If you favor the DISCLOSE Act, which would let us know where the money really came from for social media ads, and you think that Ling-Ling Chang (whom I’m told supported it before) will listen to you, by all means call her ASAP, because if the vote hasn’t already happened it’s supposerly coming really soon, Thursday or Friday.
OK, here’s the guilt trip this guy laid on me:
Don’t vote for it unless you would make the difference, Ling-Ling (in which case do.)
Your Tax Dollars at Work Dept-
Just when you think things might not sink any lower-
The McCain Funeral in DC was spectacular…..just the look on Jared Goff and Ivanka’s
face was worth the price of admission. The look on Elaine Chow as she checked her
dirty fingernails and her hubby’s McConnell stoic look told it all.
Meghan McCain needs to fill her Dad’s shoes in the Senate. That would be priceless.
The whole event from start to finish was class and smart and entertaining – along with
bringing further incite into McCain the man. Nice.
Down at the bottom left of our front page are links to other blogs we like. Among them is “The Weekly Sift,” which is pretty much the best political commentary you can find, coming out every Monday. Today’s tranche included this wonderful piece on John McCain, calling him “The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance.” Read it here!