When I sent in my first ‘Tito Watch’ column way back last weekend, Editor Vern wrote back, “I noticed the piece didn’t mention his most recent controversy – his refusal to wear a mask at City Hall. Was that an oversight, or will it be its own piece?”
I told him I was waiting for the conflict to come to a head before I jumped in with my commentary, and expected it would be another couple of weeks before I wrote it. But then, the day before Christmas Eve, ALL THIS HAPPENED:
So now we gotta spend our holidays doing THIS.
Tito’s is a Life Lived On Instagram, and what better way to track the evolution of his insane beliefs than by taking a quick scroll through his profile? Here commences a brief history of Typhoid Tito, as mediated through Instagram posts:
March 27, early on in the pandemic, he voiced support for first responders and asked his followers to obey the stay-at-home orders!
April 8, he got upset when state officials discussed restricting fishing permits. (In case you didn’t know, Tito is an avid fisherman).
April 25, Tito shared his first mask-related post — a piercingly brilliant meme swiped from Donald Trump Jr:
May 1, he showed up to the anti-lockdown protest at the pier.
June 23, Tito posted about the supposed health risks of masks. (Needless to say, this post is completely inaccurate.)

In his Instagram post, Tito refers to this Pseudo-Science as “Common Sense!”
November 3, 2020
After hosting numerous unmasked campaign events, Tito Ortiz is elected to the Huntington Beach City Council.
November 18, Tito continued peddling anti-mask disinformation, posting this debunked Danish study.

Instagram took note of this post and called it “misleading,” as they frequently do to Trump. Tito again exclaims “Common Sense!” and this time he has backup from STEVE LODGE, someone we know well at this blog!
December 12, he spoke about his anti-mask and anti-vaccine views at a “Stop the Steal” rally. This adventure is mysteriously absent from his Instagram profile, but YouTube’s got it:
December 19, the day after the OC Register reported friction at City Hall due to Tito’s anti-mask stance, he shared this viral video. The nurse who posted the original video was fired, and the original was removed from TikTok, but you can still see it on Tito’s IG link above, and here’s a news story about the whole kerfuffle:
December 21, At Tito’s first Council meeting he 1) proposed vitamins as a solution to the COVID crisis in our hospitals, and 2) was rebuked by both Councilman Dan Kalmick and Mayor Kim Carr during the city council meeting for not wearing a mask.
December 23, Tito arrived to volunteer for a turkey giveaway event at Oak View Elementary School, and was confronted by outspoken activist Victor Valladares, and asked by OVSD President Gina Clayton-Tarvin to obey the district’s mask rules while on school property.
One of Tito’s more deranged fans reacted thus to Gina, for her temerity standing up to Tito’s irresponsible masklessness:
Well, but have we gotten through to Tito yet?
Has he learned anything yet?
Will he finally start protecting the people around him by wearing a mask?
December 24, he doubled down by reposting a video smearing the personal reputations of Victor and Gina.
Regardless of how you personally feel about mask-wearing, or any of the people involved in yesterday’s kerfuffle, I think we can all agree that our elected officials have a responsibility to de-escalate conflicts, maintain composure, and lead by example. This was Tito’s first real test as a politician, and he utterly failed.
Someone needs to tell “Huntington Beach Bad Boy” that he’s not in the octagon anymore.
Voting for Tito Ortiz because you like the MMA is like killing you self because you like Dia de los Muertos. The man has beat a woman to a pulp and got away with it, what did you expect
I See Tito’s Future as a Pool Boy lifeguard at “Mar-A-Lago”!
Rocco as gym rat, future laughing stock of OC.
Breaking: Mayor Pro Tem Tito Denied Entry to City Council Strategic Planning Meeting for refusing to wear a mask! I sense a Tito Watch column on its way…
“Great way to start the New Year off,” he cracks ruefully while shaking his head and putting his thumb up, adding in a mutter, “Embarrassing.” LOL, HE thinks WE are embarrassing.