
Poseidon VP Scott Maloni, portrayed with fleet the Niña, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria.
Is it a coincidence that Tuesday Oct. 15’s Townhall on how to fight the Poseidon desal scam, 7-9 pm at Southeast Huntington Beach’s Eader School, comes the day after what we used to call “Columbus Day?” Well, as those who obsess over things too much and/or overindulge in certain drugs will vouch, “THERE ARE NO COINCIDENCES.” With that being said, let’s take a look at some of the parallels between Columbus’ conquest of the New World and Poseidon’s attempt to saddle Orange County with an unneeded, publicly subsidized, billion-dollar desal plant, parallels which have fascinated scholars and historians for … nearly minutes.
First let’s be clear – nothing Poseidon is attempting is on the scale or gravity of the genocide, slavery, and death of cultures that followed directly and indirectly from Columbus’ four trips to this hemisphere. But putting that aside the parallels are startling – unprincipled adventurers, driven thousands of miles westward by their greed, to loot and pillage what they perceived rightly or wrongly as a gullible, helpless population.
When the Italian Columbus arrived in the West Indies 527 years ago with his fleet of three ships (for the first of four such trips) he’d traveled about 4000 miles aiming to make untold fortunes for not only himself but his financiers and patrons in the Spanish royal government. 16 years ago when Sicilian-American Poseidon Vice-President Scott Maloni traveled about 3000 miles from Boston to Huntington Beach, his goal was to make hundreds of millions for his northeastern hedge-fund, off a credulous local population in possession of an archaic electrical plant where he could “collocate.”
But they say that Scott and HIS crew arrived in a Lear Jet.
Both pirates were encouraged by what they saw as the lack of sophistication of their chosen victims. Columbus famously wrote home of the natives he encountered in the West Indies:
“They do not bear arms, and do not know them, for I showed them a sword, they took it by the edge and cut themselves out of ignorance…. They would make fine servants…. With 50 men we could subjugate them all and make them do whatever we want.”
In Orange County, especially Huntington Beach, our least intelligent people often seem to be the ones we elect to positions of political power – of both Parties. Hence the Poseidon pirates quickly took to dispensing trinkets to these “decision makers” – well over a million by now in campaign contributions and lobbying – while filling their little heads with propaganda about how we really NEED their project.
Many Republicans just felt a natural synergy with a rapacious corporation that won’t let environmental concerns get in its way. Democrats were bought off by promises of (short-term) construction jobs, and several influential Democrats were hired outright: faux-environmentalist Robert Sulnick to pull a Full Orwell painting the project as an environmental benefit; the tragically avaricious Benny Diaz‘ local chapter of LULAC to absurdly present desalination as a Latino civil rights issue; and most outrageously the hiring of just-out-of-the-Senate Barbara Boxer. (Read my LA Times takedown of Barbara here.)
But Orange County – EVEN HUNTINGTON BEACH! – is also blessed with a lot of smart and pugnacious people who would not stand for this boondoggle, and you can meet a lot of them at this Tuesday night’s townhall. Just as Columbus dropped his destructive anchor on four different islands of the West Indies, so Poseidon has already pillaged at least two gullible and thirsty communities before us – Tampa and Carlsbad. But fortunately we have the communications and media in this century to learn from those towns’ mistakes!
Some of us are against this project because it’s a ripoff of ratepayers and taxpayers, and we don’t need to enrich this out-of-state hedge fund by paying jacked-up water rates (all over northern and central OC) as well as the taxpayer subsidies they demand. Some of us are against the massacre of sea-life in Poseidon’s intakes, the hyper-salinated brine they’ll be pumping into our beautiful ocean, and the staggering greenhouse gas emissions. Some of us just hate to see a company like this get away with lying, cheating, and buying off politicians for 16 years and still making a killing. OCWD Poseidon shill Steve Sheldon snaps at us, “You-all just like to take whatever complaints you want and throw them at the wall to see what’ll stick!” Yes, it’s sad, but we can do that.
