Coronavirus Weekend Open Thread! And virtual concert.




First – a really useful graphic laying out the MASTERPIECE we are all trying to achieve together with social distancing:

NEXT:  Dr. Peter Lin explains the actual virus, very well:

Next, Greg shares a press release about Gov. Newsom’s Public Health Order to reduce community spread of Covid-19, swiped from Voice of OC.  It’s very well-written and informative.





Date:  3-20-20       Time:  0948 hours

What Orange County Residents Should Know About State Public Health Officer Order

To reduce the risk of exposure to COVID-19, Governor Gavin Newsom and the State Public Health Officer issued an order telling all California residents to stay home unless they work in one of the 16 federal critical infrastructure sectors (

The order, available at, aims to protect the health of all Californians by establishing consistency across the state to mitigate the impacts of COVID-19. Orange County residents can still go to the grocery store to buy food, the pharmacy to pick up their medications, get gas and continue banking.

Businesses that remain open are encouraged to support their employees in working from home as much as possible. Employers and employees who need financial assistance during this time, should visit the Employment Development Department’s COVID-19 website (

Residents are encouraged to practice good health hygiene, including washing their hands, staying home if they are sick, avoiding close contact with people who are sick, and covering coughs and sneezes with a tissue or their sleeves (not hands). Practice social distancing whenever possible by keeping a distance of six feet between yourself and others.

Does this supersede the County of Orange Public Health Order?

Yes. Our order includes that any State of California Orders that are more restrictive supersede the County Public Health Order.

How long will we stay home?

This order went into effect Thursday, March 19, 2020 and will remain in place until further notice.

Which businesses can stay open?

Businesses and employees will have to review the 16 federal critical infrastructure sectors ( to determine if they will still operate and at what level.

What can I do? What’s open?

Per the order, essential services will remain open such as:

  • Gas stations
  • Pharmacies
  • Food: grocery stores, farmers markets, food banks, convenience stores, take-out and delivery restaurants
  • Banks
  • Laundromats/laundry services

Essential state and local government functions will also remain open, including law enforcement and offices that provide government programs and services.

What’s closed?

  • In-restaurant dining (eating inside a restaurant)
  • Bars and nightclubs
  • Entertainment venues
  • Gyms and fitness studios
  • Public events and gatherings
  • Convention Centers

This is not an exhaustive list. Please refer to the 16 federal critical infrastructure sectors (

Can I go outside?

You can go outside for walks and recreation but won’t be able to do so in groups. We recommend avoiding play structures and playgrounds as they are high-touch areas.

Can I visit my family?

You can continue to interact with family.

Why should I comply?

This is a lawful order from the State of California that requires your compliance. This order protects the health of all California residents. By staying home you are protecting your loved ones and your neighbors. Your community needs your help to “flatten the curve,” which reduces the risk of exposure for everyone. This is best accomplished by adhering to the guidelines defined above. We are requesting your voluntary compliance.

Where does this apply?

This is in effect throughout the State of California.

Who do I call?

For business questions, this is a directive from the State. Please refer to the guidelines on the 16 federal critical infrastructure sectors (

For more information on the State order, visit

For general information about COVID-19, please call the OC Health Care Agency’s (HCA) Health Referral Line at (800) 564-8448, visit, or follow the HCA on Facebook (@ochealthinfo) and Twitter (@ochealth).

For non-medical questions, contact the County of Orange Public Information Hotline at (714) 628-7085.


Our amigo Ricardo received this from a nurse friend, and asked us to pass it on:

This is Jennie with Nat’l Nurses United, with a crucial request. There is a bill before Congress that would allow OSHA to enact an Emergency Temporary Standard to protect health care workers, and therefore patients and the public, against the spread of coronavirus. Can you call your Rep today and ask them to support this bill?

And please dial (202) 335-6015 to reach our COVID-19 national hotline. Just enter your zip code to be automatically connected to your Rep. Ask them to demand that H.R. 6139, the COVID-19 Worker Protection Act of 2020, be included in the next COVID-19 omnibus bill without any weakening amendments. Also ask them to vote YES on the House floor. Please share this info with your friends and family. Thanks for your support!


If you’re real bored at 4 today (Sunday) go to Facebook …

Vern’ll be doing a virtual concert


with all your requests.

A few problems – my sustain pedal was only working intermittently;
My voice hurts my ears;
Donna hated Stars and Stripes Forever and stopped filming after that;
And FB sent me a notice that they cut out some of the music because of ownership – that was probably Zeppelin’s Rain Song. YouTube removed my performance of that a few years ago. Whoever owns that song in this century (and I doubt it’s Jimmy Page and Robert Plant) is REALLY POSSESSIVE.

March 2020 Green Day rewrite:
We’re checking in from Anna Drive
Is anyone out there left alive?
Wake me up when this Virus ends.
The toilet paper’s bought and sold.
The Great Sidhu Recall’s on hold.
Wake me up when this Virus ends.
Nothing but COVID-19 on MSNBC.
We’re flattening the curve I know, but the curve is flatt’ning me.
We’re stir crazy in this place,
I guess we miss the human race,
Wake me up when this Virus ends!

Found on OC Buzz

This is your Weekend Open Thread.  Use it wisely.  Or at least entertainingly.

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.