Community Legal Clinic & Resource Fair, 11/9 at Santa Ana College!




You may remember, last month the Orange County Legal Clinic (afilliated with Chicanxs Unidxs and Resilience OC) celebrated our one-year anniversary of service to the underserved communities of OC with a barbecue and legal clinic at Memorial Park – we listed a few of our achievements during that year on this post:

  • We linked a 13-year old Santa Ana youth from Santa Ana to the mental health services he desperately needed. School police had charged him with two sets of felonies at age 12 and 13. The Juvenile Court system and OC Public Defenders office diverted the charges once the youth was linked appropriately, and his expulsion from the district was prevented.
  • We helped a 12-year old girl get back home after running away and being afraid to contact police.
  • We helped a man in his 30’s reduce his sentence from 100 years to four.
  • We helped a woman in her 50’s who’d been facing housing and employment exclusion for many years by linking her to services and helping her to expunge her record.
  • We helped a family with a 5-year old son to get the mold in their apartment removed.

This Saturday, Nov. 9, from 9am to 1pm, we’ll be having another free legal clinic at Santa Ana College’s Building A.  Let anyone you know who might need this – they can get help with:

  • gang database removal
  • gang injunction removal
  • sealing juvenile records
  • expungement
  • re-entry plans
  • special education
  • immigration
  • and preparing your own case.

But at THIS PARTICULAR EVENT, we will have a lot more partners helping us:  UCI Law, Community Legal Aid SoCal, OC Public Defender, Public Law Center, Elder Law & Disability Rights Center, and World Relief Southern California.  With this awesome phalanx of allies at our side, you can also get help with: 

  • immigration
  • “new leaf”
  • family law
  • tax law
  • DACA
  • consumer law
  • and elder law.

Disclaimer: No guarantee of legal representation – but we can help you get in touch with a good attorney if you need one.  Park in Lot #6 or #1, $2 per car.  See you there! 




About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.