The Strange Deaths of Marilyn, Bobby, MLK, Malcolm X and Jeffrey Epstein




Janis Joplin, John Belushi, JFK Jr., Lenny Bruce, Freddie Prince, Sam Kinison, Jimmy Hendrix, Huey Newton (47), Antonin Scalia and now Jeffrey Epstein!  The number of body bags keeps going up.  Oddball deaths?  Weird out of body experiences.  What is of particular interest is that so many others have been taken out, purely by the use of Bad Medicine.  Going to the wrong doctors, hospitals, clinics and other issues like that of Michael Jackson, Prince, Natalie Cole, Amy Winehouse, Whitney Houston, Selena, Billie Holiday and so many others.  These deaths have been interesting in that most of the people that died through some extraordinary concept…..were all political in nature.  Bob Dylan was almost taken out by the FBI on a deserted country road on his motorcycle in 1969.  He went underground until taking his world tour called “Rolling Thunder” in 1974.  Bob changed his music completely and went with more subtle messages and finally outlived the Nixon Hit List.  John Lennon was not so lucky and certainly didn’t go undercover when threatened to be killed himself or Yoko or both!

Ronald Reagan threatened the Military Industrial Complex and was also put down very early in his Administration.  George “the Elder” and former CIA Director was the liking assistant, since the father of John Hinckley Jr., was Bush “the Elders” best friend!  Jodie Foster?  “You talking to me?”. Hey, this may have all started with Lenny Bruce!  He was on the hit list from the beginning.  They called him an obnoxious “Blabbermouth” that needed to be silenced!  What we find interesting is that virtually every person we have named so far, had dirt and real info on some famous person or perhaps their company or companies!  Robin Williams had a tremendous impact on society and through his stand-up and his movies.  “The Survivors” is a fantastic sketch on Gun Nuts!  “Good Morning Vietnam” on the war! “The World According to Garp” 1982 about Transgender folks!.  “Mrs. Doubtfire” about the desire of being Transgender!.  Robin William died at 63 years young, shortly following the death of his mentor and idol Jonathan Winters, just 18 months before!  Chris Farley and John Candy both died early – Candy at 54 years of age, Farley at 33…no less.  Both seemed overweight but, Louie Anderson is still around and he is double their size.

We can hardly escape this discussion without mentioning Jim Morrison and Curt Cobain. “Blame it on the Bossa Nova” they used to say.  Drugs, Heroin, Meth, 14 Chemical Cocktails – the list is endless for people just dying of Natural Causes?  Hardly!  The Jeffrey Epstein Saga had the potential of being a blockbuster movie of International proportions!  It could have shaken the halls of Congress and the International Community forever!  It may still do that.  It will all depend on whether the Executor of Epstein’s will, just hands over everything to the victims and keep a meager 5% for himself.  If not this could be a Rosetta Stone for everyone that ever came in contact with this fine fellow!  NOT!!!!  The facts are clear:  If it hadn’t been for Alexander Haig, Ed Meese, George Schultz, Cap Weinberger and Donald Rumsfeld…..Reagan would have never made it out of surgery that March day of 1981!

For whatever reasons, certain people have to die!  We do not believe it is bad luck or taking the wrong vitamins.  We do not believe that things happen randomly anywhere on the planet.  We do not believe that our Government is here to help us……sometimes!  We do believe that every culture and every person on earth has both friends and enemies that must be met and worked through.  “No one is so big or so powerful that they cannot be brought down!” – that’s what Michael Corelone said in “Godfather II”.  We believe that and it should all give us some pause when there seems to be a desire to be mean spirited or pompous or arrogant beyond your job description.  What do they say?  “A word to the wise!”

The Strange Deaths of Marilyn, Bobby, MLK, Macolm X and Jeffery Epstein!

About Ron & Anna Winship

Independent News Producers/Writers and Directors for Parker-Longbow Productions. Independent Programming which includes a broad variety of Political, Entertainment and Professional Personalities. Cutting Edge - a talk the flagship of over 30 URL websites developed or under development. The Winships have been blogging for the Orange Juice since back when nickels had buffalos on them, and men wore onions attached to their belts, because it was the fashion back then.