Do the OC Supervisors even CARE about Covid Deaths in Skilled Nursing Facilities?




By John Earl, cross-posted from Surf City Voice.

If the Memorial Day protesters and all of the un-masked believers in the “plandemic” who took over public comments at local city council meetings in the last few months haven’t convinced you that the elderly are the most despised and neglected COVID-19 population, consider what happened at the June 11th press conference held by the Orange County Board of Supervisors.

First, chairperson Michelle Steel gave a short update for June 11 of the County’s COVID-19 stats: 260 new cases and 202 deaths to date, but didn’t mention that weekly case-number averages are still increasing (the curve has not been flattened).

She quickly added, “Our hearts go out to the families of those who have passed.”

Next, she bragged about the “rapidly increasing” number of COVID-19 tests given by the Orange County Healthcare Agency and private labs, even though the County’s own stats show that testing is declining overall of late.

Then Chairperson Steel under-counted hospital and ICU COVID-19 patients (county stats here, state stats here), left out the numbers of additional suspected COVID-19 patients, bragged about the 46.6 percent recovery rate out of 7,987 “confirmed” cases, and declared that “Orange County is well on its way out of this situation.”

The County has been on top of the COVID-19 pandemic from the start, she claimed. And even though its effect on businesses, workers, and families has been devastating, “we have continued to see very low numbers of COVID-19, especially relative to our surrounding counties.”


Steel joyfully waxed on that Dr. Clayton Chau, the County’s interim Health Officer, hired after the abrupt resignation of Dr. Nichole Quick just days before, would issue an order allowing businesses to reopen.

Chau would also announce that wearing masks, which Steel said the County “strongly recommends” (which, despite a previous order by Quick, Steel never required or even asked to be worn at supervisors meetings, where she allowed hundreds of anti-maskers to speak through a non sanitized mic) are no longer mandatory.

“Public health is the most important thing in this crisis”, she concluded, encouraging everyone to “be safe.”

But what about the elderly – the people over 65, especially those in skilled nursing facilities, who took care of the rest of us into adulthood and beyond but make up almost half of the COVID-Reaper’s victims?

Read the rest on Surf City Voice if, unlike our Supervisors, YOU CARE about our elderly population!


About Surf City Voice

John Earl is the editor of SoCal Water Wars (previously Surf City Voice.) Frequent contributor Debbie Cook, a former Huntington Beach Mayor, is board president of the Post Carbon Institute.