But make good use of your Day-After-Columbus-Day, and come see how you can help us fight this nightmare off once and for all. Or don’t take my word for it, listen to these guys:
Just SOME of our Previous Coverage of Poseidon:
- HB Council Respectfully Asks Coastal Commission to Shitcan Poseidon. (July 2013)
- Poseidon Runs Headlong into Infiltration Gallery (report on Nov 2013 Coastal Commission hearing)
- Poseidon’s Water Boy: Matt Harper Quietly Pushes Desal Scam Past Ratepayers. (May 2014)
- OCWD’s Sheldon Clams Up on Poseidon Vote, Flory Shakes Things Up! (June 2014)
- Who owns the OCWD, you or Poseidon? YOU DO! Remind them, tonight! (June 2014)
- Unpacking Poseidon’s Latest Propaganda Blitz with Debbie Cook. Pt 1: The CNN Puff Piece. (June 2014)
- Recent Poseidon-Probolsky Push-Poll Threatens Candidates and Misleads Voters. (Nov. 2014)
- Sheldon’s Unethical Culture Challenged by Legal Complaint (Dec. 2014)
- Poseidon & OCWD Bring their Snake-Oil Show to the Pumpers Tomorrow (Dec. 2014)
- Surfin’ Sheldon, Little Lost Dina, Righteous Flory – What You’ve Been Missing at OCWD! (Jan. 2015)
- Poseidon Update: OCWD “just sticks the tip in…” (Jan. 2015)
- Sheldon Says “Suck it Surf City!” The Poseidon Shill is also Behind our High Density Development. (Feb. 2015)
- OCWD’s Forecast for the Future: Cloudy with a Huge Chance of Error. (March 2015)
- Pat Bates Baits Us with Bogus Doomsday Drought Scenario. (March 2015)
- Swan Song for Poseidon? A Blast of Truth from Irvine’s Peer Swan. (March 2015)
- Cage Rattled Hard, OCWD Dons Fig Leaf Before Marrying Poseidon. (April 2015)
- Our Celebrated Groundwater Replenishment System Steals Poseidon’s Lunch Money. (April 2015)
- OCWD profile #1: Phil Anthony, the Quiet Skeptic. (April 2015)
- Showdown at the OCWD Corral Nears, R4RD launches Volley. (May 2015)
- The Poseidon Adventure Sails On! (May 2015)
- Dina Nguyen Stands Up Garden Grove, Skips Fascinating Poseidon Forum. (May 2015)
- Will OCWD be Shipwrecked by Mermaids? (June 2015)
- Cathy Green Falsely Carries Poseidon Water to Coastal Commission (June 2015)
- Watch Poseidon Joke over Proposed Property Tax Increase to fund their “Privately Funded” Desal Project. (July 2015)
- Bao Stands for Garden Grove Against Poseidon, the rest of Council Waffles. (July 2015)
- Phan is the Man – who Stopped this and Needs to Start it Again! (July 2015)
- OC Can Do Desal Better – Use Salt to Lock Up CO2 Emissions. (August 2015)
- San Diego Has Too Much Water – but is Paying $1 Billion for Their Poseidon Plant. (Dec. 2015)
- Poseidon Progress Report: Eight Ways to Screw the Public. (Feb. 2016)
- Why the Coastal Commission Will Approve Poseidon. (April 2016)
- Poseidon in denial over the obstacles ahead, and more… (May 2016)
- Dispatches from the Battle Against Poseidon, Summer 2016 (July 2016)
- Poseidon Plays the Race Card, LULAC Dances to their Tune. (July 2016)
- Fullerton Reaches its Day of Decision on Poseidon (Jan. 2017)
- OCWD Tonight: Replenish the Aquifer with the Winter’s Fabulous Snows! (April 2017)
- John Earl: The Ideological War Behind Poseidon. (August 2017)
- How Stoopid Does Poseidon Think This County is Anyway? (Jan. 2018)
- OCWD Blocks Study of Alternatives to Poseidon, Misleading Coastal Commission. (Feb. 2018)
- Poseidon-Obsessed OCWD will Try to Ram Billion-Dollar Desal Project Down Our Throats. (June 2018)
- Excellent Comments for Poseidon Term-Sheet Meeting: Hamilton, Everts, Moshiri, Hiemstra (June 2018)
- Climate Change could Swamp Billion-Dollar Desal Deal (June 2018)
- Top Three Reasons Poseidon’s New Term Sheet SHOULD Have Been Rejected July 18 (July 2018)
- Important Poseidon Updates – Video of Wednesday’s meeting, and who’s running for OCWD? (July 2018)
- Poseidon’s Voodoo Math; and Klepto Kris Murray named to powerful Water Board (December 2018)
- Let’s put Poseidon out of its misery this year: Latest reports from the Front Line. (February 2019)
- New OCWD Director Kelly Rowe’s ALTERNATIVE to Poseidon. (August 2019)
- Poseidon’s Failing Report Card in Carlsbad (October 2019)
*Cristo Columbo was a simple Real Estate Agent for the King and Queen of Spain. He was never fully funded….and got three tiny vessels: The Nina, The Pinta and the Santa Maria flagship. He returned to Santa Marguarita Italy…penniless. He hype the venture all he could, and even suggested that when Ponce De Leon came to Florida, there would be
many tourists visiting from Greenland. Oh my, what an adventure. If he had only been a Personal Injury Attorney! So, they had to blame the discovery of America on someone. Some poor shlock without any friends and having lots of enemies. So there you have it. What about Vasco DeGama? We forget.
