Not really, I can’t improve on Gabriel Garcia Marquez.
Black Sabbath, MAYBE.
Nimrods gathered in their masses Hoarding paper for their asses
Brawling over bottled water As the temperature gets hotter
In the stores the bodies sweating While the virus does its spreading
Busting heads for sanitizer Civil co-existence dies here – Oh Lord yeah!
Politicians gauge their interests now
Some say panic, some say chill
Some say it’s blown up by the media
Wait till their favorite aunt gets ill – yeah!
A trillion and a half to bail out Wall Street now
Nothing left for families or for schools
The stock market’s all this Trump guy cares about
Tell me who elected this damn fool – yeah!
MAGA maggots need no coaxing To believe it’s all just hoaxing
Guess that “fake news” ain’t so fake now Still they’ll blame Obama somehow.
As employers start to fire us, Guess who’s got coronavirus?
Begging mercy for his sins, COVID laughing spreads its wings – Oh Lord yeah!
(Some material suggested by Robert Sparks, who’s been staying with us the last couple days.)
Speak on whatever, it’s your fucking weekend open thread.
Hey, Vern, on your About page, what were you actually doing when that facepalm picture was taken? I’ve always been curious and now with more downtime at home to ask a random question for the hell of it. 🙂
That was in 2012 when I became a Republican. (So I could vote against Romney twice.) I wrote a very serious story about it here:
Funny, now Romney looks good. How the times continue to suck worse and worse.
Do not mean to be any way negative, but…if your immune system has been compromised due to Chemo, Extensive Radiation treatments or on going medical issues that are in any way systemic like diabetes ……the risk is that getting regular flu or anything else could be very serious. Age is a relative measure. What do they say? Your biologicalage is not necessarily tied to your physical age. Heredity, Environment,and Conditioning are all important in the process, with not just one of those being the Silver Bullet. Might bring to your attention that the Bubonic Plague, Typhoid, Malaria, Polio and Typhus for example all required CURES…..not therapies. These were all just Viruses of course…..just like the CoronaVirus, some virulent and some totally innane. Like Snakebite, if you get bit it wil require proper Corrective Action to survive. Making old people stay home over 60 seems like a completely stupid response to this crisis. Anyone with a Compromised Immune System, at any age is at risk. But what do we know?
Hi Vern
If Robert Sparks is still alive, please let him know Im trying to get in contact.
Worried sick about him for about 3.5 years.
Im stage 4 cancer, nearing hospice, would like to know he is ok. We were close friends for 8 yrs, when he said he was going back to streets…last I heard. My fingers been crossed all this time.
If you have news, good or bad, please email me.