Spitzer weighs in on Chaffee Sign Thievery, and Rackauckas’ indifference.



Got a nice little convergence of stories here for you today.  I agree with Todd that the big story is how Rackauckas is, and will continue to, ignore the story of carpetbagging Fullerton Council candidate Paulette Marshall Chaffee’s bold-faced stealing of campaign signs, for the simple reason that her husband Doug Chaffee may very well be elected Supervisor soon, and have control over Rackauckas’ budget.  Such has it always been in the twenty years since Rackauckas took office promising to turn a blind eye to political corruption and malfeasance.

An equally big deal to Fullerton District 5 voters is the weaselly way in which Ms. Chaffee quietly “suspended” her campaign two weeks ago, not mentioning this scandal but bemoaning the “meanness” she’s supposedly been subjected to, while keeping all her signs up (which would cost her $470 to have taken down), keeping her campaign website up, and sending out mailers as recently as last weekend while all the slate mailers come out with her name on them.

At this rate, Fullerton 5th district voters could very well end up electing this woman with her money and name recognition, knowing nothing about both her carpetbagging and sign thievery, and she could end up taking office while paying a modest fine at worst.  Hopefully instead of that we’ll be electing a new DA who takes such political criminality seriously.  Watch the press conference, at Tony Bushala’s place:

About Vern Nelson

Greatest pianist/composer in Orange County, and official political troubadour of Anaheim and most other OC towns. Regularly makes solo performances, sometimes with his savage-jazz band The Vern Nelson Problem. Reach at vernpnelson@gmail.com, or 714-235-VERN.