Scott Maloni is saving California from itself by providing alternative water solutions for our future. I wish there were more leaders of his caliber in our state
Good one. Maybe I can get you to put up money for an expensive alternative air solution I dreamed up. Gotta be take-or-pay tho, to protect my profits during years you don’t need it.
*And Scott Maloni ….is who? Can’t find him!
Have you ever read a single one of our posts on Poseidon? You might try reading this one, since you’re commenting on it.
We still like the Ravioli that they had at “Little Joes” in LA, back in the day. If you want really good Spaghetti and Meatballs, go to our local Italian place here in San Clemente, Guichos off Estrella next to the TJ Max.
Scott probably doesn’t go there yet….so we all can still enjoy Italian Cuisine with interruption!
Provide an actual e-mail address and I’ll send you a kindergarten version. Trust me, it does make sende.
Honestly, if we were really throwing anything we wanted at the wall to see what would stick, that lying, greedy, son of a bigoted hypocritical con artist preacher Sheldon would still be stuck to a wall somewhere. That amount of slime has got to be damned adhesive!
This is a flat-out ripoff, folks — with guaranteed unnecessary profits. If this was a matter of doing something good — and it isn’t — we could just put it out for open bids or just do it ourselves. Go to the event Tuesday night and let them know you aren’t fooled.
Well put.
Newsom declares Indigenous Peoples Day, recognizing ‘resilience’ over ‘conquest’
Sacramento Bee’s HANNAH WILEY: “Gov. Gavin Newsom announced on Monday that the state would honor Indigenous Peoples’ Day, celebrating Native Americans on a holiday usually associated with Italian explorer Christopher Columbus.”
“Newsom’s proclamation applies only to Oct. 14, 2019, but it follows a trend in which states from Maine to South Dakota have replaced Columbus Day with another holiday honoring Native Americans.”
“Instead of commemorating conquest today, we recognize resilience,” Newsom’s proclamation reads. “Home to one of the largest and most diverse populations of indigenous peoples anywhere in the United States, California is a better, stronger and more vibrant place because of them.”
*The Official Response!
A report on Tuesday’s Town Hall from R4RD:
Energized by interest in protecting our coast and holding down the cost of our water, a large crowd gathered in Huntington Beach on Tuesday, October 15 to learn the facts and take action to prevent the construction of the Poseidon Desalination Plant here.
Sponsored by Orange County Coastkeeper and R4RD, the Town Hall made clear that opposition to desalination in general did not drive the event; consensus found fault in general with this particular project proposal in this particular location. Seawater desalination is a solution of last resort after remedies that are proven to be far less expensive and far more efficient: conservation, rainwater capture, recycling, and groundwater remediation.
Damon Nagomi, Senior Attorney for the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), offered an action plan for citizens planning to attend the next meeting of the Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board (SARWQCB) on December 6 at Huntington Beach City Hall Council Chambers .
Poseidon is only one of many bad ideas NRDC is working to prevent, but it’s the biggest. The privatization of water by Poseidon is one of the top 50 infrastructure projects proposed by the Trump administration in early 2017. Poseidon’s HB project has become politicized.
Along with the NRDC, https://www.nrdc.org/ many influential groups stand against Poseidon and for coastal protection:
OC CoastKeeper, https://www.coastkeeper.org/
California CoastKeeper Alliance, https://cacoastkeeper.org/
Surfrider Foundation, https://www.surfrider.org/
Azul, https://azul.org/en/who-are-we/ , and
California Coastal Protection Network, http://www.coastaladvocates.com/
Citizens will be able to give their opinions and ideas about the proposed seawater desalination plant at a public hearing of the Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board on December 6, 2019. The Board will use what they hear to amend or vote on one of the permits Poseidon needs in order to continue the process.
The six Regional Board members are affected by personal stories, real narratives, and constituents’ opinions. Our collective voice can make a difference, so mark your calendar now: December 6th, 9 AM.
If you missed Tuesday’s meeting you can watch and listen at : https://www.facebook.com/Coastkeeper/videos/886693031731836/
Get more facts and learn about the Poseidon Project at Cal Desal Facts, http://www.californiadesalfacts.org ,
Orange County Water District, https://www.ocwd.com/ ,
California WaterKeeper Alliance, https://waterkeeper.org .
See you on December 6 at Huntington Beach City Hall Council Chambers – 9:00am.
Who’s on the SARWQCB? That sounds familiar from the last year. Was Kris Murray appointed to it?
Probably, I have only two good State Senator friends – Moorlach who’s a Republican and said he knows how crooked she is but “the best I can do as a Republican is abstain.” and the other, Josh, who’s temporarily in exile, and found, when he tried to lobby his old comrades against her, that he “doesn’t have as much juice as I used to, now that I’m in exile.”
(goes and checks)
Yup, she got herself on there. https://www.waterboards.ca.gov/santaana/board_info/board_members.html There’s a definite Poseidon vote. I guess she didn’t totally go away after all… (sigh)