
John Bolton, Mike Pompeo, Don Donald Trump, Mike Pence … projecting neoconfidence!
One of the columns I’ve mentally prepared myself to write later this year is whether Don Donald Trump might unleash an “October Surprise” in the form of precipitating a fight with Iran (or maybe Venezuela, but more likely Iran) that would elicit a “rally ’round the flag effect” that could carry him to victory. (You don’t have to “fool all of the people all of the time” to win, after all — just enough of the people on one particular day.)
It didn’t occur to me that the October surprise might come in January, but it sort of makes sense.
This isn’t about the November election itself, directly; my guess us that it’s about impeachment. It’s now looking like there will be at least some witnesses in the Senate trial. And the witness that Trump may fear most is his former National Security Advisor John Bolton, the guy in the photo with the mustache that is hiding god knows what.
Bolton is the most neoconservative of the neoconservatives, except possibly for Dick Cheney, who goaded George W. Bush into nation-building (preceded by nation-wrecking) in Iraq. The leading neocon in public life now is Sen. Lindsay Graham; John McCain was another stellar hawkish example. Within Asia Minor, the neocon rallying cry in the lead-up to the Gulf War was “Boys go to Baghdad, real men go to Teheran” — which, if you don’t know your national capitals, meant that taking over Iraq should be followed by an invasion of neighboring Iran. (Read that linked article there; it’s good.)
John Bolton apparently thinks that Trump is a dim bulb, an ethical horror show, and a foolish weakling when it comes to foreign policy. He’s made it clear that he would like to testify in the Senate impeachment trial; however, he would not do so voluntarily, but only in response to a Senate subpoena. (Bolton may be a madman and a mass murderer, but he does have some sense of personal ethics — enough so to put him on the outs with Don Donald.)
Trump presumably knows that Bolton could nail him to the wall on his actions in Ukraine — and would relish doing so — so the question is how to shut him up?
This is how. Bolton, like the other top neocons, wants above all the neutralization of Iran as a regional (let alone global) power. Now Trump looks like he is bumbling his way into war with them. Will Bolton undercut the President under such circumstances? No, I don’t think he will — at least not until and unless the Iranian government falls (which is to say: not in 2020.)
That doesn’t mean that Bolton will lie to Congress; I tend to think that he wouldn’t. But to avoid undercutting the war effort he’s so dearly wanted, I think that he will fight in court the subpoena that he previously implied he’d welcome — enough (given how courts work) to delay it past the election.
Of course, the other thing that a war does is give the President greatly enhanced war powers — something we really didn’t think was enough to engulf large parts of the Constitution until the neocons, led bu Dick Cheney, managed to make it happen during the Afghanistan and Gulf Wars. (Seriously: I took constitutional law during the 1999-2000 term, and by the end of 2001 my professors were apologizing for not having taught us that much of what we’d learned apparently no longer applied.)
What can Trump do as a War President? (Afghanistan doesn’t really count, but Iran would. Will.) Unfortunately, we’ll probably find out. But the first thing he’ll have done is shut up the man — other than Squirrely Rudy Giuliani — who could do the most to ruin him.
The argument now, coming from the Chair of the Joint Chiefs if Staff, is that Qasem Soleimani was directing an imminent attack on American troops that could have killed thousands.
Lindsay Graham received an intelligence briefing and he he believes it. That bar to clear is not merely low, it’s buried.
Adam Schiff said that the attack makes war more likely, but so far as I can tell hasn’t yet (so far as I can tell) said anything about this justification, but I don’t know that I’d believe him either way.
Other countries don’t seem to buy it.
This is why credibility on the international stage matters, despite what Trump seems to believe.
There’s also discussion of whether this was an act of self-defense (Trump Admin), terrorism (Iran), something less than war, (Pelosi, Schiff) or war itself.
As noted above, it’s not likely preemptive self-defense against an imminent attack. But nor, given that this was a military target, is it an act of terrorism.
What is in act of war? Well, let me ask you this: if, prior to Pearl Harbor, Japan had dropped a bomb that killed Gen. Dwight Eisenhower, would that have been considered an act of war?
Sure it would have. And an assassination, too.
*Who was that Washington Reporter killed in the Turkish Embassy by the Saudi’s again?
The whole world is having more fun than it can enjoy!
We let the Turks kill our Kurd Allies?
The Shia fight ISIS…..so then we go after the Shia?
So, if you can’t cause a war one way…..try something else?
Hey, this is only politics…how can you take it seriously?
Adnan Khashoggi. (Pronounced “kuh-SHOAG-jee,” who was himself Saudi (and who was cut into pieces to be smuggled out of the embassy.)
I can’t explain this betrayal of the Kurds except by suspecting that Putin got word to Trump that it would be a good idea.
*The downing of the 737 taking off from Tehran yesterday was auspicious timing and coincidence..for sure. The secret meeting with Saudi Prince in the Whitehouse….also curious timing…. Hey, the Iranians are the most cultured, educated and intelligent people in the Middle East. The General supposedly had killed 609 Americans in the last 10 years, yet never took credit. How many Americans has our Chief Exec killed in the last three years? Just asking!
Can’t wait to see the compelling evidence of an Immediate and imminent attack on American
*A real flogging and wagging the dog moment to be sure! “Oh man, you beat me up when we were in Kindergarten….I’m just getting even…!”
*Late news from the news room. Since The Trumpster has instituted Sanctions on Iran it is restricting the import of 2 million barrels of oil a day to the world market. This artificially raises the cost of gas at the pump. Get it?
*The Ukrainian Airliner video on Twitter….is pretty compelling. Though not definitive..
Could’ve been anyone!