
Let’s go beyond the Orange Curtain, where we will find … looks like foliage! (And the last of our election results.)
Orange County has the following multi-county legislative races:
Every biennial election:
CA-38 (shared with LA, west of northwest; Sanchez)
CA-39 (shared with LA, north, and San Bernardino; Cisneros)
CA-47 (shared with LA west of southwest; Lowenthal)
CA-49 (shared with San Diego; Levin)
AD-55 (shared with LA, north, and San Bernardino; Chen)
Presidential Years
SD-29 (shared with LA, North, and San Berdoo (Chang/Newman)
Gubernatorial Years
SD-28 (shared with LA, west of northwest; Archuleta)
SD-36 (shared with San Diego)
BOE 3 (shared with San Diego and Inland Empire; Mike Schaefer)
These races are generally the last to finish, absent a recount, because our Registrar of Voters office is so much better than our neighbors’. (It’s just a fact)
But now they are finished, so we can close the books on them and look towards November, or whenever the next election is held.
CA-38 (shared with LA, west of northwest; Sanchez)
Linda Sanchez only has La Palma (and perhaps another few stray neighboring precincts) and was a cinch to make the runoff. She will face fellow Democrat Michael Tolar, who may be a DINO for all I know. She beat him with 77.7% overall; 77.8% in LA and 72.7% in OC. If you can get a straight-up bet on Sanchez, take it!
CA-39 (shared with LA, north, & San Berdoo; Cisneros)
Gil Cisneros trails Young Kim overall by a 46.9% to 48.3% margin. Lefty NPP Steve Cox got 4.8%. Cox’s votes are likely to go to Gil or sit it out, so I’d call that a slight edge for Gil. Regardless, Democrats do better in the runoff than they do in the primary, especially in a Presidential year, due to greater turnout, so unless Republicans have literally no better place to put their money, the odds favor Gil. Don’t get overconfident; Republicans will pour a lot into this race even if they think it’s a rathole, so Gil will need both donations and volunteers to win.
The county breakdown is: Gil leads in LA, 53.7% to 41.8%; Kim leads in OC, 50.4 to 44.7%; and Kim leads in SB, 49.7% to 46.4%. (Cox did worst in his own home county; Kim and Gil each won the other’s home county.) Trump should do well in this district — but not well enough to bring Kim with him.
CA-47 (shared with LA west of southwest; Lowenthal)
Al Lowenthal will once again face John Briscoe in November. Lowenthal led him by 45.4% to 16.8% overall. The remaining 38% was split 19.7% among Democrats and 18.2% for Republicans, so there’s no argument that that will bail out the red team. Lowenthal’s lead over Briscoe was only 39.1% to 21.7% in OC, but a whopping 49,5% to 13.7% in LA.
CA-49 (shared with San Diego; Levin)
Mike Levin leads Brian Maryott by 56.6% to 43.4%. In OC, Maryott leads with 53.5%; in SD, though, Levin leads with exactly 60.0%. And San Diego had right around 75% of the votes cast. So Levin is not in much danger this year.
SD-29 (shared with LA, North, and San Bernardino)(Chang in recall / Newman in 2016)
Ling-Ling Chang won the primary with 47.4% overall to 33.5% for Josh Newman and 19.1% for Joseph Cho, who is eliminated. Ling-Ling beat Josh 42.5% to 31.3% in LA, where Cho took 26.2% in his home county. In OC, she won by a 47.9% to 34.6% margin, with Cho at 17.5%. In SB, which is under 9% of the overall vote, her lead was 52.% to 27.9%, with 20.1% for Cho.
So you can look at this as Chang getting almost a majority — or as Democrats with a combined 5 point lead. The way I look at it is: Newman conserved his resources in the primary while Chang and even Cho had more signs up. If we presume for now that Cho’s supporters would have split 1/3 for the other Asian candidate and 2/3 for the other Democrat, Chang would have an estimated 8 point lead, 54% to 46%, in the primary. With the blue tilt of higher turnout elections and a more aggressive campaignfrom Josh, this runoff would seem to be close to even, leaning slightly red for now.
