The competition is fierce out there, ruthless, for who can be the best, most gripping and truthful OC political blog – given the riveting qualities of the Liberal OC and Anaheim Blog. How can the Orange Juice possibly keep up? Here’s an idea – melody, harmony, rhythm – those blogs ain’t got that!
For example, maybe we could tell the story of the historic flipping of the 39th Congressional District to the tune of a beloved Beatles song? Let’s try that:
Little Ed Royce
Came down off the Hill,
He looked at the landscape ‘round him and he felt rather ill,
Said “I’m handing this off to Young Kim,
I’ve been grooming her all these years,”
But that ain’t what voters wanted
Cuz we rose up as one
And the world heard our voice
And the fight carries on!
Craven Young Kim
Befuddled by Trump
Thought she could have it both ways by avoiding the stump,
Said “I hate to see crying children,
But I don’t know what’s going on,
And I really have no position.”
Cuz we rose up as one
And the world heard our voice
And the fight carries on!
No one man can solve our problems
But we know now what we can do,
Just look at what we accomplished:
When we rose up as one
And the world heard our voice
And the fight carries on!
I hear you saying, that’s nice, you like Gil and you already wrote a nice tribute to Tom Tait as he leaves eight years of Mayorship. But, what about Kris Murray, also leaving the council after eight years, and hoping to become the next Third District Supervisor – could you write a Goodbye song for her, and don’t be lazy, make it an original tune? Okay – funny, my wife asked me to do the same thing. So here goes…
Goodbye, Kris Murray!
We’re gonna miss your sad doll eyes,
And your forty-minute soliloquies extolling all the virtues
of the robber barons wanting to be subsidized.
Goodbye, don’t worry –
We never will forget your sighs.
As a point of personal privilege I’d point out that the factoids
you repeat about the economy are cherry-picked lies.
Your Operation Home-Safe,
Why it really lit a spark –
Chasing all the homeless off the riverbed,
All the way to Maxwell Park!
So goodbye, there’s no hurry
to keep swindling us poor saps.
No, goodbye Kristine Murray, that’s a wrap.
“But you’re not connecting with the real working-class people,” you tell me, “how about the Latinos you live amongst, always worrying about a friend or relative being deported, but not informed enough to stop voting for Congressman Lou Correa and Assemblyman Tom Daly, who helped elect anti-immigrant Sheriff Don Barnes? Could you sing about that sad and twisted situation, to the tune of an old beloved Mexican folk song?” Well, okay, I guess…
Lou… Correa,
El Demócrata que vota como un Republicano.
Lou… Correa,
Pero todos latinos le_apoyan porque es chicano!
A… Correa,
Y_a Tom Daly también no importa tu deportación,
Y por eso Correa y Daly son falsos amigos de la_inmigración!
Y por eso Correa y Daly son falsos amigos de la_inmigración!
So, until Matt Cunningham and Dan Chmielewski discover their inner songbirds, we hope you will find it worthwhile to continue coming to the Orange Juice – the “venomous, grandiose, self-important gaggle of ankle-biters” – for your local political news and views! Carry on with your holiday weekends now…
LOL Awesome
*We are suggesting four very important songs for this time of year, right after an election like we have just had: Moody Blue – by Elvis, Blue Velvet – by Bobby Vinton, Blue Christmas – by Elvis and Blue Hawaii – by Elvis are all apropos. This has been probably one of the most amazing elections of our lifetime. For once, we voted for human beings – not paid representatives of the Pharmaceutical, Big Chema, Big Oil and Big Agra!
Gil surprises by being one of the rebels in the new House majority who will not be supporting Nancy Pelosi as speaker! From Gil today:
“Throughout my campaign, I have emphasized the importance of bringing new leadership to Congress and how the need for change was a motivating factor in my decision to run. I have also maintained that bringing change not only applies to Washington Republicans, but also taking a look within the Democratic Party.
“I have tremendous respect for Nancy Pelosi, and I believe she has been a fearless advocate for her district, Californians, and our country. She is responsible for some of our Party’s greatest achievements, and I am thankful for her leadership.
“The people of the 39th District made it clear, however, that they want to see real change in Washington, and I intend to follow through on my commitment to support new leadership. Our Democratic caucus is comprised of many dedicated individuals who are more than capable of leading our Party and the House of Representatives into the future.”
Sounds like opposition from her right, though, doesn’t it?
Dunno. Lou is supporting Nancy.
So is Alan Lowenthal. I’ll go check with Harley and Katie.
Did Gil publicly pledge not to support her? If not, he will probably come around. As one commenter on KPCC (Fresh Air?) said today, nobody is stepping up to replace her — partly for fear of retaliation — and they may just be pressuring her to commit to this being her last term.
I dunno about “publicly pledge.” Folks in “indivisible OC 39″ are freaking out like he’s immediately let them all down. But one member, Robert Wright,Ver presented this:
From SF Chronicle, June 2018:
“While I respect Leader Pelosi’s years of advocacy on behalf of California and the Democratic Party, it’s time for new leadership,” Gil Cisneros, who is running for an Orange County seat being vacated by Republican Rep. Ed Royce, said in a statement explaining why he won’t support the Democratic leader if his party takes back the House and Pelosi runs for speaker.”
(Wright continues:) “Nancy Pelosi knew this and still supported Gil for Congress, she still gave his campaign money and hasn’t said anything negative about Gil since he signed the letter.
“It’s somewhat likely Gil would not have won if he had supported Nancy Pelosi in the campaign. He counted on a coalition of Democrats, independents and Republicans against Trump to win this incredibly close race.
“Nancy Pelosi is a warrior who knows what it takes to win, she will deal with this and either convince enough Democrats to support her or make way for new leadership in the party.”
Vern: I think we should unite behind Nancy, for the sake of unity and also to stick it to the Republicans and rightwing media who have demonized her for so many years. But with the understanding that after a year or so someone newer and younger takes her place.
Meanwhile Harley is behind Pelosi. It’s hard to imagine Levin wouldn’t be. That leaves only Katie Porter?
Well, there’s also Linda Sanchez, who at one point was thought to be her likely opposition.
I think that she’s pretty much inevitable — but I also think that she has made some foolish remarks (in the interest of the party seeming less radical) that have sucked the wind out of reform efforts. For example: even though it doesn’t make a lot of sense for Democrats to support impeachment while no or few Republicans are even willing to consider it — at best, we’d just get Pence, which would be bad for winning in 2020 although good for living past 2020 — she’s the sort who would rule it out, as she did with George W. Bush. It’s the tone-deaf insider perspective that bothers me more than her actual decisions. She needs to allow and embrace more ferment in the party and I don’t think she ever will.
I haven’t heard people mention this recently, but: the Speaker of the House doesn’t have to be a member of the House. That means that the House could appoint Barack Obama if it chose to. But: is Obama really more progressive than Pelosi? I tend to think that he isn’t.
*How about that T.J. Cox? And another one bites the dust! Wow, how did Devin Nunes and Kevin McCarthy…make it through? Big Agra has the power in the Central Valley, obviously! Bill Jones…..”can’t you just run for Lt. Governor and forget all this?”