Merry Christmas or whatever floats your boat, here’s your Weekend Open Thread – pontificate, bloviate, hold forth on whatever your hearts desire, we’re gonna watch this new Christmas Lincoln Project video (since we did this same thing for our Thanksgiving Open Thread) – it’s called “Legacy,” and like the Thanksgiving one it uncharacteristically, stubbornly, and pointedly ignores today’s raging fucktards:
Hey, how about that President of ours? He’s got 26 more days in office, how can he hurt us any worse? Well, rest assured, he’s been thinking up ways! Just the last couple days:
- he pardoned dozens of 1) corrupt politicians like himself, most of ’em either allies and co-conspirators, and 2) brutal war criminals such as he dreams of being;
- he refused to sign a vital Defense Bill mostly because he didn’t like renaming military bases named after Confederate traitors;
- and it looks like he’s “pocket-vetoing” an even MORE vital Covid relief bill so that Congress can’t override him and the rest of the ungrateful nation can go to hell while he spends his time golfing and bitching.
Anything to talk about there? It could be boring and predictable though. We’ve run out of sufficient words of abuse for this man.
Well, how about all the millions of Americans out there who are ignoring pandemic safety and travelling to be with their stoopid families for Christmas. Because of them we’re gonna see an even more staggering climb of infections on those charts… but where are Orange County ICU’s gonna go from zero-percent capacity? Is there a basement somewhere?
Or how about, why are thousands of people nationwide reading our new Tito Watch column (while only dozens read the Agents’ Orange history of OC corruption series?) Is Tito Ortiz crack for liberals? Rest assured, we have a third piece in the hopper, to be released on Boxing Day or sooner (i.e. today.) Till then, here’s an OJ classic, KD Lang singing “Jingle Bell Rock” on Peewee’s 1988 Christmas Special.
Also – 11 days till Georgia Election Day – will the Peach State give us a working Senate? Jorge where are you, we need more updates! Meanwhile me and Annemarie made this version of Georgia on my Mind:
Happy Boxing Day, Vern!!
Yes, I read your blog and I’m leaving a post as proof!! Your comment about Tito being crack for (some) liberals is not only accurate, but was prescient. Cheers!! KMN
*Since this is the authentic “Open Thread” for December 27th, 2020 we feel confident enough to leave a few comments: (1) Tito Needs to go to the World Wrestling Assn. and get a certificate of recognition. Wouldn’t want to clash with the “Bald Eagle” for any reason. 2ndly, just 23 days left of the “Trumpster World Crisis Center” made for TV Series. Think he has sold about 200,000 tickets to his “Re-Election Rally for 2024”. Wonder if everyone gets a hot dog and a free hat and T-Shirt? Heck, they should just pay those folks $2 Grand for showing up! 3rd, The good news is that more people died in 2018 and also 2019 than are going to die in 2020 in America! Seems we kill about 700,000 a year with Heart Disease and another 600,000 a year with Cancer. Anyway, just Google it for yourselves! 4th, 2021 is going to be a wonderful year because we will have a complete change of Cabinet Officials at the Federal Level – Glory be to God! Finally, number 5 – Thank you Greg and Vern for your incredible hard work over this last year. Proud of both of you. You put in Yoeman’s diligence and are as persistent as a “Louisiana Tick” in getting your stories out. Thank you…Thank you!
Am I remembering right, that if we win Georgia next week, this’ll be the first time Democrats control the Presidency, Congress, and Senate since … a couple months in the middle of 2009, when we were squeezing through Obamacare? Those were the days when you actually needed 60 votes in the Senate to get anything slightly controversial done… and there were only 6 or 7 weeks between July 2009 when Al Franken finally won all his recounts against Norm Coleman, and late August when Ted Kennedy died and got replaced by that naked guy in the pickup truck. (Now I’m confused because I see O’care passed in 2010… but we got SOMETHING crucial done for it during that little period in summer 2009 where we really needed 60 votes.)
Anyway… hopefully we’ll have 2 or 4 or more years now where we can ACTUALLY GET SOMETHING DONE without compromising it all to shit.
Once every two-year term, using special procedures described in the link below, Congress can pass a special funding resolution with only a majority vote. It’s called a “reconciliation bill.” If I recall correctly, after Obamacare didn’t pass in 2009, they used such a bill to pass it in 2010.
There was SOMETHING essential they did in summer of 2009 during the seven weeks we had 60 votes, something essential for Obamacare back when Mitch’s gang was filibustering everything. I have to figure out how to look that up.