AD-55 (shared with LA, north, and San Berdoo; Chen)
Last (and, let’s face it, least) among the three northern contests pits Democrat Andrew Rodriguez against incumbent Philip Chen. Chen got 56.2% of the vote to Rodriguez’s 43.8%. Rodriguez led with 52.4% in LA; Chen led with 60.6% in OC — which has more than half the votes in this district — and 55.6% in SB. It isn’t impossible for Rodriguez to make up that sort of ground, but it’s a steep hill to climb.
This is no longer your Weekend Open Thread Do not talk about anything else but that, and not anything else you’d like, without regard to any unreasonable bounds of decency and decorum.
Time to listen to Bill Withers’ best songs! You can count ’em on one hand, but they sure were memorable and special:
I couldn’t find the MSNBC clip from a year or two ago of him calling Trump a motherfucker on Joy Reid’s show. Rest in Peace!
*Our love for Bill Withers is endless. The many truths in life are exposed and given in the music of our society. Bill Withers and Aretha Frankin will last forever. In the meantime, our society is coming apart because of poor leadership. In the next seven months we will determine the future of this planet. No Pressure!!!! The truth is that with 100 million people out of work….the destruction of our Social Enterprise known as the USA will disintegrate and find chaos if we do not do something positive. The music is the answer. If we study the music of the 60’s and 70’s we will have the knowledge to make it through. Will enough find it, or simply rely on songs like “Honey” by Bobby Goldsbero? And “Last Kiss” by Brian Hyland.
As we watch the demise of our society right in front of our own eyes, we have to determine in our wisdom whether Minorities will kill or save our Nation.
Uh, Ron? Do we have any determination to make about the majorities too?
*Hmmm… I think the Winships have blown this Weekend Open Thread. I’ll start a new one.
We’ve been XWOTTED! Oh well — any comments on multiple-county results? Anyone? Brian Maryott? Anyone?
“As we watch the demise of our society right in front of our own eyes, we have to determine in our wisdom whether Minorities will kill or save our Nation.”
And a comparatively comprehensible comment becomes a ball of flame crashing into the ocean.
Er,…… Priorities ?
*Yeah Dr. Dr., as our “Fearless Leader” might say: “When you see that Cosmic Fireball heading to earth…hold your hand in front of your face…until it hits!”
Look at it this way: All the great restaurants we would go to only 60 days ago
may be gone and never to re-open again. Remember all those great Mom and
Pop Non-Essential Shops you used to go to……they too may be gone. Replaced
by what? Most folks are victims of habit. They go to the same places, eat at the same restaurants, buy the same goods, drive the same cars, get gas at the same gas station. You take away those places and the have to find NEW places and as we can see….staying at home is causing serious Domestic Abuse Issues, Frustration, Stress and a lot of Societal Anger about almost anything…including the News and the Television programs that are available. Now you add to that that our Technology is going Ape and we are entering a Matrix Virtual Society Mantra…..and you have to ask yourself a question. Why is this happening? Of course most people are not brave enough to want an actual answer….which is understandable. Too many people to hold accountable….maybe?
Ron, let me give you some advice that should help get you and Anne through the days ahead. Stop watching TV!
*Yeah, we did that a lot back in the 1970’s when Jimmy Carter was the President,
and believe it or not…..they had Newspapers, Magazines and Mail Advertisements that related little things like “Not going to the Olympics…..the Saudi Oil Crisis and serious Gas Lines, Russian Warships off Huntington Beach, 20% Unemployment, 20% Mortgage Rates, “A Time when we should prepare for less…”, “Billy Beer”, and an Administration that could not find their way home at night without a Flashlight on their foreheads and an Indian Guide. The American Fall from Grace..but of course we wouldn’t believe Dan Rahter or anyone else.
We just kept putting 101 Octane into our Muscle Car……and shooting pool at the local bar. But those days are kind of over….Tony! Just saying!