DPOC Challenged to Investigate Doug Chaffee


** Note for readers, there’s currently something of a debate between the author of this post (me) and management (Vern and Greg) concerning the appropriateness of this post’s title.

This is obviously ridiculous.  Another blog has challenged DPOC (and other agencies) to investigate allegations as absentee ballots are being cast.

The title is factual and any attempts to change it are blatant attempts at censorship that places partisan identification above honest reporting.

This may be my last post at OJB, which is really just a sad echo of a call to action I thought was news worthy. **

What a crazy week for news in Fullerton.  There’s been a lot of media coverage concerning Paulette Marshall-Chaffee’s allegations of stealing political signs (though the OC Register has been curiously absent.)

Fox 11 News Coverage

KTLA 5 News Coverage

Voice of OC News Coverage

Orange Juice Blog Commentary

(There’s lots of Friends for Fullerton’s Future Commentary)

FFFF posted a commentary this afternoon related not to Marshall-Chaffee’s investigation, but to Mayor Doug Chaffee himself.

Fullerton can be a funny town with funny stories.

Earlier this week, we asked you to consider a version of Fullerton where Doug (Chaffee), (Acting Chief) Dunn & (City Manager) Domer had come to an agreement. That agreement included a plan to protect Pilfering Paulette Marshall Chaffee and to minimize damage to Mayor Doug Chaffee’s campaign for Orange County Supervisor.

Shortly after publishing our leak hypothetical, the City issued a press release stating that the case had been handed over to the District Attorney.  A couple things are curiously absent from the City’s Press Release.

There’s no indication of who is being investigated, what is being investigated, how it is being investigated, or when the investigation will be completed. No mention of Paulette, Doug, any citation to the penal code, the investigator or department assigned, all missing.

Why is that?

Is Doug Chaffee under investigation for receiving stolen property?

Read the rest of the article here.

Here’s the conclusion:

We call on the Orange County District Attorney, the City of Fullerton, Doug Chaffee, Paulette Marshall Chaffee, and the Democratic Party of Orange County (DPOC) to immediately disclose what Doug Chaffee knew, when he knew it, and if he is in fact under criminal investigation.”

I’m on the record supporting Tim Shaw for Supervisor.  My obvious bias aside, I really do think DPOC owes the voters of District 4 an explanation.  Hopefully they’re taking the situation seriously and will force a statement before too many votes are cast this weekend.  Were the roles reversed, I have no doubt Vern Nelson and Greg Diamond would be calling for the OCGOP to do the exact same thing if a Republican running in a major county race had this type of cloud hanging over their campaign.

Hopefully honesty, transparency, and responsibility take priority over party identification this weekend.

About Ryan Cantor

Our conservative columnist, raised in North Orange County, works as an auditor.