by Mike Robbins:
Remember Short-Term Rentals? STR’s? What a controversy they were in central Anaheim a few years ago, with their noise and chaos in formerly peaceful residential neighborhoods?
And how our previous city council, after a lot of legal wrangling with the profiteering owners, had them all set to be phased out by last year?
And how our new Mayor Sidhu and his council majority, after receiving many thousands of campaign dollars from the STR owners, quickly reversed that phase-out, granting the 200+ existing STR’s in Anaheim a monopoly to stay in business as long as they want?
Well… you may or may not be surprised to hear that these STR’s are in FULL SWING right now, even in the middle of the Coronavirus Pandemic!

Four cars at one short-term rental!
So, check it out: The other day I’m just out in the front of my house and I notice some activity around the corner. There at the local STR, three cars are pulling up and people are piling out! Besides the four or five adults I can see, I also hear kids screaming in the pool! Looks like STR’s are back for COVID 19 Vacations!
Then my friend Fred, four houses down, emails me screaming in ALL-CAPS that he’s going crazy with the STR vacationers next to him. I rush out to meet him and calm him down. We all agree to bombard code enforcement with calls about the transgression.
The very next day I get an email from another neighbor who has 2 STR’s behind him near Cerritos and Walnut. He writes that he is incredulous that vacationers are screaming in the pool behind him all day long!
We’ve ALL been calling code enforcement every day now.

Another STR with cars in the driveway
Then yesterday our friend Cecile calls with her story of the STR next to her on Ord way. The vacationers screaming in the pool claimed they were quarantining in the neighborhood! Note the Maserati in the driveway of this STR
– Vern pic attached
What manner of people are these, denying the reality, the seriousness of the Pandemic that has killed tens of thousands of people in our great nation?
ONE gaggle of vacationers told us they were “quarantining,” Another group, when asked, they replied their family was vacationing and I noted they were all in bathing suits.

And they came from as far as Colorado, Nevada, and ALASKA! To enjoy Anaheims CoVid hospitality.
As the world goes crazy and all of us are locked down to protect our families, friends and neighbors … Short Term Rentals in Anaheim still open their inviting arms to Vacationers? Hotels have been closed… yet somehow it’s copasetic to inundate our neighborhoods with strangers.
The thoughtless come to Anaheim to roost? Or are they just amazingly careless?
Are these Covid 19 patients in the STRs? Is this their cool, dark place to recover, in our neighborhoods?
Over 60,000 Americans dead in these last 60 days (as of April 29, 2020.) More than 1,000 people are dying every day from COVID 19. That’s more Americans, on average, than died in one day in WWII AND THE CIVIL WAR COMBINED! More Americans have died so far than in 10 years of war in Vietnam.
But Anaheim is the sleepy little town with a low death rate so far. So, is Anaheim the perfect place for the infected to come to quarantine?
Or just to play?

Ord St STR
Well that would be crazy RIGHT?!
Short Term Rentals SERIOUSLY?!!
I leave no civic leaders out – This is another prime example of the senselessness at all levels, another case in point as a failure of our political leadership; A prime example of the lack of leadership from the Anaheim city council to the OC Board of Supervisors, to the governor and right up to the President in this pandemic.
Michael J Robbins
Contact number for code enforcement – STRs@anaheim.net
Call this # at night after 8 pm to 5:30 am: 714-745-0190
What a load of shit. I was wondering why all the fucking STRs in my housing complex (I seem to be awfully close to your friend, as I’m right cornering Ceritos and Walnut myself) were still operating. Didn’t realize they’d reversed that bill, absolutely disgusting. These vacationers need to go the hell home, and leave us in peace.
Having a 10 bedroom STR with a pool behind my home in Anaheim for the last five years I can say with complete confidence that STR owners do not care about the residents around their mini motels. The ONLY thing greedy STR owners care about is money.
Also the guests who stay dont care about the neighbors either. They descend on their vacation home oblivious to the neighbors and how they destroy the lives of the neighbors with their many cars full of many people dragging their belongings into their vacation house, days of screaming in the pool for hours, piles of trash falling out of trash barrels.
All they care about is having a screaming good time!!! They are on vacation!!! Quiet time and respect for the neighbors??? What is that. I am paying a lot of money and will do as I please!!!!
And the new Mayor Sidhu and his three City Council goons dont give a crap either. They were bought off with campaign money and immediately have given STR owners a pass. It is unbelievable that these people will go on vacation in the midst of Covid-19. The audacity of coming to our city and or state and possibly bringing the virus with them.
What insanity. What arrogance on their part and the STR owners. But right now all the STR owners can think about is all the money they are losing right now. So they are desperate right now and will do anything to rent their house during the Pandemic. They care about no one!!! Just their bank account!!! They are proving once again what they care about.
My name is Emilie, an 18 year old girl from Norway. I will be a student at McDaniel College at the Pre Medical program this fall, and I am very interested in renting this room. I hope to hear from you soon.
Wrong “Westminster,” Lisa. Welcome to Maryland.
Damn! Posts from conservative Sean Cocca, liberal Mike Robbins, and politically agnostic Chairman Vern on the same day! Now THAT is the way that this blog is supposed to run!
Hmmm… I THINK I’m kinda liberal…
What’s the name of that club you belong to?
Ahem: the first rule is that you don’t talk about it.
Anaheim Democrats. And once again I’m in hot water with them, this tine for opposing the Ceci Recall, lol.
But what’s that got to do with whether I’m liberal or not?
I thought you don’t like the words “liberal” and “conservative”!
I love the words conservative and liberal, and I think they both denote very respectable valuable world views. But both those words have become problematic and abused in recent decades.
First right-wing propagandists (aided by some disappointing Democrats) turned “liberal” into a dirty word, and then folks who are really liberal started calling themselves “progressive” instead. I embrace the word liberal. It is related to both “liberty” and “generosity.” The USA is a great ongoing liberal experiment.
There are also great conservative values, and I reserve that word for folks who actually exhibit those values – like, locally, Tait, Moorlach, Ryan, Cynthia, Zenger. I get pissed when we use the word “conservative” to describe the most hateful aspects of rightwingers.
I’m liberal and conservative, I think a person needs to be both, just like most nations are part capitalist and part socialist, just a question of balance or degree. It’s like having a left and right hand. Or brain-half.
Apparently there are big angry protests going on in HB. I’m sure that Michael Gates is dealing with it gingerly, unless they are Latino.